Gerry McNee (I'll save you from clicking, he's not dead. Yet.)

Aye, Gazza launched the ball at him in the stand one day:D
I remember he was on an STV phone in show one night, somebody accused him of being anti Celtic and he proceeded to pull out a medal that he carries around with him, it had been given to him by one of the Lisbon Lions. The cringe level was off the scale.
I remember but apparently it was a Jimmy Mc Grorie medal.
A very good commentator and a bona fide RFC hater.

In contrast to today sure but I remember a mate , a Celtic supporting ex-Pro , saying unprompted that he thought the commentary during Eck's CL run , when Emerson was playing , was very unfair to Rangers. The commentators were Geraldo and Nicholas.
Seems like a good time to post this again.
