Kerryfail Meltdown - Yes, they are nutjobs!

Hope Donny is doing okay seems a bit agitated,he does love telling the lie about Nick Walsh even though a quick Google tells you he isn't involved with the Rangers players Physical Education. Bit rich calling anyone thick Donny when you don't even research conspiracy theories .Bet you thought this was real .

No-one ever mentions that Hugh Dallas’ email came to light as a result of a data protection breach, and should have legally been inadmissible as being the fruit of the poison tree. And it was an email he forwarded to one person.
This fcukwit talks about professional courtesy but can't bring himself to say the word Rangers.

Six points in the next two games has them at the edge of the cliff.
It's a load of bollocks ,he heard what he wanted to hear ,Clement said both were good players and the diver scored a world class goal.
He has a problem with anybody not kissing the arse of Celtic players or Rodgers .
Rage, Crying,Lies, Paranoia and Jealousy all in one blog .

The amount of lies in that is unreal and I only managed 2 paragraphs. Never once said anyone was as good as McGregor, he said that he didn't dominate the full game which is accurate.

I can't imagine living in this mutants head. If that had been Rodgers interview he would be spinning it as some amazing tactical press conference that only the best can manage.

Clement literally gives the level-headed fan nothing to react to. But if you're like this fruitcake you can just manufacture rage by spinning everything.
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Rage, Crying,Lies, Paranoia and Jealousy all in one blog .

Brilliant, he talks about honest mistakes. I wonder where he picked that up from. Then thinks their manager will play 2 midfielders who are not 100% fit. A team where we are repeatedly told have the strongest squad and could put out two different teams in this league, that they are that strong.

You can smell the shite and fear coming from him just reading it.
I'd treat that one with a pinch of salt. Stein's best win as Scotland manager would have been against Italy at Hampden in Nov 65. He had Murdoch and Hughes in the side.

The thing is, Stein himself put Jimmy Johnstone on the free transfer list at parkhead six months earlier.
Absolutely, I wasn’t falling for that one.
Stein was no softie, no patsy.
He picked Henderson because he thought Henderson was the best option, the best option to serve himself as much as anything else.
If I won the lottery, I would quit my job, track this jizz stain down and punch him in the throat.

Is that it?
If having won a few millions on the lottery.
I would hire a big boat, take him out to the big blue sea, and pull the bung out.
The fishes could have him.
It's quite incredible how many stupid people have took Ally's comments to mean he was going to sing the billy boys .

Here is another idiot that's reared his ugly head again.

A guy a bigot himself defending a religious bigot who shouted .sectarian filth at the Rangers Manager,players and backroom staff during a game..

Sanctamonious contrarions the pair of them.
Rage, Crying,Lies, Paranoia and Jealousy all in one blog .

You don't deserve any credit for the last win. You did nothing, should've had a penalty against and at least 2 players sent off. You were saved by those biased officials that you hate. Same as the first game of the season. Should've at least drawn that. If our first goal had stood we may have went on to win. That stands and it's a completely different season.
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No-one ever mentions that Hugh Dallas’ email came to light as a result of a data protection breach, and should have legally been inadmissible as being the fruit of the poison tree. And it was an email he forwarded to one person.
Also, before it came out that he had forwarded it, many Tim fans had seen it laughed at it and shared it themselves.
However, it gave them the chance to get revenge for the the OF game and they got it.
Bitter, bitter chunts.
He said they were a good team with a lot of good players. But because he's said what the Celtic support have been saying about their own player all season he has no respect. They need to hate, or more accurately they need to be hated, Clement is a prime example of this. He's given them nothing so they have to pick lines and take them out of context just to feed their need to be victimised. Utterly pathetic.
I've seen it. Unfortunately I'm not in Scotland and think I need to be for it to be an offence.

And can't say I'm particularly offended by it at all. Not sure that it makes me cringe is an offence! :D
If it was originally posted from Scotland you can make a report no matter where in the world you are.
Hope Donny is doing okay seems a bit agitated,he does love telling the lie about Nick Walsh even though a quick Google tells you he isn't involved with the Rangers players Physical Education. Bit rich calling anyone thick Donny when you don't even research conspiracy theories .Bet you thought this was real .

Donny is a nonce. Pass it on.
Btw what conflict of interest would there be for a PE teacher at a high school?

Like what influence could that possibly have? :D

Donny, if you're lurking, you are one stupid deluded lady's front bottom and I hope you have a shit weekend.
Even if accurate compare with a religious teacher at a dedicated school exclusively for RC’s.
A teacher at a non denominational school which is open to all faiths.

It doesn’t even make sense.
Rage, Crying,Lies, Paranoia and Jealousy all in one blog .

When Rangers win tomorrow will he be describing McGregor and Kyogo in such glowing terms.
It’s not that long ago when the paedo enablers were heavily criticising both of them when their results were iffy.
The egotist Rodgers was also described in less than glowing terms.
Only the most bitter fan who applauded Kyogo for a terrific goal could then go onto vilify Clement.
In his psyche he knows we have a manager who knows what he is doing and represents a threat.
I have a message for you our support will not turn on Clement regardless of the outcome of the title this season.
We did not anticipate being in this position when he arrived.

What will be his rhetoric when beaten tomorrow.
It will be the old chestnut never beaten always cheated.
I don’t think he’ll be talking in glowing terms about Rodgers Kyogo and McGregor the bluenose.

As an intelligent man once said we welcome the chase.!
lmao this is loopy

He says because the Hibs player moved first and didn't see Souttar, therefore no penalty, but doesn't use the same reasoning when it applies to celtic? Also he didn't even necessarily say that celtic should have been given a penalty, yet they put the 'xPoints' thing on as if he did? what on earth is all this hahaha
Also interesting that there's no mention of the hibs players encroachment? strange