How to post photos on new forum?

Mate try image bb.
Sign up, download the picture, drop down box bbcode fully linked, click on the box below copy comes up,click copy then paste in thread.
You should end up with this.
As recommended i used Imgur as before and it works a treat.

Once again though,a day later and the photo is gone.
So, what’s the image hoster of choice now imgur have pulled the plug?

Edit Just found its back in a new version. Now only need to figure out where I find the BBCode on my old files on the old imgur

Bollocks. Just discovered BBCodes not available on the app. So, back to original question. What image hoster best for iPhone and app use
Last edited:
So, what’s the image hoster of choice now imgur have pulled the plug?

Edit Just found its back in a new version. Now only need to figure out where I find the BBCode on my old files on the old imgur

Bollocks. Just discovered BBCodes not available on the app. So, back to original question. What image hoster best for iPhone and app use
