Sir Alex Ferguson mentality

Did we ever try to sign Miller or McLeish at any point? Both Rangers men supposidly, my old man reckoned that Miller was world class but I can only really remember them in their veteran stages
Your old man wasn't far wrong.
Willie Miller may be an r sole nowadays but he was a top class player, and frankly a much better player than Big Eck.
I wish Rangers had signed him, we wouldn't have been finishing 4th
Did we ever try to sign Miller or McLeish at any point? Both Rangers men supposidly, my old man reckoned that Miller was world class but I can only really remember them in their veteran stages
They were both outstanding and a huge part of why Aberdeen were so good.
Both Rangers supporters and big Eck got to live his dream.
Miller made shite fish suppers
Did we ever try to sign Miller or McLeish at any point? Both Rangers men supposidly, my old man reckoned that Miller was world class but I can only really remember them in their veteran stages
We tried to sign both. Miller was a great player and a big part of why the sheep were successful. World class is maybe too far when you consider other centre halves of the period.
He was an outstanding manager in that time for Aberdeen, and of course Manchester United. However, no chance he'd get away with what he did then with players now
One thing for sure - referees knew they couldnt get away with anything. He would sometimes call them out directly and copped a fair few bans for it, and sometimes be quite cute in putting pressure on them. Either way, he was a master at dealing with refs.
Now if only we had someone/anyone these days with influence on the corrupt (and incompetent) scottish officials ~ the situation we face now in my opinion is almost out of control
Managers like him don't exist now. Try it and they would be ran out of town. An example for me was the way he stuck up for Cantona. That just wouldn't happen these days, cantonas career in England anyway and probably anywhere else for that matter, would be chased and ferguson along with him.

Footballers didn't call the shots back in his day, unfortunately they're basically now running the show. Take sala and haaland giving lip to klop and pep a couple of weeks ago, one going on as a sub, the other going off. Their feet wouldn't have touched the floor on the way out the door.
I remember Walter telling the story of him and Sir Alex playing chess on the way back from the Mexico world cup (I think) played for almost all the way back to London and had a good laugh. Anyway Walter won and the flight, the game and the laughs were never ever mentioned again. The guy just didn’t like losing.
Who does but that's taking it a bit far.
We tried to sign both. Miller was a great player and a big part of why the sheep were successful. World class is maybe too far when you consider other centre halves of the period.
Ferguson was good at coming down here and bringing players up north as he offered them a chance to develop. Miller and Mcleish should have been our central defence for many a year.
Slightly off topic but, as it was before my time, I’m wondering if anyone can recall the pre-match odds for Aberdeen to beat Real Madrid in that final? I know it was obviously a massive upset but learning the odds would help me towards understanding the scale of the achievement.
It wasn't a great shock, although Real would obviously have been favourites.
There wasn't such a gap between the elite and the rest as there is today and Real hadn't won a European trophy for nearly 20 years.
It's a good question though. As you say it gives perspective to the level of the shock.
My guess would be the outright would be something like
Real 4/7
Aberdeen 5/4
I'm sure I've seen him say he very much regrets that interview now. It was early days for him though. Funnily enough he was probably the best ever at protecting his players after a bad performance, when he was at his peak with Man U.
Yes, it was in the documeary from a couple of years ago, regretted it but almost instantly
Obviously there's no definitive answer but before and after the Simpson/Durrant game our supporters club was drinking in the golf club right outside Pittodrie. Can't imagine that nowadays.
Also there was no "seemingly" about WJ standing on McMaster. It happened.
The only doubt about that incident was Bud claimed it was a case of mistaken identity.
He thought it was Willie Miller :) :)
I only used "seemingly " because as far as I'm aware there was /is no clear footage or pictures of the Willie Johnstone McMaster incident . I have never seen any but hands up if I'm wrong.
It wasn't a great shock, although Real would obviously have been favourites.
There wasn't such a gap between the elite and the rest as there is today and Real hadn't won a European trophy for nearly 20 years.
It's a good question though. As you say it gives perspective to the level of the shock.
My guess would be the outright would be something like
Real 4/7
Aberdeen 5/4
Agree with this. I felt real Madrid would win, but I thought Aberdeen had a chance. Did they not knock out Bayern Munich also?
Strachan said he made him stand in the North Sea because he said he had an ankle injury. Ferguson asked him following week if he had an injury, strachan replied no all good. Said he was ruthless. You wouldn’t get away with those things now.
Pity it wasn’t a high tide.
I only used "seemingly " because as far as I'm aware there was /is no clear footage or pictures of the Willie Johnstone McMaster incident . I have never seen any but hands up if I'm wrong.
This is a quote from John McMaster on the incident with Willie Johnston “I got four big stud marks scraped right down from neck to my chest, I didn’t need a kiss of life or anything, although that was reported. I was lucky. If he had caught me on the throat it might have been different." As an aside, Ferguson fined McMaster for talking to the press about it as he had agreed with John Greig to play the incident down.
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I only used "seemingly " because as far as I'm aware there was /is no clear footage or pictures of the Willie Johnstone McMaster incident . I have never seen any but hands up if I'm wrong.
I saw it with my own eyes mate.
Love Wee Bud
He instilled a winners attitude and erased the fear of coming to Glasgow.
Not sure why you would expect an opposition manager worth his salt to be our friend.
The level of hatred that developed between us and them started when the animal Simpson tried to end the career of one of our finest sons.
The animosity between us and them started way before Simpson/ Durrant. It was there after the 1978 Scottish Cup Final.
I wasn't referring to him to be our friend whilst he was the Aberdeen manager and I'm not sure why you think I would expect him to be . Perhaps you misunderstood . Since he left our club in 1974 he wasn't / hasn't been out friend . You're right in saying he instilled a winners attitude when he joined them in 1978 . But the Simpson / Durrant assault was ten years after ( 1988 )and he had already left Aberdeen in 1986. Willie Johnstone however seemingly stood on John Mcmasters throat requiring him to get surgery in 1980. Some say that was the start of the hatred from the Aberdeen fans . But Ferguson was guilty of stirring it up in the Aberdeen press the moment he arrived at Aberdeen and for some reason the Aberdeen fans chose to dislike Rangers more so than Celtic. As I said in my post it was allegedly, that he was responsible , but you're way off the mark suggesting it was the assault on Durrant..
Alex Ferguson left Rangers in 1969 so I don't know where you're getting 1974 from
The mentality of Ferguson was great but it’s a different game these days. He was a great manager all round and had that fight.

He made the premier league more interesting in his time. In comparison to the current Man Utd team it’s a different mentality these days with managers and players. Can’t say boo.
The mentality of Ferguson was great but it’s a different game these days. He was a great manager all round and had that fight.

He made the premier league more interesting in his time. In comparison to the current Man Utd team it’s a different mentality these days with managers and players. Can’t say boo.
He didn’t retire that long ago. One of the things that kept him at the top so long is that he was a manager who absolutely did move with the times. Guys like Mourinho have somewhat stalled because of a failure to do that, but Ferguson did adapt to changes in the game.

Even with player power, Rooney took the piss out of United a bit to get a bumper new contract, and he got it too. I reckon had Rooney’s time been a decade earlier, he’d have been out the door and replaced. But I think Ferguson himself knew the players now held most of the cards and could pretty much get what they wanted and that fighting players on that front was a losing battle.
He didn’t retire that long ago. One of the things that kept him at the top so long is that he was a manager who absolutely did move with the times. Guys like Mourinho have somewhat stalled because of a failure to do that, but Ferguson did adapt to changes in the game.

Even with player power, Rooney took the piss out of United a bit to get a bumper new contract, and he got it too. I reckon had Rooney’s time been a decade earlier, he’d have been out the door and replaced. But I think Ferguson himself knew the players now held most of the cards and could pretty much get what they wanted and that fighting players on that front was a losing battle.
Agreed. He adapted with the times but we just knew some players wouldn’t be there 10 years earlier.

As years passed the players had more power, must have been difficult for him with people like Rooney as mentioned.

Man Utd have gone down hill since he left and we dont see managers like that these days.

Player power these days.
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He didn’t retire that long ago. One of the things that kept him at the top so long is that he was a manager who absolutely did move with the times. Guys like Mourinho have somewhat stalled because of a failure to do that, but Ferguson did adapt to changes in the game.

Even with player power, Rooney took the piss out of United a bit to get a bumper new contract, and he got it too. I reckon had Rooney’s time been a decade earlier, he’d have been out the door and replaced. But I think Ferguson himself knew the players now held most of the cards and could pretty much get what they wanted and that fighting players on that front was a losing battle.

This. Completely this. His ability to build, then rebuild, then rebuild again all with continued success and challenging makes him the best. Imagine winning the league with a midfield of O’Shea and Neville ffs. The hunger and drive he had and will to win was unmatched.

Also remember reading about him and the mental side of the game - back in early 80s Aberdeen’s players were under instruction when playing away at Parkhead “if we get a throw in early, in their half, take it quickly. Don’t care if it goes out or comes to nothing. I want them knowing we’ve not come here to try and sneak a draw. It’ll get them thinking”. Obviously I’ve completely paraphrased that but the point being made is the same. The master.
This. Completely this. His ability to build, then rebuild, then rebuild again all with continued success and challenging makes him the best. Imagine winning the league with a midfield of O’Shea and Neville ffs. The hunger and drive he had and will to win was unmatched.

Also remember reading about him and the mental side of the game - back in early 80s Aberdeen’s players were under instruction when playing away at Parkhead “if we get a throw in early, in their half, take it quickly. Don’t care if it goes out or comes to nothing. I want them knowing we’ve not come here to try and sneak a draw. It’ll get them thinking”. Obviously I’ve completely paraphrased that but the point being made is the same. The master.
Ferguson sides just that aura too, almost an aura of invincibility about them and I think that got the better of other sides psychologically speaking. Mourinho used to have the same aura, especially with that crazy home record he had for years.

There was loads of times United would go into games against the likes of Liverpool and I’d look at United’s lineup and think Liverpool have a real chance here, but even with less impressive looking starting 11’s Ferguson would still somehow make it work and more often than not get the results needed.
SAF is a reflection of what a rangers man used to be! I Think the loser mentality modern day fan would call him a rangers Da now. I'm sure I heard/saw/read that he learned about having the highest standards and expectations in everything at a club From rangers and he took that into his his football management career... so sad to think this is now a thing of the past at rangers itself.
The animosity between us and them started way before Simpson/ Durrant. It was there after the 1978 Scottish Cup Final.
The "animosity "only came from them towards us and started from the year Ferguson became Aberdeen manager. in 1978. Rangers best them 2-1 in the Scottish cup final and Ferguson was absolutely raging why Derek Johnstones goal stood.and reflected his feelings on the touchline .. He was interviewed after the game and hardly mentioned it , then chose to unload all his frustrations in the local press days later. As I said in a previous post Ferguson was known to stir it up in the Aberdeen press against Rangers and Celtic and his rant must have got home to the Aberdeen fans. as they chose to dislike us more than them.possibly that , and because of our Unionist views and the flying of the Union flag ? and them seeing us as English , touch of Anglophobia I suspect.. Anything that happened between the two clubs after that maybe affected the relationship but wasn't the cause of Aberdeens " animosity "
The "animosity "only came from them towards us and started from the year Ferguson became Aberdeen manager. in 1978. Rangers best them 2-1 in the Scottish cup final and Ferguson was absolutely raging why Derek Johnstones goal stood.and reflected his feelings on the touchline .. He was interviewed after the game and hardly mentioned it , then chose to unload all his frustrations in the local press days later. As I said in a previous post Ferguson was known to stir it up in the Aberdeen press against Rangers and Celtic and his rant must have got home to the Aberdeen fans. as they chose to dislike us more than them.possibly that , and because of our Unionist views and the flying of the Union flag ? and them seeing us as English , touch of Anglophobia I suspect.. Anything that happened between the two clubs after that maybe affected the relationship but wasn't the cause of Aberdeens " animosity "
Not sure it's anything to do with our unionist views as Aberdeen as a city voted against independence and Glasgow voted for it which may be surprising to some. I watched a programme about Ferguson and he felt aggrieved the way he was treated by Rangers as he felt he was made a scapegoat for the 7-1 defeat at Hampden he also said that people or person within the club didn't like that he married a catholic girl. He stated that when he was manager he wasn't happy with just beating Rangers he wanted to humiliate us and that showed more than ever in his infamous interview when Aberdeen beat us in the cup final. I'm not sure whether that was the catalyst for the hatred Aberdeen developed for us but it would certainly have fed into it.
Not sure it's anything to do with our unionist views as Aberdeen as a city voted against independence and Glasgow voted for it which may be surprising to some. I watched a programme about Ferguson and he felt aggrieved the way he was treated by Rangers as he felt he was made a scapegoat for the 7-1 defeat at Hampden he also said that people or person within the club didn't like that he married a catholic girl. He stated that when he was manager he wasn't happy with just beating Rangers he wanted to humiliate us and that showed more than ever in his infamous interview when Aberdeen beat us in the cup final. I'm not sure whether that was the catalyst for the hatred Aberdeen developed for us but it would certainly have fed into it.
I agree with you, there was no independence talk in those days and the SNP could have had their conference in a barn.

Celtic hated them as much as we did back then, both of us hated the fact they could come down to Glasgow, be it Ibrox, Parkhead and Hampden and deal with both of us. We had our battles with them outside the stadium and they went down the attack Strachan on the pitch road.

Aberdeen fans resented us as we took over from them being the top team. They were still a decent team for a few years, as we had 2 memorable league Cup finals against them, not to mention the last day of the league decider. We got better as the years went on and they started to go back the way.
Not sure it's anything to do with our unionist views as Aberdeen as a city voted against independence and Glasgow voted for it which may be surprising to some. I watched a programme about Ferguson and he felt aggrieved the way he was treated by Rangers as he felt he was made a scapegoat for the 7-1 defeat at Hampden he also said that people or person within the club didn't like that he married a catholic girl. He stated that when he was manager he wasn't happy with just beating Rangers he wanted to humiliate us and that showed more than ever in his infamous interview when Aberdeen beat us in the cup final. I'm not sure whether that was the catalyst for the hatred Aberdeen developed for us but it would certainly have fed into it.
Which 7-1 defeat at Hampden are you referring to ?. His wife Cathy was a Catholic and a very bitter outspoken one at that and didn't hold back at functions in telling everybody that she was. which was mentioned in the qt. to Ferguson who took umbrage.
Not sure it's anything to do with our unionist views as Aberdeen as a city voted against independence and Glasgow voted for it which may be surprising to some. I watched a programme about Ferguson and he felt aggrieved the way he was treated by Rangers as he felt he was made a scapegoat for the 7-1 defeat at Hampden he also said that people or person within the club didn't like that he married a catholic girl. He stated that when he was manager he wasn't happy with just beating Rangers he wanted to humiliate us and that showed more than ever in his infamous interview when Aberdeen beat us in the cup final. I'm not sure whether that was the catalyst for the hatred Aberdeen developed for us but it would certainly have fed into it.
Ferguson wasn't at Rangers when they beat us 7-1 at Hampden
Was in the main stand that night of the McMaster incident, only Wullie knows but looked pretty bad at the time.
Never really knew about Fergusson until his St Mirren days, he was a prick then and made a career out of it.
I'm sure I've seen him say he very much regrets that interview now. It was early days for him though. Funnily enough he was probably the best ever at protecting his players after a bad performance, when he was at his peak with Man U.
I remember reading a book (possibly by Sid Lowe about Barcelona) who noted that Alex Ferguson based his entire managerial approach on Scot Symon.

Never, ever went after or criticized the players in the public eye. Only ever in the comfort of the dressing room or training ground.
We gave a horrific footballer like Joe Hart a 3IAR :D

%^*& me. I hate this squad on a fucking molecular level.

Couldn’t give a %^*& what happens to any one of them.