Ibrox watch this morning?

I've been affected personally family wise more than most by this virus but we are a year in and people have sat in the house like robots.

People have emotions. Don't call folk idiots because they actually act like human beings mate.

Understand the points but we haven’t won the league yet.

Today is just another excuse to stick the boot in. It’s another foolish and selfish day for the UBs.
We will, of course, win the title but right now, we haven't and sorry to be the moaner but.. they are breaching COVID rules! If people wanted to go down at least wear masks and social distance as this just leaves us open to abuse How can we slate them for Dubai when have had fans all down at Ibrox right now breaching COVID rules ?

Leaves us open to abuse?

Have you missed the last 10 years?

We have been constantly abused by the media, other teams, the Scottish football authorities and everyone outside our club.

We will be abused no matter what because they are all utter scum.

%^*& them all!

This is our time now and they can like it or not, but we will celebrate this like no other win has been celebrated before.
"buzzkill"? Ohh sorry you mean asking people to at least wear a face mask and social distance!
what am I like! Is COVID over then? Some people have just been allowed to visit their relatives in homes. We still need to follow COVID rules and anyone that doesn't is an idiot!
I must have missed the mass outbreak that occurred after the millions of people gathering all over the world for BLM protests then?

You may not agree but don’t try and tell other fans how to celebrate this huge moment in our history!
Understand the points but we haven’t won the league yet.

Today is just another excuse to stick the boot in. It’s another foolish and selfish day for the UBs.
Union Bears don’t have that many members, oh and the league is done. This wasn’t even to celebrate the title though so that point doesn’t really work.

Glasgow Rangers Champions :cool:
Anyone that doesnt follow COVID rules for me is an idiot.

I'm not one who breaches the rules but you can't expect people just to do what a wee woman on the tele tells them to do indefinitely.

Plus, technically, it's not really any different from lots of people being in a supermarket at the same time is it?

All these people just happened to be in the same, outdoor, area at the same time.
Would advise bears hanging about to think about going once the games starts the police will be a bit more forceful I think now
How? they didnt follow the COVID rules and from these videos our fans there are not following the Covid rules.

COVID isnt over? we also havent won the title as yet so celebrating before we have officially won anything seems rather premature.

You can't see a difference between a club disregarding Covid rules and a gathering of random supporters disregarding Covid rules?

Also, just a heads up, the club that openly disregarded Covid rules also just got away with zero punishment. Maybe just enjoy the weekend and go easy on the moaning.
"buzzkill"? Ohh sorry you mean asking people to at least wear a face mask and social distance!
what am I like! Is COVID over then? Some people have just been allowed to visit their relatives in homes. We still need to follow COVID rules and anyone that doesn't is an idiot!
Infection rates have plummeted and the majority of people at risk from the virus are vaccinated. People have sat in the house for a year and have every right to celebrate.
See the posters coming on here having a pop, fair enough, but keep it to yourselves and stop putting a dampener on everyone else.

It's done and nobodies listening, so take a day off ffs.
We're on opposite sides of the whole Covid debate but I sort of agree with your first bit there, so have studiously avoided posting on this thread until now. Just enjoying the videos and wishing I could be there.

But c'mon mate, who the f*ck are you to be telling anybody to 'take a day off'. Folk are entitled to post whatever they like.
"buzzkill"? Ohh sorry you mean asking people to at least wear a face mask and social distance!
what am I like! Is COVID over then? Some people have just been allowed to visit their relatives in homes. We still need to follow COVID rules and anyone that doesn't is an idiot!
Case numbers are dropping rapidly and we're leading the way in vaccinations.

An outpouring of celebration after the year and decade we've been through is to be expected.

Also last year mass gatherings outdoors proved that there isn't a massive risk of transmission.
I've been affected personally family wise more than most by this virus but we are a year in and people have sat in the house like robots.

People have emotions. Don't call folk idiots because they actually act like human beings mate.
Yip. Personally i wont be going out, deciding to stay safe, but ive nothing against those going out. The human race seems to have been brain washed in to thinking people acting completely normally and free are "idiots", im sure all the people out today have had their own personal covid experiences and issues and have contributed in keeping it at bay, so they arent "idiots", keeping a wee bit of your human rights intact is not being an "idiot"
I know.. but someone has to be the adult eh and teach the kids to follow the COVID rules and wear a mask and social distance.

I'm not one who breaches the rules but you can't expect people just to do what a wee woman on the tele tells them to do indefinitely.

Plus, technically, it's not really any different from lots of people being in a supermarket at the same time is it?

All these people just happened to be in the same, outdoor, area at the same time.
Apparently you can't catch it in a supermarket or when you're queuing for booze or cigarettes. Or even when you take the family out for the day to buy paint from bnq. Virus only turns up at party's