Homer Simpson quotes

Alien spaceship hovering over Homer, a tractor beam is locked onto him:

No! No! Don't take me! Don't take me! I'm a married man, with a wife and children...... Take them!
Marge: [about Mr. Burns] He's an awful, awful, awful man! But I guess if he makes Mom happy, that's all that really matters.
Homer: That's right, money. Your money's happiness is all that moneys.
Never Marge. Never. I can't live the button down life like you. I want it all, the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles.
sure I might offend a few of the blue noses with my cocky stride and musky odors, oh I'll never be the darling of the so called "city fathers" who cluck their tongues and stroke their beards and say What's to be done with this Homer Simpson?
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Hmm there it is Aus trail ia, I'll be dammed. Hahaha look at this country U r gay
Homer died to me when he said that rattlers have the good part of Ireland. Marge is the only one to be trusted a good blue haired woman who wasn't tempted when she seen homer dancing with Jesus in their heaven
Homer: "But Marge being an artisit has been my life long dream ever since I was a little girl and I'd paint portrait after portrait of Ringo Starr"

Marge: "Thats my life youre describing"

Homer: "I think I remember my own life Marge"
The one where Lisa sets free a dolphin from the sea life centre and then the Dolphin's team up to take over Springfield. So the Dolphins come to Springfield and at one scene Homer and everyone else is preparing to fight them and then the next scene it cuts to all the humans floating about the sea and then Homer goes to Marge

"you got to hand it to them marge they wanted it more"

P1ssed myself for a solid 10 minutes at that
Bart quits the American Football team Homer is coaching.....

Marge: He's doing what he thinks is best.

Homer: Well, if quitting is the best, maybe I should just quit my job. *calls Mr Burns*

Mr Burns: Ahoy-hoy?

Homer: Mr. Burns, this is Homer J. Simpson - the father of the big quitter. Well, I just wanted to tell you I'm a big quitter too. And I quit. *winks down the phone*

Marge: Homer, Mr. Burns can't see you winking.

Homer: So.....aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh