A Year ago Derek McInnes turned us down


What could've been.... :eek:
We could have had another manager who also had a modelling career, same as The Magnificent Bastard II.

modelling as a homeless jakey for a charity campaign, that is :D
Out of Europe, probably around the same points tally domestically.

He's done a good job at Aberdeen, they seem to always go on around this time of year. Also worth noting their only 6 points behind with a game in hand.
I remember the riddy that night very well. Reading a doc stone post and the. On SSN thinking where the %^*& do we go from here
Stuck in a world of mediocrity.

Would have been an uninspiring appointment, a manager that doesn't know how to play entertaining football.
Not only McInnes but his assistant would’ve been a poor appointment.
At the time, while not 100% convinced on McInnes, I could understand the logic in going after him. However, his assistant is another matter. Like others have mentioned, I wanted him nowhere near our club and I wonder if some board members were not too keen on him either? Or perhaps Docherty himself didn’t fancy it? I think there’s more to it the story than ‘he shat it’.
Welcome to what would've been the Rangers dugout.

19th Century Terroristed up to fu(k.


Would've relinquished over 40 years of support on their appointments.

They were coming at over a million too.

Couldn't have condoned it, just walked away quietly and never returned.

I actually have to thank you Derek, cheers.
I still can't believe he actually knocked it back. He must actually be mental

The deal was set he was coming but Aberdeen had something on him, allegedly he was seeing some bird up there and they put the blockers on it. Not sure if they were going to expose him if he left as obviously his Mrs didn't know.
We wouldn’t be in europe, I’m convinced we would be challenging for the title though.

He knows what he is doing in this league, with a better quality of player and more money to spend, we would challenge the mhanks.

We are still in Europe AND challenging for the title (at this time), so your point is what?