Steven Gerrard tactically shocking today

A failed formation changed at half time where he brought on a striker who linked well with Morelos and linked the midfield.

Rangers go 2-1 up and are dominating the game

so what does Gerrard do??? Revert back to the failed formation taking Morelos off and bringing on a midfielder

result - a draw

why change when dominating, it doesn’t make sense.
Said the exact same thing at the game. A baffling decision. We were the only team winning that game after we changed.
Madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Totally one dimensional and no real threat at all when Morelos is playing so badly.
Surely that’s the whole point

Yes but I think it is rather harsh to be laying the blame at Gerrards door.

Individual errors from Katic cost the game. Simple as.

Yes he probably should have been subbed but it was another humming error which you would have expected to have been easily dealt with. Plus the sub doesnt stop the 1st goal being conceded.
Tactics not the issue today, missed chances and comedy defending cost us. Twenty-one attempts on goal should easily yield four or five goals. And Katic and Goldson were utterly pish! These players need to have a long hard look at themselves.
Bullshit. The tactics were spot on. Look at the chances created. First half didn't go to well, he changed it. Only 1 person to blame and that is Niko Katic. Senderos like performance from him.
defence was the issue, individual errors, not the gaffer

No surprise you defending Gerrard as per.. the guy can do no wrong in some peoples eyes.

He gave St Johnston a 45 minute head start by starting with the same shite we always do.

People would now rather have a superstar manager than a successful Rangers.

Sad times.
A failed formation changed at half time where he brought on a striker who linked well with Morelos and linked the midfield.

Rangers go 2-1 up and are dominating the game

so what does Gerrard do??? Revert back to the failed formation taking Morelos off and bringing on a midfielder

result - a draw

why change when dominating, it doesn’t make sense.
Only thing he done wrong today was play and then not sub Katic..
Cannot blame a manger for a player being absolutely fucking hopeless.
The most concerning thing is that Gerrard doesn't seem to be learning from previous mistakes, shite defending or not, he doesn't know how to change a game.
Goldson sell, Tav sell, Barisic sell, Morelos sell, we need rid of the serial losers and big earners that we can get good money for and bring in new blood that just don’t like being beaten.

Morelos value is plummeting and in hindsight we should have taken the money in January as I think that would have proven to be his high point!
We all jumped on the 55 express when we appointed a rookie manager. We all bought into it. It was a gamble that has backfired. Only the Scottish cup will save Gerrard but I don't think we will win at Tynecastle.
The line up that started the second half was the one that should have started the game.

He’s too cautious. He needs to let go of his favoured 4-3-3 (I’m sorry, call it 4-3-2-1, 4-2-3-1, or whatever else you want, but we play with one up top, two guys out wide and three midfielders - it’s a 4-3-3) and play the percentages against these diddy teams.

If he can’t do that, if he’s unwilling or unable to adapt, I don’t think he’s going to make it to be honest.
The coaching team are a bunch of yes men! if they haven't learned any by this stage....they never will! A rigid 4:3:3 will not bring us the title..not with this squad of players anyway
No surprise you defending Gerrard as per.. the guy can do no wrong in some peoples eyes.

He gave St Johnston a 45 minute head start by starting with the same shite we always do.

People would now rather have a superstar manager than a successful Rangers.

Sad times.
So you were raging with his moronic tactical decisions on Thursday night?
A failed formation changed at half time where he brought on a striker who linked well with Morelos and linked the midfield.

Rangers go 2-1 up and are dominating the game

so what does Gerrard do??? Revert back to the failed formation taking Morelos off and bringing on a midfielder

result - a draw

why change when dominating, it doesn’t make sense.

SG is the manager, the figurehead, the onecwho rightly takes the flack whe things go wrong.

However does Michael Beale not have a massive input into our tactics and formation. From what I saw on tv he was in SG's ear the whole 2nd half, cannot imagine he did not have a big say in changes made today.
defence was the issue, individual errors, not the gaffer
This 100% for me. Gerrard has made plenty of mistakes but if you defend like we did today and waste the chances we created like we did, doesn't matter what formation you play.

The fact we created so many chances would actually imply the formation was fine, it was the personnel of anything.
I'm all for criticising Gerrard tactically & have been vocal about poor team selections.

However lets not kid ourselves on, Katic sold that game & the biggest finger you can point at Gerrard is for not taking him off

Yip the gaffer made the changes that got us in front. Had we won we would be commending him for that. His biggest error was not taking off Katic. It was evident very early on he was having a nightmare
Gerrard is his own worst enemy at the minute by falling in love with the 4-3-3 he is costing himself and the players 4-3-3 isn't working anymore in the league and he continues to persist with it even when we are getting ahead in a game and then he reverts back to it and then St Johnstone get on top of us and Katic error gifts them a draw.

He's had a season to get a feel for Scottish football and here we are a season down the line watching the same mistakes and the only thing saving him from slaughter is his name.

By the time he realise his mistakes it'll be too late.

He just doesn't know how to beat these teams consistently.
Let's not forget we would've won that if it wasn't for Katic playing like an 8 year old. I've been critical of Gerrard, Beale etc but for me the blame lies with Katic.
Yip the gaffer made the changes that got us in front had we won we would be commending him for that. His biggest error was not taking off Katic. It was evident very early on he was having a nightmare
Pretty much, but had he hooked Katic and Edmundson had a howler then he is getting pelters as well.

Can't win
A failed formation changed at half time where he brought on a striker who linked well with Morelos and linked the midfield.

Rangers go 2-1 up and are dominating the game

so what does Gerrard do??? Revert back to the failed formation taking Morelos off and bringing on a midfielder

result - a draw

why change when dominating, it doesn’t make sense.
It didn’t make any sense they couldn’t cope at all with our front two at the time, it was madness really
Basically wrote off a full half by going 4-3-3 with the undroppables.


Murty would get roasted for that.
Yes but I think it is rather harsh to be laying the blame at Gerrards door.

Individual errors from Katic cost the game. Simple as.

Yes he probably should have been subbed but it was another humming error which you would have expected to have been easily dealt with. Plus the sub doesnt stop the 1st goal being conceded.
cost the game today. What’s the excuse for the goals we’ve lost In the other games in the past 2 months? That all Katics fault?
Finally a thread on the aftermath of today's game that makes sense.

Yes individually today some players made errors

But none were bigger than the errors made on the sidelines.

Gerrard cant currently out think mid level SPL managers.
A failed formation changed at half time where he brought on a striker who linked well with Morelos and linked the midfield.

Rangers go 2-1 up and are dominating the game

so what does Gerrard do??? Revert back to the failed formation taking Morelos off and bringing on a midfielder

result - a draw

why change when dominating, it doesn’t make sense.

What does the shape have to do with defending a corner? Anything at all?
Sorry, it's time to admit it. He's a poor manager. Pure and simply he doesn't have it. His tactics are a mess. His team selection is a mess and his use of subs is generally a mess.

Can't make excuses for him anymore. He's failing us big time with his constant use of the same very poor tactic. Every game we have to change it. The fact we've dropped so many points this year is all down to his absolutely garbage tactics and use of players. The fact he's sent players we should have been keeping out on loan was bonkers. Severely cut his options down which suited him as he only has a single tactic.
So you were raging with his moronic tactical decisions on Thursday night?

I couldn't give a %^*& about Europe while we're absolutely shite domestically.

We've been very good in Europe and Gerrards only formation suits playing these teams.

He has failed miserably domestically and that's all I care about right now.
He's so bloody hesitant to change things when they're going poorly. He actually changed it at halftime, we're dominating them thanks to it and he decides to change it again by reverting to the system that did %^*& all for 45 minutes and we drop points because of it.

Against some of these jobber teams Gerrard is a absolute shitebag. Treats the likes of St Mirren, St Johnstone with far more respect than they deserve. All they do is play long balls but Gerrard has to have 3 midfielders in against them. Until Gerrard develops a ruthless streak and starts regularly playing teams like them with 2 up top or a 4-2-3-1 we'll drop silly points. He treats every team like they're bloody barca when they're not even capable of playing a few passes in the midfield without losing it
Spot on!
Everything. Here’s a tactic - sub Katic off.

Think that 'tactic' is called hindsight mate. If Gerrard somehow knew Katic was going to lay it off for their equaliser after gifting them the corner he might just have subbed him beforehand though, dont you think?

Everything else you mention has nothing to do with the errors from Katic which directly lead to both goals.

Blaming a manager for a players individual errors, and such awful errors as they were, is far too simplistic and naive.
Yes but I think it is rather harsh to be laying the blame at Gerrards door.

Individual errors from Katic cost the game. Simple as.

Yes he probably should have been subbed but it was another humming error which you would have expected to have been easily dealt with. Plus the sub doesnt stop the 1st goal being conceded.
Disagree. We'd huffed and puffed all afternoon and rarely looked like scoring. Chances created, maybe. How many were actually on target. We looked like we had sorted ourselves out changing shape and had them penned in. Changed it back and we're slow as %^*& again passing it about the back line. Did we think they were just going to give up because they'd went behind. Centre half's cause us less grief if the ball doesn't go near them, and in their defence they both looked much more comfortable when we played with a bit of purpose.
The last time I seen a Defender being so obviously shambolic in a game was Craig Moore under Advocaat. The difference being that Advocaat gave him the hook at around 25 mins and nearly strangled him upon leaving the field.
There are times when he puts out the right team and all is well and others when you are totally flabberstumped as to what he’s doing tactically. He’s so naive at times. He needs to change it up. As it’s been proven thelast 2 games, when he takes a risk and changes it he reaps the rewards, but when your up and you change the system back to something that doesn’t work and drop points because of it then I’m sorry, that naivety is going to cost a league title chance.
since the end of the break till now it’s been nothing short of abysmal. Not good enough
I couldn't give a %^*& about Europe while we're absolutely shite domestically.

We've been very good in Europe and Gerrards only formation suits playing these teams.

He has failed miserably and that's all I care about right now.
Naw, not a %^*& about Europe?

You get a ticket for Poland give me a shout as you dont give a %^*& about it.