Does the club know about scottish media begging for a negative story on hagi?

What a disgrace that is.

Hey Gordon, how about this? (And you are reading this obviously)

Go and write an interesting article about football and we might want to read that rather than the soap opera bullshit you and your pathetic pals try and drum up week in, week out you absolute fucking bottom feeding leech.
Hope this scumbag journalist is good at hiding

If Hagi snr finds out this scumbag is trying to dig up dirt then the journalist might be in for a shock

Wrong family to phuck about with
Could you expand on this bit? Just a couple of paragraphs would suffice.
Before tomorrow preferably ;)

Makes a change that they’re not trawling here for their articles.
Does that pass as journalism? All that time at college to sit on your arse on a phone and get shite off Twitter. Sad existence.
As the guy says himself, why even bother using him as a source, would be more efficient to just make it up.
Looks exactly how I imagined he would.

I see Blackstock has an article in the Daily Rhebel in August about the Hagi family's business interests. What a prick.
Hope the Romanian journalist who has been shafted by this snake Blackstock let’s Hagi snr know of their interest in the family specifically asking for dirt

I genuinely can’t stand the cuunts in the mhedia and having seen his picture above he looks a total fanny

The standard of journalism is a joke and the gutter press are aptly named
What’s the negative story there?

Don’t see much wrong amongst those messages other that a pathetic journalist from a pathetic organisation scrapping the bottom of the barrel looking for a story (any story) about one of the most famous names in world football.

Headlines (good or bad) sell papers!

You’d be shocked at the lengths journalists will reach to get any stories (positive or negative) on famous people. This is powder puff imo!
What’s the negative story there?

Don’t see much wrong amongst those messages other that a pathetic journalist from a pathetic organisation scrapping the bottom of the barrel looking for a story (any story) about one of the most famous names in world football.

Headlines (good or bad) sell papers!

You’d be shocked at the lengths journalists will reach to get any stories (positive or negative) on famous people. This is powder puff imo!
The story is that they are basically offering to pay for something that they know is not true