Club 1872 and Jim Traynor request Rangers fans begin the war against BBC Scotland. Now we have Rangers' public backing, how do we fight back?

Nacho Novo

Well-Known Member
Jim Traynor and Club 1872:

"Rangers fans and the BBC need to understand that they pay licence fees, the same as everybody else, but they are being given a lesser service because they can't see their team on certain BBC platforms, they can't hear their manager or players on certain BBC platforms. Thats wrong. Rangers are the biggest club in the country, these fans deserve better from a national and public funded broadcaster."

"Rangers fans can turn this around as well, they can speed up the process, this has been going on for four years now, they can help enormously. They can demand the BBC start to respect them and their club. All we are asking for is fairness, balance and accuracy and Rangers fans can play a big part in this in turning the BBC around."

Rangers are publicly asking fans to begin the war against BBC Scotland, so how do we fight back instead of sitting on our hands and do nothing?


1. We cancel our TV Licence fees to ensure BBC Scotland lose public funding from every Rangers fan in the country

2. We once again organise a mass protest through Glasgow City Centre and march to the BBC Scotland Headquarters demanding change

3. We go after every single employee within BBC Scotland, ensure a full-on check of their social media history is carried out and gather evidence of bias against Rangers then publicly share their messages online

4. Every Rangers fan emails the BBC Headquarters, BBC Broadcasting House, in London, Ofcom and The Advertising Standards Authority with evidence against our club and demands change to ensure fairness, balance and accurate reporting on Rangers from now on or we take further action.

5. A long-term project to get Rangers fans employed by BBC Scotland to ensure we have a presence with the organisation so coverage and reports cannot be twisted against us and ensures fair reporting of the club
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Happy with that I work at the BBC please check my old posts and let me know if it has a bias .........PS 55 is coming and when it does I will get my first Tattoo with 55 on it (DOB Nov 1971) also will be wearing polo shirts with 55 on the chest for the whole week we win 55......PS Already have the shorts made:)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):))
Could maybe organising something like blocking their way to get into parking at the BBC. Take a few bodies and people with cars/vans to do that. Just sit on the road leading to car park even.
We all know how annoying it is not to get a parking space near your work.
They could park at the other car parks but they have security at the hotels to make sure people do not park there who do not belong to the hotel or membership for the gym facilities.

Just a suggestion as to how to get their attention and annoy them at the same time.
I would love to be wrong but my prediction is that we will do little or nothing.

Our examples of proper mobilisation are few and far between.

With regard to the BBC Scotland I expect nothing to change with regard to their agenda. The status quo will continue for a long time.
Jim Traynor and Club 1872:

"Rangers fans and the BBC need to understand that they pay licence fees, the same as everybody else, but they are being given a lesser service because they can't see their team on certain BBC platforms, they can't hear their manager or players on certain BBC platforms. Thats wrong. Rangers are the biggest club in the country, these fans deserve better from a national and public funded broadcaster."

"Rangers fans can turn this around as well, they can speed up the process, this has been going on for four years now, they can help enormously. They can demand the BBC start to respect them and their club. All we are asking for is fairness, balance and accuracy and Rangers fans can play a big part in this in turning the BBC around."

Rangers are publicly asking fans to begin the war against BBC Scotland, so how do we fight back instead of sitting on our hands and do nothing?


1. We cancel our TV Licence fees to ensure BBC Scotland lose public funding from every Rangers fan in the country

2. We once again organise a mass protest through Glasgow City Centre and march to the BBC Scotland Headquarters demanding change

3. We go after every single employee within BBC Scotland, ensure a full-on check of their social media history is carried out and gather evidence of bias against Rangers then publicly share their messages online

4. Every Rangers fan emails the BBC Headquarters, BBC Broadcasting House, in London, Ofcom and The Advertising Standards Authority with evidence against our club and demands change to ensure fairness, balance and accurate reporting on Rangers from now on or we take further action.

5. A long-term project to get Rangers fans employed by BBC Scotland to ensure we have a presence with the organisation so coverage and reports cannot be twisted against us and ensures fair reporting of the club

We should also be contacting The Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
What are regulations for not having to pay licence fee?
There is no regulation. None at all. No law, no regulation, no fag packet scribble anywhere in the land that says you MUST pay a licence fee.

I said it on the other thread. Why do people not get this? Go to the license website and press opt out stating you don’t use their services. They cant force you to pay it ffs.
Do what I have said on HERE for ages the scum of Pacific Quay is well within our reach to protest in Thousands outside it, the only thing we may have to put up is the Stench from the Smellies, it would be like what we done with SOS against our Rogues.
An easy start is to stop visiting the bbc whatsoever!

Stop liking or linking anything to do with the bbc on social media.

A massive big anti BBC display in the middle of the Govan front would be difficult to ignore by the tv camera’s (Sky, stv, RTV)

Slander the bbc at every opportunity on social media, no matter how big or how small.

Call out every bbc journalist on various topics (but don’t give them a stick to hit us back with)

Lastly, the club get into bed with whoever the bbc’s rivals are. Exclusive interviews etc to spite the bbc.
We need a good number of fans - say even 50 on this forum - to email every time an incident crops up. You could copy and paste the same worded complaint, yet flood the complaints department. This every time something credible happens , could have an impact

If you had 50 complaints a day, all slightly different that would make an impact.

Around 1500 complaints a month, that would get noticed.
Jim Traynor and Club 1872:

"Rangers fans and the BBC need to understand that they pay licence fees, the same as everybody else, but they are being given a lesser service because they can't see their team on certain BBC platforms, they can't hear their manager or players on certain BBC platforms. Thats wrong. Rangers are the biggest club in the country, these fans deserve better from a national and public funded broadcaster."

"Rangers fans can turn this around as well, they can speed up the process, this has been going on for four years now, they can help enormously. They can demand the BBC start to respect them and their club. All we are asking for is fairness, balance and accuracy and Rangers fans can play a big part in this in turning the BBC around."

Rangers are publicly asking fans to begin the war against BBC Scotland, so how do we fight back instead of sitting on our hands and do nothing?


1. We cancel our TV Licence fees to ensure BBC Scotland lose public funding from every Rangers fan in the country

2. We once again organise a mass protest through Glasgow City Centre and march to the BBC Scotland Headquarters demanding change

3. We go after every single employee within BBC Scotland, ensure a full-on check of their social media history is carried out and gather evidence of bias against Rangers then publicly share their messages online

4. Every Rangers fan emails the BBC Headquarters, BBC Broadcasting House, in London, Ofcom and The Advertising Standards Authority with evidence against our club and demands change to ensure fairness, balance and accurate reporting on Rangers from now on or we take further action.

5. A long-term project to get Rangers fans employed by BBC Scotland to ensure we have a presence with the organisation so coverage and reports cannot be twisted against us and ensures fair reporting of the club
Already cancelled my TV licence I checked on Martin Lewis website and it says as long as you don't watch BBC or BBC iPlayer or live sport you CAN watch +1 then it's upto them to prove otherwise
There is no regulation. None at all. No law, no regulation, no fag packet scribble anywhere in the land that says you MUST pay a licence fee.

I said it on the other thread. Why do people not get this? Go to the license website and press opt out stating you don’t use their services. They cant force you to pay it ffs.
Ok chill big fella...was just asking
Thanks for your input and feedback
The law is if you watch live tv, even if not the BBC you are legally required to pay the licence fee.

The only way the BBC will change is you hit their pockets - dont pay the licence fee and let them know why. The key is getting a critical mass, if enough of us do, and i means 10s of thousands, there is nothing that they can do.
Go to the top, straight to London The BBC charter is not being honoured and a few sackings are required. I'm not encouraging anybody to break the law, but the last thing they need is a political movement to withhold the license fee. It would be a pretty horrible precedent for them.
JT said on more than one occasion during that interview that he has a massive dossier of evidence as proof that the BBC are not providing a fair and balanced service. However for me the key point he made was that they are not providing a full service to Rangers supporters. Can the legitimacy of the mandatory license fee be challenged in the courts by say Club 1872?
Happy with that I work at the BBC please check my old posts and let me know if it has a bias .........PS 55 is coming and when it does I will get my first Tattoo with 55 on it (DOB Nov 1971) also will be wearing polo shirts with 55 on the chest for the whole week we win 55......PS Already have the shorts made:)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):))

That's your BBC sectarianism right there...... :p
Go to the top, straight to London The BBC charter is not being honoured and a few sackings are required. I'm not encouraging anybody to break the law, but the last thing they need is a political movement to withhold the license fee. It would be a pretty horrible precedent for them.

I did mate........some 6 months ago or something.

Trust me, they are not interested.
Happy with that I work at the BBC please check my old posts and let me know if it has a bias .........PS 55 is coming and when it does I will get my first Tattoo with 55 on it (DOB Nov 1971) also will be wearing polo shirts with 55 on the chest for the whole week we win 55......PS Already have the shorts made:)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):))

One of your colleagues will probably think DOB stands for dirty orange b*stard.
Now we have Rangers' public backing, how do we fight back?

Woah, woah, woah there.

James Traynor is not Rangers FC.
He is not an employee of Rangers.
He does not determine the operational policy of the club at Boardroom level.

He is a consultant to the club, who is paid to advise on how the club communicates with the media and other third parties. He has never stated that the Board have expressly indicated to him, that it is their wish to see the fans commence a war of attrition with the BBC. Until someone at boardroom level comes out, and openly declares this to be the case, we do not have 'Rangers' public backing'. And we're on our own until that point.

As admiarble as it would be to see the entire Rangers support go head-to-head with the BBC (and many others) we cannot misrepresent it. The club would drop us like a hot potato, at the first sign of an ugly spat, unless they have openly stated that they would back us ..... which they haven't.
Do what I have said on HERE for ages the scum of Pacific Quay is well within our reach to protest in Thousands outside it, the only thing we may have to put up is the Stench from the Smellies, it would be like what we done with SOS against our Rogues.
It's a 5 minute walk from Ibrox!
There's 50000 of us there every other saturday.

Even 10% turning up at Pacific quay gets publicity they don't want.

How many will miss out on a couple of pints to gather there before a match?
Woah, woah, woah there.

James Traynor is not Rangers FC.
He is not an employee of Rangers.
He does not determine the operational policy of the club at Boardroom level.

He is a consultant to the club, who is paid to advise on how the club communicates with the media and other third parties. He has never stated that the Board have expressly indicated to him, that it is their wish to see the fans commence a war of attrition with the BBC. Until someone at boardroom level comes out, and openly declares this to be the case, we do not have 'Rangers' public backing'. And we're on our own until that point.

As admiarble as it would be to see the entire Rangers support go head-to-head with the BBC (and many others) we cannot misrepresent it. The club would drop us like a hot potato, at the first sign of an ugly spat, unless they have openly stated that they would back us ..... which they haven't.
Club 1872s guide to complaining about the BBC and Stewart Robertsons interview were also complete coincidence.

Your post is utter waffle.
Club 1872s guide to complaining about the BBC and Stewart Robertsons interview were also complete coincidence.

Your post is utter waffle.

Waffle, really ??

Has any employee from Rangers FC, come out and openly stated, that they will support the Rangers fans in commencing a war of attrition against the BBC ?

Yes or No ?
Club 1872 published guidelines on how to complain to the BBC and are now calling out politicians and pundits. Unfortunately Club1872 only represent 10% of the support. If membership could get to 50,000 then it starts to gain a lot more clout!
I totally agree but have to bring a point to order...Club1872 represent 100% of our support but are only financially supported by around 10% of us.
Your point is bang on the money though, if we as a support want to affect change, get behind our fans vehicle for doing just that!
Waffle, really ??

Has any employee from Rangers FC, come out and openly stated, that they will support the Rangers fans in commencing a war of attrition against the BBC ?

Yes or No ?
Yes waffle.

Club 1872 have released their guide.
Stewart Robertson gave his interview.
Now we have this from Traynor.

It's abundantly clear that Rangers want action from the fans.

It doesn't need someone to state we've to start a war. I'm pretty sure you're not daft enough to understand that someone from Rangers imploring us directly to complain would serve to have a negative effect on any action we take.
Yes waffle.

Club 1872 have released their guide.
Stewart Robertson gave his interview.
Now we have this from Traynor.

It's abundantly clear that Rangers want action from the fans.

It doesn't need someone to state we've to start a war. I'm pretty sure you're not daft enough to understand that someone from Rangers imploring us directly to complain would serve to have a negative effect on any action we take.
Anytime you're ready to answer the question, feel free.
It's a 5 minute walk from Ibrox!
There's 50000 of us there every other saturday.

Even 10% turning up at Pacific quay gets publicity they don't want.

How many will miss out on a couple of pints to gather there before a match?

Fair enough point you have raised, would the Union Bears consider drumming up support from George Square to the BBC Headquarters to Ibrox?

Saturday 16 March at home to Kilmarnock sounds like a plan.

@mdingwall @Southern_Ger @RossMcGill @Papasmurf
Yes waffle.

Club 1872 have released their guide.
Stewart Robertson gave his interview.
Now we have this from Traynor.

It's abundantly clear that Rangers want action from the fans.

It doesn't need someone to state we've to start a war. I'm pretty sure you're not daft enough to understand that someone from Rangers imploring us directly to complain would serve to have a negative effect on any action we take.

Have to agree, anything that gets done officially inside Ibrox Stadium through Club 1872 will need to have been passed by the board. Rangers cannot officially say anything or the boat will have flipped with the Scottish FA/SNP/BBC. Everything from now on will have to be done through its supporters organisation Club 1872.

The club are asking for the fans to rally against these organisations wanting to finish Rangers.