Some touch by Gio

Maybe one for the youngsters :)
TikTok, probably should keep up with the latest trends.
Still trying to figure out Twitter.
I guess you have to sign up to the tik tok to watch it?
Is it not some Chinese government spying on you app?
Maybe got that wrong.
At least with Twitter you could see the link without signing up.:)
You can watch the video by clicking the link and pressing play, no account needed.

Tik Tok is a site for sharing short videos. They collect the same data as Facebook and Twitter do. If you don't want that, don't give any social media site the pleasure of having an account registered with your details. The fact that a private Chinese company does it rather than an American one means nothing. In fact, Facebook are probably more likely to use it target you specifically.

Anyway, lovely touch!
You can watch the video by clicking the link and pressing play, no account needed.

Tik Tok is a site for sharing short videos. They collect the same data as Facebook and Twitter do. If you don't want that, don't give any social media site the pleasure of having an account registered with your details. The fact that a private Chinese company does it rather than an American one means nothing. In fact, Facebook are probably more likely to use it target you specifically.

Anyway, lovely touch!

Got it, Cheers.