Bears are the biggest baldies in the SPFL

I knew there was a reason I loved these guys when I read 'The Wanderers' back in the 70's.

7 of us come down from Aberdeen (not counting Mrs H) all over 60

We have 3 baldies and 4 with full head of hair
Alas - I’m a baldy
Have noticed a lot of baldies where I sit. I feel for them.

I'm not bald but I've loved shaving my head since covid. I usually trim the sides as it grows, then shave it off completeky when it gets out of control.

Love it. Liberating.

I am the same, prefer having a skinhead, let it grow in then whip it all off.
Still got a hair but when I come out the shower, there is a lot of pink showing through. Also the hair line has receded alarmingly at the front. I’m 42.

One of my mates, who is one of us, had a full head of hair at 16 and completely bald on top by 20.
I've got plenty of dark hair and I'm 41. Bit of grey in the beard which is annoying. Still doing better than my dad. He had a decent bit of grey up top. He still had a decent amount of hair when he died.
Still got a hair but when I come out the shower, there is a lot of pink showing through. Also the hair line has receded alarmingly at the front. I’m 42.

One of my mates, who is one of us, had a full head of hair at 16 and completely bald on top by 20.
Went for the number one all over at 22 - gave up and went with the Gillette thereafter.

Wouldn’t know what to do with if I did have hair.

I reckon bleaching it to fuuck like that lad from Candy Flip & Gazza didn’t help.:D
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42 years old, hair as dark and thick as %^*& and get weekly / bi-weekly haircuts to not look like a scruff.

Obviously genetics come into play, but I wonder if there's much truth in the fact stress and rage speeds up the process? Like to think I'm one of the calmer / more positive fans and that has an impact.

But we definitely have a fair share of fans who absolutely rage about anything and everything?
You're doing well on holding off becoming a Rangers Da.
Have noticed a lot of baldies where I sit. I feel for them.

I'm not bald but I've loved shaving my head since covid. I usually trim the sides as it grows, then shave it off completeky when it gets out of control.

Love it. Liberating.
Good Girl
Wonder if it indicates most of our support is “elderly “?
If so where’s all the youngsters?
Have other teams a younger support and if so is there a problem in the future?
Jumped the Dyke or following premier league clubs.
I've torn what was left of my hair out watching us try to defend any sort of dead ball launched into our penalty area this season.