Tavernier needs moved on

I have serious doubts about them taking the same number of corners, and they certainly don’t take remotely close to the same number of set pieces, many of which will be crosses into the box. And just generally the team doesn’t play to the left side as much as it does to Tav, he’s the main man isn’t he. And yeah, I’m unbelievably confident that we’ll certainly do no worse without him than we have wish him, domestically anyway. He had some brilliant Euro nights for us.
We are not set up to get goals from right back that's utter nonsense

It's scary that some people actually think we have had a succession of managers who come in and decide that they're going to set up the entire team just so that Tav can get goals and assists.

Also that all our midfielders and wingers don't pitch in with goals or assists because they need to give the ball to Tav. :D
It's scary that some people actually think we have had a succession of managers who come in and decide that they're going to set up the entire team just so that Tav can get goals and assists.

Also that all our midfielders and wingers don't pitch in with goals or assists because they need to give the ball to Tav. :D
I honestly don't understand how anybody thinks that we try to get the right back goals and assists rather than trying to win
I just can't get my head round it
Let Sterling hit the penalties. Im betting he finishes the season with a minimum 10-12 goals, and that’s if he turns out to be crap at them and misses his fair share, after 4 or 5 seasons he’d still end up with cracking looking scoring stats for a full back. Out of curiosity how much did the scum pay for their 18 goal midfielder? Go and have a look and then come back. In fact how much did we pay for Tav? What about our other most prominent star in recent years, Morelos? What you’ve presented is the same tired, lazy, and bogus argument the same people have been presenting of ages. It just doesn’t hold up at all, and it’s tedious.
You are at it,you want to put Sterling on penalties,he has played 140 games and has the sum total of 1 goal.So he is not remotely considered as a goal scorer.I like him as a player but guys like you would be the first to turn on him when he misses a couple.
Maybe you cant see passed your hatred for our Captain but his stats more than stand up,which is just as well because we get very few goals from our midfield.
You need to think it through instead of just lashing out.
Unless we find other players who can help the strikers we just cant afford to not have him in the team.
Until that happens he will be in the team,barring some crazy offer comes in for him,whether you like it or not.
You are at it,you want to put Sterling on penalties,he has played 140 games and has the sum total of 1 goal.So he is not remotely considered as a goal scorer.I like him as a player but guys like you would be the first to turn on him when he misses a couple.
Maybe you cant see passed your hatred for our Captain but his stats more than stand up,which is just as well because we get very few goals from our midfield.
You need to think it through instead of just lashing out.
Unless we find other players who can help the strikers we just cant afford to not have him in the team.
Until that happens he will be in the team,barring some crazy offer comes in for him,whether you like it or not.
A whole lot of nothing, doesn’t address any of the points made, I mean you’ve literally addressed none of it, just taken a bunch of stats at face value with no context, which is standard for guys more interested in Tavernier than the success of Rangers, usually run about insulting people, talking about haters and hatred, being clueless while quoting numbers and blaming everyone else at the club. To his credit LegalBeagle at least tried to take my point instead of descending into that pathetic “you’re a poet/you hate the captain” crap. The fact you genuinely thought I was advocating for putting Sterling on penalties rather than making a simple point that if he was the penalty taker he’d end up with really good goal numbers, is startling. Although there are surely attacking players in the side who could produce similar conversion rates.

What you call a hatred of our captain is actually more about being sick and tired of seeing Celtic win the league, of seeing us rinsed at full back in Old Firm games, or just generally seeing us look rudderless when the pressures really on and we need to get results. But yeah spare me the condescending stuff about needing to think it through, I’ve given my arguments and I’ve given fairly thorough explanations for them. You're sticking to looking at numbers on a page and nothing more, so where’s the thought process there? Oh, and obviously no big offer is coming, no one was interested in paying good money for him when he was in his prime so why would that happen now? Maybe if you’re lucky we’ll stick with the status quo, but you can forget about us beating them to the league title. Zero hated for the guy, but I am completely fed up with seeing him lead us to minimal success, and beyond tired of seeing him get rinsed at the back.
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Need to get this Jefte left back in from Fluminense for next season, the left back situation again needs looked at , Ridvan posted missing at their second and third is not the answer.
How do you know if Jefte is any good or not.?
Tav should have been phased out the team gradually, he seemed not too bad when clement first came in as he was sticking to defending and not getting forward as much, and concentrating on defending.

But last few weeks, just been bombing forward and leaving gaps on the right hand side.
You think butland, sterling, mckinnon, McCausland etc are all losers who must go mate?

While there will be turnover, we absolutely will not be getting rid of every player everyone wants to
The old guard who have polluted the dressing room for too long that are happier having a captain they like than a born winner who would rather have medals than friends in the dressing room.
Our big failure, post 55, was approaching player turnover with fear - refusing to cash in on Morelos, Kamara, Aribo, etc, when they were at their peak value, due to fear of the unknown and assuming they would continue to perform as they did in 55.

Tav has been a great servant. He's contributed, especially to a period of sustained relative success in Europe we've never had in my lifetime. But he IS regressing - especially in terms of his defensive reliability, and he WILL continue to lose pace.

If the Saudi's are offering a fee, we should cash in and give him a deserved testimonial, and then look to the future.
There's also the matter of going out at the right time.

Whatever anyone thinks of Tavernier, he'll be fondly remembered. Do people really want to watch him decline and fans start grumbling when it's obvious he's past his best as every team we face attacks his side?

He's played a million games over the past few years and time does for everyone eventually.
I'll bloody need to mate. Happy to newco myself if it means we get a clean slate

Yeah I’ve defended him as much as possible but the time is right for a change let’s hope for some good recruitment.

You live in Warnbro? Stayed in Baldivis for a while although back in the UK now. Miss the place from time to time
A whole lot of nothing, doesn’t address any of the points made, I mean you’ve literally addressed none of it, just taken a bunch of stats at face value with no context, which is standard for guys more interested in Tavernier than the success of Rangers, usually run about insulting people, talking about haters and hatred, being clueless while quoting numbers and blaming everyone else at the club. To his credit LegalBeagle at least tried to take my point instead of descending into that pathetic “you’re a poet/you hate the captain” crap. The fact you genuinely thought I was advocating for putting Sterling on penalties rather than making a simple point that if he was the penalty taker he’d end up with really good goal numbers, is startling. Although there are surely attacking players in the side who could produce similar conversion rates.

What you call a hatred of our captain is actually more about being sick and tired of seeing Celtic win the league, of seeing us rinsed at full back in Old Firm games, or just generally seeing us look rudderless when the pressures really on and we need to get results. But yeah spare me the condescending stuff about needing to think it through, I’ve given my arguments and I’ve given fairly thorough explanations for them. You're sticking to looking at numbers on a page and nothing more, so where’s the thought process there? Oh, and obviously no big offer is coming, no one was interested in paying good money for him when he was in his prime so why would that happen now? Maybe if you’re lucky we’ll stick with the status quo, but you can forget about us beating them to the league title. Zero hated for the guy, but I am completely fed up with seeing him lead us to minimal success, and beyond tired of seeing him get rinsed at the back.
Your replies to other posters are littered with insults simply for having a different point of view so dont go down that road.
You dont react well when presented with facts,your mantra boils down to get rid of Tav and everything will be allright,you like to critcise but provide no answers.
I would have no problem with replacing him with a better player thats how teams evolve but you havent done that you only provide problems but no solutions.
You dont have a monopoly on being fed up with the tramps record against us in recent years but its ridiculous the amount of blame you want to shift on to a player who has contributed more than most during his time with us
Our big failure, post 55, was approaching player turnover with fear - refusing to cash in on Morelos, Kamara, Aribo, etc, when they were at their peak value, due to fear of the unknown and assuming they would continue to perform as they did in 55.

Tav has been a great servant. He's contributed, especially to a period of sustained relative success in Europe we've never had in my lifetime. But he IS regressing - especially in terms of his defensive reliability, and he WILL continue to lose pace.

If the Saudi's are offering a fee, we should cash in and give him a deserved testimonial, and then look to the future.
Was Gerrard who refused to sell any of them and since then we’ve been absolute hopeless at getting rid of players at the right time! We other let them run out their contract or sell for peanuts (bassey and Patterson aside). Hopefully will change now!
I replied to a post about how popular he is with his team mates, you are correct, it probably is pish.
The FACT is though they are serial losers.
You said the players would rather have friends than trophies, that is just made up pish to have a go at the players
Putting fact in bold doesn't make it true
Yeah I’ve defended him as much as possible but the time is right for a change let’s hope for some good recruitment.

You live in Warnbro? Stayed in Baldivis for a while although back in the UK now. Miss the place from time to time
Shoalwater (Rockingham), mate. But the local supporters club used to meet at the Warnbro Tavern and the locals call it the Warnbro Tav and when I hear “Tav” is think of Tavernier
The man has been a magnificent servant to us and was instrumental in taking us to a European final

But sadly like a lot of players over the years , his time with us is now over imo

Underrated post

We seen it happen with McGregor and Davis, legends being berated on a weekly basis due to the decline in their performances.

I doubt there is another player in Europe that has played the amount of Club games Tav has over the past 9 seasons and 99% of these are full games, he rarely gets taken off.

Sadly the amount of football he has crammed in has taken its toll. He is not the player he was 2/3 years ago, in an ideal world we should’ve been selling Tav not Patterson.
Ive given my views plenty on this thread and completely understand the comeback from a lot of people who want to move on from Tav and the rest of the old guard. I've nothing more to add on my views on him but i just have a couple questions.
What actually is the likelihood of Tav leaving this summer? Where other than Saudi is a likely destination for him? Seems like a lot of people pinning their hopes on a Saudi bid coming in for him. If that doesn't happen then he's 2 years left on his contract hasn't he? So what then if he's still a Rangers player come game 1 of next season? As people have said he's earning too much to just be a squad player so I would imagine he'll feature heavily again next season?
Unless I'm missing something else as well, I've not ever seen the boss be anything other than complimentary about him as well so he probably won't be forcing the Tav out issue himself?
Ive given my views plenty on this thread and completely understand the comeback from a lot of people who want to move on from Tav and the rest of the old guard. I've nothing more to add on my views on him but i just have a couple questions.
What actually is the likelihood of Tav leaving this summer? Where other than Saudi is a likely destination for him? Seems like a lot of people pinning their hopes on a Saudi bid coming in for him. If that doesn't happen then he's 2 years left on his contract hasn't he? So what then if he's still a Rangers player come game 1 of next season? As people have said he's earning too much to just be a squad player so I would imagine he'll feature heavily again next season?
Unless I'm missing something else as well, I've not ever seen the boss be anything other than complimentary about him as well so he probably won't be forcing the Tav out issue himself?
He's hardly going to come out and say he's pish or past it for a number of reasons.
He's hardly going to come out and say he's pish or past it for a number of reasons.
Doesn't answer my questions. No guarantee a bid comes in for him and if it doesn't he'll be at the club another 2 years whether you like it or not. So you'd rule out any chance of success at the club for those 2 years while he's at the club regardless of who else is brought in and moved on?
Ive given my views plenty on this thread and completely understand the comeback from a lot of people who want to move on from Tav and the rest of the old guard. I've nothing more to add on my views on him but i just have a couple questions.
What actually is the likelihood of Tav leaving this summer? Where other than Saudi is a likely destination for him? Seems like a lot of people pinning their hopes on a Saudi bid coming in for him. If that doesn't happen then he's 2 years left on his contract hasn't he? So what then if he's still a Rangers player come game 1 of next season? As people have said he's earning too much to just be a squad player so I would imagine he'll feature heavily again next season?
Unless I'm missing something else as well, I've not ever seen the boss be anything other than complimentary about him as well so he probably won't be forcing the Tav out issue himself?

He is on over £40k a week, no one outwith Saudi is paying a fullback who will be 33 in a few months time that kind of money.
Doesn't answer my questions. No guarantee a bid comes in for him and if it doesn't he'll be at the club another 2 years whether you like it or not. So you'd rule out any chance of success at the club for those 2 years while he's at the club regardless of who else is brought in and moved on?
I've went through all this several times I was just saying he's hardly like to slate anyone while the season is still active.
If he stays and plays we won't progress and he'll be on the end of verbal abuse probably.
Underrated post

We seen it happen with McGregor and Davis, legends being berated on a weekly basis due to the decline in their performances.

I doubt there is another player in Europe that has played the amount of Club games Tav has over the past 9 seasons and 99% of these are full games, he rarely gets taken off.

Sadly the amount of football he has crammed in has taken its toll. He is not the player he was 2/3 years ago, in an ideal world we should’ve been selling Tav not Patterson.

I kinda get the logic of that but I think we won a watch by selling Patterson. He hasn't really kicked on, picks up a lot of injuries and we weren't going to get anywhere near £12m for Tav due to his age.

Generally speaking though we need to start following Celtic and selling players at their peak. They have no hesitation in doing this at all.
Underrated post

We seen it happen with McGregor and Davis, legends being berated on a weekly basis due to the decline in their performances.

I doubt there is another player in Europe that has played the amount of Club games Tav has over the past 9 seasons and 99% of these are full games, he rarely gets taken off.

Sadly the amount of football he has crammed in has taken its toll. He is not the player he was 2/3 years ago, in an ideal world we should’ve been selling Tav not Patterson.
Good post and to the point, McGregor went a season too far. I don’t think anyone could argue that and it cost us compared to the keeper we expected.

Tav’s averaged 52.6 games a season the last five seasons. I don’t recall him coming on as a sub so I believe they are all starts and he finished most of those games too. It’s a lot for a player that is the wrong side of thirty.

At the end of the day his position should be judged like every other position in the team, captain or not. If we think RB needs improved it needs improved. That’s the real question for the manager. There is no place for sentiment in professional football.

SofaScore have him as the highest average marks out of ten player in the league.
aye from folk watching from the sofa I'd imagine