Roger Mitchell tells celtic fans to stop being obsessed with rangers


Well-Known Member
ROGER MITCHELL has urged his fellow Celtic fans to cut out their ‘obsession’ with Rangers.

The former SPL chief executive was in charge of the top flight between 1998 and 2002.

And he has made no secret of his love for the Hoops in the years since.

But now Mitchell has urged his fellow Celtic supporters to take the “moral high ground” and put their obsession with Rangers’financial ‘armageddon’ in 2012 behind them.

Writing on Twitter yesterday, he said: “Since ‘Armageddon’ I’ve been relatively ambivalent about Rangers.

“Been openly a ‘move on’ guy, but still love to see them struggle, like today. So many bhoys are clearly obsessed by them. I mean obsessed.

“Their name, complex insolvency law, Res12, no Old Firm exists.

“Just concentrate on your own team and identity. Don’t define yourself in relation to others, especially when they are so far behind you.

“Take the moral high ground. Don’t drop back to a lower level. But no, every critical statement about Celtic needs a whitabootery defence.

“It’s so weak. If I criticize Celtic management over x, y, z, push back and say I’m wrong, ideally with rational debate.

“Don’t say they were worse. And don’t say I must be one of ‘them’. It’s pathetic honestly.”

Several fans disagreed with Mitchell’s views but in one response, he argued that Rangers are “hated” anyway and that the obsession with their financial troubles should be stopped.

He tweeted: “How can we make sure the disaster that was Rangers can’t happen again? That’s an sfa issue.

“But let’s forget the bloodlust and obsession. They did what they did. They suffered purgatory.

“Their titles are tarnished in non Gers eyes. They are hated.”

Responding to a point from a Light Blues fan about Celtic fans’ blogs being full of stories about the Ibrox club, Mitchell criticised resolutions that have been raised with the Celtic board in regards to their rivals.

He said: “I agree. And then this. They keep badgering in these resolutions.

“Which the board continually ignore. Rightly so. Why don’t they get the message.”
And in another reply, Mitchell insisted the best way for Celtic fans to wind up Rangers is to act as if they no longer matter to them.

He tweeted: “The best way to ‘dis’ a rival is to treat them as if they no longer matter. Not refer to them every day.”

However, Mitchell was also quick to point out that Rangers fans can be just as bad in this regard.

Replying to a Hoops supporter who joked, “you think WE’RE bad Roger”, he said: “Nice one. And I agree. They are burning with resentment.”
The same Roger Mitchell that made it into the Rangers Tax case first 11?

That Roger Mitchell former SPL chief telling Celtic fans to stop obsessing about Rangers?

This Roger Mitchell Aka The Don Dionisio?



ROGER MITCHELL has urged his fellow Celtic fans to cut out their ‘obsession’ with Rangers.

The former SPL chief executive was in charge of the top flight between 1998 and 2002.

And he has made no secret of his love for the Hoops in the years since.

But now Mitchell has urged his fellow Celtic supporters to take the “moral high ground” and put their obsession with Rangers’financial ‘armageddon’ in 2012 behind them.

Writing on Twitter yesterday, he said: “Since ‘Armageddon’ I’ve been relatively ambivalent about Rangers.

“Been openly a ‘move on’ guy, but still love to see them struggle, like today. So many bhoys are clearly obsessed by them. I mean obsessed.

“Their name, complex insolvency law, Res12, no Old Firm exists.

“Just concentrate on your own team and identity. Don’t define yourself in relation to others, especially when they are so far behind you.

“Take the moral high ground. Don’t drop back to a lower level. But no, every critical statement about Celtic needs a whitabootery defence.

“It’s so weak. If I criticize Celtic management over x, y, z, push back and say I’m wrong, ideally with rational debate.

“Don’t say they were worse. And don’t say I must be one of ‘them’. It’s pathetic honestly.”

Several fans disagreed with Mitchell’s views but in one response, he argued that Rangers are “hated” anyway and that the obsession with their financial troubles should be stopped.

He tweeted: “How can we make sure the disaster that was Rangers can’t happen again? That’s an sfa issue.

“But let’s forget the bloodlust and obsession. They did what they did. They suffered purgatory.

“Their titles are tarnished in non Gers eyes. They are hated.”

Responding to a point from a Light Blues fan about Celtic fans’ blogs being full of stories about the Ibrox club, Mitchell criticised resolutions that have been raised with the Celtic board in regards to their rivals.

He said: “I agree. And then this. They keep badgering in these resolutions.

“Which the board continually ignore. Rightly so. Why don’t they get the message.”
And in another reply, Mitchell insisted the best way for Celtic fans to wind up Rangers is to act as if they no longer matter to them.

He tweeted: “The best way to ‘dis’ a rival is to treat them as if they no longer matter. Not refer to them every day.”

However, Mitchell was also quick to point out that Rangers fans can be just as bad in this regard.

Replying to a Hoops supporter who joked, “you think WE’RE bad Roger”, he said: “Nice one. And I agree. They are burning with resentment.”
Takes a lot of words to say don’t be obsessed!
Stupid little prick.
You would have to have weird morals if you thinking having a go at a club over getting into financial problems trumps covering up child abuse Mr Mitchell.

On another note can you imagine anothet former head of the spl talking so disparagingly about a member club?

Doesn't give you confidence that he was impartial while in the job, does it?
ROGER MITCHELL has urged his fellow Celtic fans to cut out their ‘obsession’ with Rangers.

The former SPL chief executive was in charge of the top flight between 1998 and 2002.

And he has made no secret of his love for the Hoops in the years since.

He made no secret of his love for the "hoops" while in post.
This character was head of the SFA?-jesus H chr*st. Why is Scottish football so riddled with these Plastic Paddy's who obsess over The Famous Glasgow Rangers?
A complete clear out is needed if Scottish football is ever to move on.
He tells his fellow mutants not to be obsessed & stop talking about us by...talking about us!

He then talks about them having a " moral high ground,this is a club connected with a child abuse scandal!
It really is all very tiresome. Telling a wee hate filled story about the obsession of us by having a go at us. All very ironic. Absolutely no self respect. You would think someone who once held the job this creature had would have a bit more dignity but no chance. We eat away at them and it's got nothing to do with footballing rivalry and everything to do with sectarian hatred and bigotry which they are full of. When people like this rat are given jobs in positions like he had then it's very very dangerous. This is what we are up against. A man who was in charge of Scottish football telling people we are hated. Disgusting.
I can't believe the irony of what's he's saying. He's talking about "Armageddon" and then goes on to talk about other fans being obsessed.

Think he seems just as obsessed as all the others.

I've got a new manager started in my office and we sat down to a meeting this morning and the first thing that came out her mouth was...."Sevco".

I had to bite by tongue for fear of being out a job come Xmas.
What can you say. Moral high ground?????????? They must still have buckets of sand to put your head in up there.
Only on Planet Potato is the debate over whether any tax is due on earnings higher up the Morality hill than systematic rape and abuse of young boys, spanning decades
Hey roger what the fu*k else are they going to talk/obsess with.
The language this 19th Century Terrorist bigot uses in regards to Rangers is particularly revealing.
That a person holding such a vile opinion of a member club was ever elevated to such a powerful role in the Scottish game explains much about where the game is today with these people in such influential positions.
However, what is even worse is that they don't feel any requirement to hide it.

I have never heard a person even remotely associated to Rangers who has worked in a public position where neutrality was the discretionary demand, use language like this about Celtc.
I am sure if one did, he would be pilloried by the press and media and would never work again in any public capacity and would be condemned and shunned socially as a bigot of the worst type.

There is no level playing field out there, just a poisonous battlefield with no quarter given in a war of hate.
We just haven't woken up to this yet.
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Yep, staggering as it is, he actually talked about the moral high ground. Yes, really.

Secondly, what he doesn’t seem to understand is that the “fans” he talks about aren’t remotely interested in football. Maybe once he understands that they are bigots and that’s what fuels their obsession, he’ll realise they will always be consumed and obsessed by us.
Come on to feck you rhat, how can a club that covered up a historic Paedophile Ring at their club. claim any moral high ground? They would have to climb on the Russian space station to rise above any club never mind us.
Absolutely unbelievable that someone so openly biased in favour of one team actually ran the League they played in at one point? And they say Rangers are supposed to be the establishment club???

Can you imagine the uproar in this country had an ex-SPL/SPFL C.E.O came out on Twitter as so blatantly Rangers leaning?

We should be looking back at any rulings he may have been involved in during his time at the SPL as he’s clearly tainted and always has been by the looks of it.
The language this 19th Century Terrorist bigot uses in regards to Rangers is particularly revealing.
That a person holding such a vile opinion of a member club was ever elevated to such a powerful position in the Scottish game explains much about where the game is today with these people in such influential positions.
However, what is even worse is that they don't feel any requirement to hide it.

I have never heard a person even remotely associated to Rangers who has worked in a public position where neutrality was the discretionary demand, use language like this about Celtc.
I am sure if one did, he would be pilloried by the press and media and would never work again in any public position and would be condemned and shunned socially as a bigot of the worst type.

There is no level playing field out there, just a poisonous battlefield with no quarter given in a war of hate.
We just haven't woken up to this yet.

That was my first thought.

Could you imagine a former ‘chief’ of Scottish football coming out with such vitriolic language toward Celtic, Gordon Smith for instance? He’d be hounded, absolutely hounded.
The language this 19th Century Terrorist bigot uses in regards to Rangers is particularly revealing.
That a person holding such a vile opinion of a member club was ever elevated to such a powerful position in the Scottish game explains much about where the game is today with these people in such influential positions.
However, what is even worse is that they don't feel any requirement to hide it.

I have never heard a person even remotely associated to Rangers who has worked in a public position where neutrality was the discretionary demand, use language like this about Celtc.
I am sure if one did, he would be pilloried by the press and media and would never work again in any public position and would be condemned and shunned socially as a bigot of the worst type.

There is no level playing field out there, just a poisonous battlefield with no quarter given in a war of hate.
We just haven't woken up to this yet.
It really is long overdue that we do wake up.
Start at the ballot box, and then call the bastards out at every chance we get.
He made no secret of his love for the "hoops" while in post.

Was just thinking the same when i saw this.
This no mark seems to be busy trying to raise his profile for some reason. And why are the media giving him a platform ? just another blowhard, ridiculed then and ridiculed now.
I'm still laughing at the moral high ground comment. Morals and the cover up of a paedophile ring... You couldn't make it up.
“Moral high ground”

LMFAO, as some might say. :D
Moral and Celtic are two words that just do not go together no matter how you use them , like trying to join two magnets together , it's just impossible . IMMORAL is a much better suited word for that mob .
High moral ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To quote your wonderful Rabbie Burns ----

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!

How can any group of people be so lacking in self awareness?

Surely, in their fleeting moments of self reflection, they must realise the ludicrous position they are adopting and feel hollow husks of human beings.
Rog' don't give up everything that you and your Weasley minions live for, you'll only self implode.