Barry the tim apologist

pretty much how i feel about it.

I dont have the energy to pretend to be offended by it. The hypocrisy does my nut in but thats exactly what Barry is pointing out.
Barry bead rattler is missing the whole point it’s the discrepancies,the inconsistencies that are beyond comprehensible!! But now a few ex ger players piped up ,eventually!
Barry bead rattler now decided to write this when you’ve had mutton, fatson, Andy plonker all attacking Morelos n gers for past few years why didn’t you say it then.
now it’s all whataboutery as usual when anyone gers related says anything reminds me of spew keevens.
what it is Bharry is everyone connected to the manky mob is running scared started off with a close call last year n we re bck again n the poor decisions n inconsistencies are racking up against Rangers because we re back!!
Between referees,sfa n the republican media We (rangers) really have our work cut out!!
You’re a clown
A clear pop at Sutton etc for their implosion at us hammering them and the ridiculous length of time to get over it. And the hypocrisy of the great offended
Once again Barry manages to miss the whole point, double standards, it's really not that difficult!
I agree he does miss the point of the double standards, he isn’t exactly the brightest. However he is a million miles from being a Tim apologist as some have accused him of.
He actually points out the hysteria over both incidents is ridiculous.
Some people just don’t see things, very worrying!! As a bear the past 8 years we ve been pounded by all free gain nobody pipes up in the media, gers player does daft things aw it’s the end of the world timmy player does something it’s awk it’s only a wee bit of tape nothing to see here!!
we ve had sectarian n racism shouted at or player it’s Morelos fault!!
but we re the ones that get songs banned because of words etc.
Some bears really need to open their eyes n ears.
Barry, you were a Rangers legend as a player - now why are you lying on behalf of Celtic?

I know he had money problems so it is no surprise he’s been Hollicomed.
I agree he does miss the point of the double standards, he isn’t exactly the brightest. However he is a million miles from being a Tim apologist as some have accused him of.
He actually points out the hysteria over both incidents is ridiculous.
Agreed, and I certainly wouldn't call him a Tim apologist.
Morelos got sent off for a second yellow card.. He is not sitting in the stands because of the media, so can I ask what planet are you living on?
To easy to book Morelos , when the likes of Lego goes about like a bull every other game doing leg breaker tackles and get away Scot free!! Or am I just making this stuff up!!
He is correct in what be says but we are not treated to the same shrug of the shoulders approach so I'm going to be offended thanks.
He has a point. It's a nothing incident just like Alfie's what annoys me is the reaction if the media to it all

Alfie has been hung drawn and quartered for making a gesture to Motherwell fans following abuse of he shouldn't do that he needs to just take the abuse. Griffiths he shouldn't get the abuse so is right to react. Its bollocks

He has zero point at all. The two incidents are totally different as Alfredo didn't thrown any objects in to the Celtic crowd but Griffiths threw an object at the killie support and for me it doesn't matter what he threw.

If any Killie supporter had thrown anything at Griffiths then Celtic and the Celtic media would want that person arrested and be moaning about the supporters throwing things at Celtic players .

Alfredo has been racially abused and subjected to sectarian abuse both on the pitch and on the street from Celtic fans had various objects thrown at him so for me, Alfredo and his Colombian gesture is totally different from Griffiths acting like a jumped up ned.

If he really has mental health issues (I dont believe this) then Celtic shouldn't be playing him then!
Aww now I know why I upset a few people I didn’t know the article was written by Barry Ferguson, no mention of him in the OP just says Barry ;)
Kris Boyd puts his head above the parapet in an effort to highlight double standards. Mini timplosion and petitions are set up to get him sacked.

Barry the ex Rangers player and captain is sitting watching Celtic on TV when Rangers are playing the same night. Barry admits Thumb was wrong, states Alfie was wrong but makes an excuse for Thumb and slags Boyd for highlighting the issue.

Moral of the story, ex Celtic players are allowed to be cheerleaders for their club whilst ex rangers players should sit down shut up and play the media game by being compliant.
At first reading it just looks like a naive attempt at being reasonable.
And sadly that's what it ends up being.

He actually mentions : "Granted, I never actually threw anything at them which is where Leigh overstepped the mark."
So ... Griffiths overstepped the mark.
Which means he should be punished or at least criticised ??

And again the question arises -- if it's OK to throw a light ball of sock tape at a paying fan, is it OK to throw a sock? That's light too.
Or maybe a pair of socks, or a shinpad, or just one boot, or the two boots ?
Just what IS the "acceptable" limit to things that a player can throw at a fan without being criticised or punished ?

Frankly, that is exactly the question that Kilmarnock FC should be officially and publicly asking the SFA.

As for the watching the Celtic game with one eye and just keeping the other eye on his mobile for the Rangers score ... from an ex-Rangers captain ?? wtf ?
Just about says enough while still being in their pocket.

Where has that scowl and aggression went from him? Hartson and Sutton are elbowing and bullying people into setting the narrative to how they see fit.

Fight back Barry ffs. Real decisions are being made by their pressure on referees and their compliance officer and we need someone of credibility to back us up.
Ferguson is having a pop at Sutton and squeaky voiced Hartson which is spot on however his reference to Alfie’s cut throat gesture is wrong. It was clearly a game over sign and he should be emphasising that as should the club and other pundits who favour Rangers or are neutral.
He has zero point at all. The two incidents are totally different as Alfredo didn't thrown any objects in to the Celtic crowd but Griffiths threw an object at the killie support and for me it doesn't matter what he threw.

If any Killie supporter had thrown anything at Griffiths then Celtic and the Celtic media would want that person arrested and be moaning about the supporters throwing things at Celtic players .

Alfredo has been racially abused and subjected to sectarian abuse both on the pitch and on the street from Celtic fans had various objects thrown at him so for me, Alfredo and his Colombian gesture is totally different from Griffiths acting like a jumped up ned.

If he really has mental health issues (I dont believe this) then Celtic shouldn't be playing him then!
100% pal, last time something got thrown at the septic manager hit his jacket he went down holding his face it was up in Parliament and described as anti Irish Catholicism ffs.
Do we remember when mulgrew appeared to head butt lafferty and he pretended ther was contact, do u remember the reaction? That’s the difference!
To easy to book Morelos , when the likes of Lego goes about like a bull every other game doing leg breaker tackles and get away Scot free!! Or am I just making this stuff up!!

Did you even read the post I quoted or are you just on a mission to show how big a rangers man you are?
If that opinion piece was 10-15 years ago I might have agreed with it.

But Ferguson should know better. Rangers and their players are being treated differently by the authorities and by the media and this Thumb scenario has proven it.

It's an absolute disgrace and Ferguson as an ex Captain of his football club should have taken a completely different tone and direction to what he has just 'written' there.

Back the club.
Back its supporters
Back Morelos who is being demonized when he is 100 x the man Griffiths could ever hope to be.
Call out the hypocrisy and double standards.
Call out the "bed wetting" as you put it as a result of Rangers being back and handing them their arses in their own midden and them being unable to take it.

When you read this Barry as I know you will, that's what you should be doing.

Take fukin note.
Great post HH. Agree 100%.
This does read like an apologia for the dark side considering the glaring issues Barry conveniently fails to mention.

Barry the pundit is a hand-wringer and not a friend of Rangers.
He is correct, I struggled to get offended but it at all, same as Alfie’s gesture, it’s just the complete contrast in reaction that annoys me.
He does say at several points in the article that Griffiths was wrong to do what he did so he’s not denying that point. You’re spot on - it’s the inconsistency in how these things have been dealt with that’s the issue - but we shouldn’t be surprised really as the same nonsense happened after we beat them in December 2018. Goodness knows what it’ll be like if we’re stiil in the race come the end of March.
The way the mendicants in the media have sprung to the ugly racist’s defence tells you he is in trouble. Half a house brick or some sock tape matters not a jot, the ugly racist threw it deliberately into the crowd which can only be considered to be a provocative action. We now see how the pathetic Claire deals with this.
WE all know the way this works by now.

When a Celtic striker scrunches up a bit of tape and tosses it at a Kilmarnock fan, it’s my responsibility as a former Rangers player to jump up and down about it, scream blue murder and call for Leigh Griffiths to be hung, drawn and quartered for it on the sixth floor of Hampden.

Well, if it’s all the same to you, I’ll excuse myself from the tit-for-tat that’s been going on ever since Rangers won at Celtic Park on December 29 and pundits up and down the land lost their grip on any sense of perspective.

If you’re wondering why so many hardened old pros have suddenly become hunks, offended by the slightest little thing, then let me fill you in.

It’s because, for the first time in years, there’s a proper title race going on and some people are clearly struggling to keep their allegiances in check.

Well you can leave me out of that. In fact, to be perfectly honest, the whole thing is really starting to p*** me off.

Hasn’t anyone else realised it was three-and-a-half weeks ago Alfredo Morelos got sent off at Celtic Park? That was in December 2019! Am I the only one who can’t believe some people are still wetting the bed about it?

Was Morelos in the wrong? Yes, he was. Should he have made that gesture? No, he shouldn’t have.

Does the world need to come to an end because of it? Only if there’s a two-point gap at the top of the table and Rangers have a game in hand.

So I won’t be rushing to call for Griffiths to be hammered for his reaction coming off the pitch at Rugby Park the other night. I couldn’t bring myself to be such a hypocrite.

I saw the incident as it happened, shrugged my shoulders and said: “So what?”

You could see the old guy who looked like Uncle Albert out of Only Fools and Horses screaming abuse at Griffiths as he made his way into the Celtic dugout. And that’s one of my all-time favourite telly programmes by the way.

Now, don’t get me wrong here, I’m not condoning what Leigh did next. The bottom line is he had shut the guy up with what he had done on the pitch and that ought to have been good enough for him.

But, in the heat of the moment, he reacted by doing something he shouldn’t have done. I’m not going to hammer Leigh for doing that when I’ve done it a hundred times myself.

I’ve been there. You’re tired, you’re legs are killing you and there’s some guy spewing abuse at you, giving you an absolute earful as if you’ve just run over his cat.

Sometimes it’s hard not to give a little back. I’d be lying if I said I’ve never done it.

“Haw Ferguson, get tae f***you dirty wee b******!”

“Naw, you f*** off! Get it right up ye!”

Granted, I never actually threw anything at them which is where Leigh overstepped the mark. But if you have ever felt the tape players put on their socks then you’ll know it’s as light as a feather. It would have been different if it was a boot he had chucked!

And it wasn’t even thrown in an aggressive way. It was like, “Gie’s peace mate, shut up!”

Should he have done it? No.

He should have sat down and smiled at the guy. Maybe even laughed at him for behaving like a maniac.

But can I put my hand on my heart and say I blame Griffiths for what he did and that I was horrified by it? Don’t be so daft.

In terms of keeping a sense of perspective I’ve seen a lot worse. Just the same as I can’t get my knickers in a twist over the gesture Morelos made to the Celtic fans at Parkhead.

I’ve been there too, having to make the long walk after being sent off there. It felt like the whole main stand was on its feet hurling abuse at me. How did I react? Let’s just say we’d get the Daily Record shut down if I repeated it in these pages. But that’s what happens sometimes in the heat of the moment.

Then, when you’re in the shower five minutes later and replaying it in your head you realise you shouldn’t have reacted. You’re kicking yourself for being so stupid.

You know the right thing to do is to ignore it and act in a professional manner.

But we’re talking about human beings here. And every one of us has a breaking point. There’s only so much you can take before you find yourself responding to it. The problem is there’s cameras everywhere and people who are just desperate to find some reason to be outraged by the littlest thing. It must be like being in the Big Brother house ... and I don’t even watch Big Brother.

It’s getting a bit ridiculous and I would at least like to think the former pros would show a bit more common sense and understanding.

As for Griffiths, after everything he has been through, I’m genuinely happy to see him back on the pitch scoring goals even though it’s the last thing Rangers need at this stage in the campaign.

I’m happy because he’d had his struggles and because, from Scotland’s point of view, he could be a huge weapon in the play-offs for Euro 2020.

That’s what people should be concentrating on – the bigger picture – but some folk find it impossible to do that when it’s so tight at the top of the table and when it’s Rangers and Celtic who are involved.

Me? I love it. I spent my Wednesday night watching the Celtic game with one eye and checking my mobile phone for the scoreline from Ibrox with the other. At one point in the second half a single goal in either game could have turned the whole thing on its head.

That’s the way football should be. It’s supposed to be exciting. It’s supposed to get the emotions pumping.

It’s just a pity some people who should know better are letting those emotions get the better of them.
Get rangers tv Barry.
Alfredo has been hounded for over three weeks after making a game over gesture, another naive piece from Barry.
Barry talks about tit for tat. Hr should have mentioned where the tit came from in the first place.
Refresh the staunch ones memory?
Your a jumping all over this, the post I quoted was a poster saying the Celtic media is reason why Alfie is in the stands, which is incorrect.. Yet your coming on going on about brown etc kicking folk, and I have no radom why.. I get your blue to the core but come on.
Turning the other cheek and dignified silence has brought us to our present situation. Was I bothered about thumb heids actions, no, do I want something done about it, absolutely. We are in a situation now where we must fight fire with fire, if that means being more offended than offended FC, then so be it.
That is up to our board of directors. They are the ones wavering in this regard.
Your a jumping all over this, the post I quoted was a poster saying the Celtic media is reason why Alfie is in the stands, which is incorrect.. Yet your coming on going on about brown etc kicking folk, and I have no radom why.. I get your blue to the core but come on.
Tbh I only start reading from my first post on each thread so obviously missed that I’ll take that one bck.
I don’t think I’m mighty staunch, I just don’t get when people can’t see whats happening in this country at the moment in particularly born n bread gers fans /ex captain. For what it’s worthy I didn’t realise it was our own Barry that wrote the article till many post after my first post someone mentioned his name. barry need to tell the true story the right story and not try and play to both sides you don’t get that lot doing that.
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In a reasonable society where common sense prevails then i think its a decent article.

However Barry thinks we live in a country where there are no agendas where a level playing field exists in the media. He doesn't get that they hate us with every fibre of their being and there is no interest in parity .... the thing Barry wont recognise is the fact that hypocrisy reigns and there is no point in trying to be fair

Kris Boys has tumbled to this recently and how refreshing it has been !!!
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He does say at several points in the article that Griffiths was wrong to do what he did so he’s not denying that point. You’re spot on - it’s the inconsistency in how these things have been dealt with that’s the issue - but we shouldn’t be surprised really as the same nonsense happened after we beat them in December 2018. Goodness knows what it’ll be like if we’re stiil in the race come the end of March.

He makes excuses for Griffiths Ned behaviour via blaming the Killie fan and insulting how the fan looks. The fact is that Alfie's gesture and Griffiths behaviour are completely different and Griffiths acted like a ned and Alfie didnt.. the incidents are totally different.

Ferguson for me is making excuses for the ned that's Griffiths and should be condemning him not because its "tit for tat" but because he should be condemned for his behaviour.

I wonder what Boyd thinks of Ferguson's article today.
Missed an opportunity there to highlight what they really called him.

A certain colour appears to be omitted.
He has zero point at all. The two incidents are totally different as Alfredo didn't thrown any objects in to the Celtic crowd but Griffiths threw an object at the killie support and for me it doesn't matter what he threw.

If any Killie supporter had thrown anything at Griffiths then Celtic and the Celtic media would want that person arrested and be moaning about the supporters throwing things at Celtic players .

Alfredo has been racially abused and subjected to sectarian abuse both on the pitch and on the street from Celtic fans had various objects thrown at him so for me, Alfredo and his Colombian gesture is totally different from Griffiths acting like a jumped up ned.

If he really has mental health issues (I dont believe this) then Celtic shouldn't be playing him then!

Spot on.
You can really imagine Barry talking exactly like that article, can't you? No, me neither.

Anyhow, there seems to be outrage on a weekly basis for the slightest thing at the football now, whether it's gestures or tape throwing. It's all pretty boring now.
My hero growing up but when he attended that double treble meal and stood posing for pictures etc I was sickened. Hard to defend him for not being a 'tim apologist' after that tbf.

He misses the point altogether with this incident it's the double standards we have an issue with but Barry isnt bright enough to realise.