Poster 1BadMouse - Funeral Monday June 3rd Carlisle

It’s sad,I suppose a sign of my age and the longevity of this message board but I read of more and more posters are passing away.
RIP Darren

You were a good man, as others have articulated well - a genuine poster.

I won’t forget when you PM’ed me asking if I needed some money to tide me over for a period of time because I was skint. Thankfully I didn’t need that help but such faith and kindness really touched me.

I didn’t even know that you’d left us. I regret that I never had the privilege of knowing you outside the forum but I hope your family manage to come to terms with this terrible loss.

Rest easy my friend.
Alright everyone. I expect many posters will know the poster @1BadMouse who sadly passed away last week. I didn’t know him personally but lived in the same area and shared various messages with him over the years - always came across as a genuine lad who loved a laugh and especially Rangers and had many friends through this massive part of his life.

His Wife has asked me through a friend to post this, if anyone wants any contact details etc please message me and I’ll pass them on. Will update Funeral details when they are ready.

RIP Daz, sleep well mate.


“ I can’t believe I’m writing this but on Thursday I lost my best friend, my soul mate, my husband and the best dad to our darling daughter.

Many of Darren’s friends will have questions I’m sure but myself, acacia and our families need to process that our lives and our world have been turned upside down overnight.

Darren - I will love you forever
Rest in peace my darling ”

Funeral details:

Acacia and I are working on Darren’s funeral and we would like colour - we know Darren would like colour - by colour we mean blue/royal blue/ rangers blue.

The funeral will be in Carlisle but if anyone is in the area and would like to attend feel free to wear rangers tops/ hats/ scarfes/ pins/ flags and samba trainors

Date to follow

OMFG, I used to speak to him regular on here due to music

I only knew him via here, but as others have said, he came across as a decent guy.
That’s very sad. Condolences to his family and friends.
Shocked and saddened to hear this. Condolences to his family and friends.

RIP Darren.
Knew Daz from a WhatsApp group. He was a box of frogs and always a great laugh.

One night I was pissed up and Mrs had gone to bed. Was looking for someone to blether with, tried a couple mates from back home and thought I'd give Daz a try. We chatted shit for about 2 hours in the end and watched the boxing together , he was a gent and really helped me out that night, given we had never even spoken before.

A great lad and will be sorely missed.

Ah man no way :( I interacted with him many times on here. I always put laughing emojis on his posts and he did the same with me. We just got each other's sense of humour and life stories.

Jesus I can't believe this. Rest in Peace mate :'(
Sad news. Didn't know him but he came across as a really nice guy on here and a good poster. RIP and thoughts with family and friends.