Scotland and Ireland -= a sporting simpatico?

The headline and photo are enough for me never to read that article. I can guess at it’s one-sided propaganda. Kim Jung-Un would be proud.
Just another sad bitter tartan/mentally challenged bawsack story by a bitter tartan/mentally challenged clown who doesn't know reality from myth.What a waste of space in a newspaper.
Surely there must be some people of Irish Catholic heritage, who absolutely cringe at this tripe ?
Not sure? They tend to stick together. You only need to look at the Irish in the US. Still they rattle on about being Irish-American 150 years on. Most others just assimilated.
“Preferring to identify themselves as Irish... perhaps because of West of Scotland sectarianism.”

To be honest it’s quite refreshing to see an article admit that indigenous Glaswegians support Ireland because they are sectarian.
Not sure? They tend to stick together. You only need to look at the Irish in the US. Still they rattle on about being Irish-American 150 years on. Most others just assimilated.

Yep. Look at Trump going there for photo ops two weeks back. His retarded offspring poured the worst pints of stout I’ve ever seen. All for the 30 million Irish American vote in 2020 election.