A Club built for Erin

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good luck with that mate. given the promotion she's been getting, I assume she's got friends in high places, and I suspect an ongoing media career funded by BBC license payers...
Edit - Once people discover her previous retweets that are on her Twitter page , nobody will be in much doubt about her life views . Palestine flags , “sevco” retweets , James mclean etc . Having looked on her page reports of “ Hun” comments seem wide of the mark though . People should be fair and factual when posting these things. I can’t see any Hun or hate stuff on her page.
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Still cringing at how she says:

“we’re jist a big young team, gie’in it the big yin at the Euros”

I’ve never understood the fascination (usually from middle-upper class girls) who force slang, when they don’t speak anything like that normally.

I don’t get it, I see plenty of folk doing it on twitter and it does my tits in :))
Once people discover her previous “ hun” tweets that are still on her Twitter page , she could find herself rightly in hot water . regardless of bbc bias , no employer wants involved in someone who indulges in hate speech of any kind in 2021

Once people discover her previous “ hun” tweets that are still on her Twitter page , she could find herself rightly in hot water . regardless of bbc bias , no employer wants involved in someone who indulges in hate speech of any kind in 2021
Well there's 'hate' speech and then there's "hate" speech apparently.
As they used to sing on Sesame Street, "¶One of these things is not like the other..¶."
Erin posts flag of Palestine on twitter but couldn't point it out on a map that only had Palestine on it.
Erin is a boot that will be mating with a member of her family, or the local dirty bheast, before she is 18.

Here’s another of her wee “ poems “:oops: . Seems obsessed with a buckfast culture . Not for me .
If that’s her old man in the pictures, he’s wearing their shirt from 94, while she’s banging on about him working in the yards, getting a lift over the turnstiles and not having a telly!
She’s clearly using old Glasgow cliches for romanticised effect. Or as I like to call it, lying through her fucking teeth
“Glasgow-Irish” :rolleyes:

Does that mean I can start calling myself Scots-Viking because I have 2% Scandinavian DNA?
Norse-Gael would be how'd I'd have to refer to myself using the '' Glasgow-Irish '' Spectrum. But I've just finished binging on that Age OF The Samurai, on netflix. So now am away for an ancestry kit and if I have even so much as a bawhair in the far east I'm going full kimono.
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