Poster 1BadMouse - Funeral Monday June 3rd Carlisle

Some posts on here really show the mark of the man. A genuinely good guy.

Dreadful news. @Wazza please pass on condolences to his family.

He'll be missed.

Pretty sure his Wife is or will be reading this pal and will be very grateful of all the positive stories and kind words from all.
Dreadful news. Daz used to use our RSC from time to time.
I hadn't seen him for a few years, thought.
That is a real shocker.
Such sad news to hear of the untimely passing of a well known poster on here.

R.I.P and condolences to his family and friends
Always recognised the name on here and he was a great participant on the forum. Had one or two discussions on here with him over the years and always remembered the name when it popped up.

Sad news. Rest easy, and condolences to his nearest and loved ones.
I never knew Darren personally but he came across as a top guy on here and contributed to many threads over the years.

Rest Easy Darren.
Alright everyone. I expect many posters will know the poster @1BadMouse who sadly passed away last week. I didn’t know him personally but lived in the same area and shared various messages with him over the years - always came across as a genuine lad who loved a laugh and especially Rangers and had many friends through this massive part of his life.

His Wife has asked me through a friend to post this, if anyone wants any contact details etc please message me and I’ll pass them on. Will update Funeral details when they are ready.

RIP Daz, sleep well mate.


“ I can’t believe I’m writing this but on Thursday I lost my best friend, my soul mate, my husband and the best dad to our darling daughter.

Many of Darren’s friends will have questions I’m sure but myself, acacia and our families need to process that our lives and our world have been turned upside down overnight.

Darren - I will love you forever
Rest in peace my darling ”

Funeral details:

Acacia and I are working on Darren’s funeral and we would like colour - we know Darren would like colour - by colour we mean blue/royal blue/ rangers blue.

The funeral will be in Carlisle but if anyone is in the area and would like to attend feel free to wear rangers tops/ hats/ scarfes/ pins/ flags and samba trainors

Date to follow
A fellow Cumbrian Rangers man. RIP Sir.
Awful news :( Feels like we are losing one of us every other week on here. He always came across as a sound guy.

Thoughts with his family.
Sorry to read this awful news.

Had plenty conversations with Darren on the boxing thread and a few by private message.

Seemed a really genuine guy.

Such a shame. RIP
Fucksake. Shared messages with him a few times, including when he was under a previous username.

Nice guy and sorry to hear that he has passed.

I know he had some struggles and was happy to offer advice and an ear to people in the mental health support group in the lounge thread.

I hadn’t heard that news . So sorry to hear that , feels like only a few weeks ago I was chatting to him on here.

Thoughts are with the family.
Ach, that’s awful news.

I was reading his contributions so recently as well.

Apologies if I’ve got the wrong poster but a wee anecdote that has lasted for years with me. I think 1BM was the poster anywho used to post on the homemade curry threads (under a similar username) and one time he posted a photo of his latest creation which had enough rice to feed a small country. Some of the comments were hilarious for such a trivial aspect but it has stayed with me for years.

Rest easy, bud.
Can only echo my condolences to the family and also echo many a poster’s opinion that he really was a well thought of poster on the board.
Only learning of this now.
Terrible news.
Condolences to his wife and daughter and his family & friends
Hope he receives the blue send off he deserves.
Sleep easy brother
He came across as a great guy, he’ll be a loss on here. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Alright everyone. I expect many posters will know the poster @1BadMouse who sadly passed away last week. I didn’t know him personally but lived in the same area and shared various messages with him over the years - always came across as a genuine lad who loved a laugh and especially Rangers and had many friends through this massive part of his life.

His Wife has asked me through a friend to post this, if anyone wants any contact details etc please message me and I’ll pass them on. Will update Funeral details when they are ready.

RIP Daz, sleep well mate.


“ I can’t believe I’m writing this but on Thursday I lost my best friend, my soul mate, my husband and the best dad to our darling daughter.

Many of Darren’s friends will have questions I’m sure but myself, acacia and our families need to process that our lives and our world have been turned upside down overnight.

Darren - I will love you forever
Rest in peace my darling ”

Funeral details:

Acacia and I are working on Darren’s funeral and we would like colour - we know Darren would like colour - by colour we mean blue/royal blue/ rangers blue.

The funeral will be in Carlisle but if anyone is in the area and would like to attend feel free to wear rangers tops/ hats/ scarfes/ pins/ flags and samba trainors

Date to follow
Absolutely gutted to read this.
Although I had never met him, we shared a love of motorcycle racing and exchanged many messages during racing seasons.
Deepest sympathies go to his kin.