Shocking reply by celtc fan to Jeff Winter on the loss of his friend.

My auld uncle (god rest his soul) would always say, “etiquette”, always have etiquette in everything you do.

The rules that govern how you behave in all situations.

These puddle drinking vermin have been dragged up with a chip on their shoulder that the world owes them. They really are the underclass and a massive cancer on this country.

RIP Scott and best wishes to his family and friends
pretty sure he would be one of the first to jump up and down if you mention the famine or Palestine or anything else that offends their wee delicate ears.

They are hypocrite fc
He’s probably a wee 50 year old virgin who still lives with his mammy and daddy, posting stuff on the internet to make him look hard in his own bedroom.Utter Scum.
It's not being biased but have a look when any Celtic supporters die or people connected to Celtic you never see any comments from alleged Rangers supporters mocking it , everytime without fail they have there scum supporters making vile comments, I agree with the poster who said get it reported , let's see how they will like a chap at the door
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That’s why I’ll never buy into their faux outrage about everything. They are as bad as anyone.
They are worse than everyone ! One look online will show you that , you'll struggle to find any vile comments from a so called Rangers fan when it's one of there's that passes away.

Everytime it's A bear or someone related to our club they are all over it with vile comments. They are a cancer to this country always have been crass individuals.
This is what we get when we see someone whose perspective of life is seen through an obsessive and distorted filter. Where everything Rangers is monitored.
The result is a sad morally bankrupt obsessive freak of a man.Unable to stop himself pathetically commenting and getting "involved" whilst being filled with his own self importance and consumed with hate.
Utter vermin.
Bad enough thinking it but to actually post it.

Condolences to his family and friends.

Its shocking as a terrible thing to say but at the same time no one is shocked that an inbred pondlife has said it. Its is what they do becasue they have gotten away with this type of behaviour too long.
Hopefully Winter ensures this gets into the media down south and then picked up here...I know, I know.
I almost got into a FB spat with one of the unwashed. He was giving out a fair bit of abuse to others. His profile pic was Bobby Sands. I replied to him "I wonder if Bobby was dreaming of a chicken supper before he kicked it"
He responded with "How's yer Lizzie doing?"
Im annoyed at myself for even getting into a slanging match with one of them.
Social media is a cesspit. No surprise at a comment like that as you see similar or worse every day on almost every post with anything remotely related to Rangers.

Scum just acting like scum.
Just a few days after abusing a Villa fan by disgustingly celebrating the death of his grandmother
Its only a matter of time before the old "I was hacked" card gets played.

Someone passes away and the first thing this mutant does is make it relevant to the delusional dead club patter? What is it with them and death mocking?

His profile and his narrow minded obsessive rantings tells you everything you need to know about this narcissistic walloper.

Utter Vermin.
Nah mate I’m sorry but they don’t even worry about the response to their vile hatred is these days.

It’s a sad but accurate reflection on Scottish society these days. Horrible, hatred filled wee country. Sorry to get political, but this is exactly what Sturgeon and her SNP pals have created.

This scumbag will have plenty of support from like minded arseholes I’m afraid.
If this was a Bear replying to a similar tweet. The SMSM would be expressing outrage, most of it faux outrage. As it's not then this will be filed in the big moratorium file titled Timothy acting like Timothy.
They hate Rangers and anything they deem connected to Rangers more than anything else in their very sad lives. They are utter scum. The inability to show some respect simply underlines their lack of education and upbringing. Scum acts like scum.
They hate Protestants let's not kid ourselves it's only down to football.
Nah mate I’m sorry but they don’t even worry about the response to their vile hatred is these days.

It’s a sad but accurate reflection on Scottish society these days. Horrible, hatred filled wee country. Sorry to get political, but this is exactly what Sturgeon and her SNP pals have created.

This scumbag will have plenty of support from like minded arseholes I’m afraid.
I dont disagree

However i like to think the tide is turning because the SNP were utterly humiliated in that last election on a scale not seen before
Inter breeding, poor schooling which most have left to start fatherhood by the time they are 14, a lifetime spent on various benefits and an ability to fantasise that you belong to a country which you have never visited and support a terrorist organisation attached to said country which take pride in bombing innocents. This coupled with very strange sexual behaviour which seems to flow through the entire race like a virus.

What more do you really expect ?
I hope whoever done this gets caught and punished accordingly. What a horrible scumbag hiding behind online anonymously
I would hope that members of the boys supporters club are as outraged as the rest of us, would be nice if so karma came the cretins way.
It's almost impossible to have a civilised chat with a Celtic fan on X , 9 times out of 10 they resort to abuse within a couple of interactions...
Sorry about you mate life's too short sometimes..

And as for the scum the worlds full of people like this the sooner anonymous accounts are banned and people need to take account of what they say online the better... Thats the reason im not on social media due to all the faceless hardmen and attention seekers but i understand people use it to keep in touch with distant friends and family.
It's almost impossible to have a civilised chat with a Celtic fan on X , 9 times out of 10 they resort to abuse within a couple of interactions...
It's almost impossible to have a civil chat with a Celtic fan anywhere. Either online or face to face. I am fortunate now that I never come into contact with any of them nowadays. Living in Edinburgh it's great to walk the streets and you never see a green and grey top anywhere.
Only time I ever encounter the rhats is when I've been stupid enough to fly out of Glasgow airport where it always seems they must be playing a home game on the runway with the sheer amount of scum polluting the terminal building.
I almost got into a FB spat with one of the unwashed. He was giving out a fair bit of abuse to others. His profile pic was Bobby Sands. I replied to him "I wonder if Bobby was dreaming of a chicken supper before he kicked it"
He responded with "How's yer Lizzie doing?"
Im annoyed at myself for even getting into a slanging match with one of them.
I wouldve said, she passed peacefully after outliving about 10 terrorist army councils
I almost got into a FB spat with one of the unwashed. He was giving out a fair bit of abuse to others. His profile pic was Bobby Sands. I replied to him "I wonder if Bobby was dreaming of a chicken supper before he kicked it"
He responded with "How's yer Lizzie doing?"
Im annoyed at myself for even getting into a slanging match with one of them.
Queen Elizabeth II lived to a ripe old age. Bobby Sands didn't. He reeked of shit when he was persuaded by his IRA masters to sacrifice his life. 43 years later it's clear he died for nothing. He also died BRITISH.
Are we surprised? They pollute every single platform you can think of and are a stain on Scotland. Keep these rhat filth b@stards out of Ibrox permanently and let’s move on from this endless old firm shit. It’s ceased to be a positive association for our support and club for quite a long time and for what SKY brings to the table I’d love to see the club bin the term full stop as I do personally and I’m sure plenty of other bears do as well.

They truly wanted us dead and buried and the crap they spout endlessly is a symptom of that nastiness and hatred that consumes these people and let’s not forget their filthy cesspit of a club indulged their twisted vile support with refusing to use the word Rangers and never failed to take cheap shots at us every year at their AGM.

Why not turn the tables and distance ourselves from them, the game is f@cked in Scotland now anyway and only fantasists believe it can prosper again…There’s NO CHANCE of that happening just as the division and ill feeling that’s been caused in Scotland with the SNP rise and more recently all these animals roaming the streets waving Palestinian flags and shouting obscenities about Israel and Jews will not simply fade away for those of us with long memories. We don’t need the aggravation that comes with these people. I truly pity bears that have got these people for family and have so called friendships with these rats!