Tottenham close to appointing Postecoglou

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I'm gutted he's even been given the chance. It's clear evidence of how bloody awful we've been that he's been able to skoosh 2 league titles, including a treble while getting ragdolled in Europe by anybody with even an ounce of tactical knowledge.

Shameful from us and it should be a huge lesson.
Listening to Clyde at times like this, I like to quote Hamlet
Act 3
Scene 3
Line 55
"Hannah is a fud"
Away with you my good man, begone Sir.
Surely you realise common sense and reason have no place here?

All sarcasm aside, a fair assessment academical.
Is it being staunch to realise to say that he has spent more money in 2 seasons than we probably have in 5. He isn’t a good manager he never and can’t change his style all the games he has played in Europe proved this. Japan league and getting Australia to a World Cup and people are saying how good he is Fck me he’s 57. This is a guy who said in his first season he needed 2 players to compete in Europe and after getting skelped in his second try in Europe it was another 2 players he needed to compete. I wanted the fat kebab selling kangaroo to stay.
I can't see Kyogo doing it down south, he's too lightweight, he'll get knocked out.

Maybe he'll take Carter Vickers, but Calvin Bassey would be a far better signing

Somebody better tell them Angelos knew he was offski a month ago. He clearly put his home in Oz up for sale knowing he would be needing money for a London property. If his Spurs wages are good, as you would expect, then he should just be about able to afford the deposit for a 2 bed flat in Brixton.

I'm not normally into picking up on people's bodyweight or whatever but that house appears to have 3 dining tables in it, but only 2 bedrooms.
I can't see Kyogo doing it down south, he's too lightweight, he'll get knocked out.

Maybe he'll take Carter Vickers, but Calvin Bassey would be a far better signing

Sorry I don’t follow that logic. Are you telling me there are more cloggers in the EPL with the physical presence to deal with Kyogo than the SPL?
Nut, the eulogising in the media over this fat slob running off to London is outrageous.

A guy is leaving after two years at the club and they're comparing him to Jock Stein ffs.

That support exists entirely to be victims, oppressed and cuckolded by anything and everything around them. How truly sad and pathetic.
Brenda has no interest in coming back, every news outlet running that news
I can’t see where he’s actually said that though, Sun was just citing the fact that he intended to take a break from football following his departure from Leicester and links back to previous quotes of him saying he would go back to scum without hesitation if the time was right. Nothing to say this isn’t now the ‘right time’ and things have changed.

Happy to be wrong and hopefully I’ve missed a fresh quote somewhere else but can’t see anything that’s ruling this out at the mo
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