Bears are the biggest baldies in the SPFL

Imagine studying journalism for years to then churn out that level of shit.
No wonder it’s a dying industry.

For the record, it’s not bitterness, I have a full head of hair ya baldy bams.
The statistician has maybe went onto Willie Vass and not twigged it’s the same boy in every photo
Kind of thin on top and have been for past 10 year or so. Finally bit the bullet and started shaving it during lockdown - first time I did the bloody battery ran out in the razor and I ended up with half a haircut. Napper was a like a before and after shot.
I was half way through shaving my face (dirty beard) about 2 years ago, right side to centre just complete when there was panic knocking on my door, wee guy across the landing broke his arm and his Mum greeting needing a run to hospital.
Needless to say I didn't go in with them and never felt a bigger chookie in my life. :)
Is this more made up nonsense from the sun - does it mention a source of the study?

I am bald of course.
Rampant baldism.
Must report to the baldism relations board.

Punishment for the type of abuse is severe.
All perpetrators to undergo a beauty treatment by Alistair Johnston’s beauty consultants.

Warning do not mock baldies and yup I’m one myself and a cynic might allege this is the reason for my slightly extreme views.
Absolute pish.

I'm 67 and I'm easily making up for my follicaly challenged brethren.

Like Billy Connolly said "I wonder what God has got in store for me that I'll need all this hair".
My mate only found out he had a bald spot when leaning back on a chair in the office and the back of his head went cold when it touched the wall. :))
"Stian Alexander" got paid to "write" that!


Is this him?

70 years old and just been to get my mop cropped,Decent head of silver hair I still like it quite near the wood.
Im the opposite still got my luscious locks.(nearly white now though) My problem is the extra hair im sprouting from my ears!