Stephen McGowan has been made redundant at the Scottish Daily Mail.

Looking for his rotten club's equaliser.
It wasn't long after the Channel 4 documentary that he questioned Anna Smith's role in the article that won the Daily Record media award. She responded with a rather questionable comment. If I remember correctly, he was also in contact with one of the victims families, pretending to offer help, all while playing it out publicly on Twitter. He really is a perfect fit for his football team.
Daily Mail has been cutting back on the amount of Scottish sport it uses for many months now. Was pretty sure something was happening and verified now.
As far as to what happens to Stephen McGowan I have no idea but suspect that the SFA post is earmarked for him.
Just when I thought FF had nothing new to offer, we have an "ITK" for the journalism sector :D
Day 1, task 1 upon getting the job... find out who was responsible for letting errors through on the web page and job description document and fire them.
Anyone on here qualified for this job? I know being a tramp is a potential advantage but must be a few on here can do this job.

Would be good to have a Bear in this role.
You would have more chance of success if you applied to be the next pope
Whereas the scum are prepared to pay lipservice to get their foot in the door.
Yip.. Just goes to show how you get rewarded with good paying jobs for turning a blind eye and/or having no morals in life..sadly that's not how I was brought up so no cushy well paid job for me:D:(.. Mind you the print media will be dead (hopefully) in a few years, don't know many people that buy newspapers these days tbh
Really can’t stand that rabid bastard

No doubt getting redundancy money and walking into a job at the SFA

At least we won’t have to listen to his gimpy questions at press conferences now

A Scumbag lickspittle who will no doubt carry on his white with the SFA
He will be on Radio Rome within 2 weeks , they tend to look after their own

Wouldn't be anything new for him as he's done it before he's on it every now and again unless you're talking about doing what the likes of Hannah and David Friel do and report from games.