English fans of them


Active Member
Had to unfortunately go in to the city centre yesterday morning around 10ish. Obviously scum fans everywhere, couldn’t help but notice a few of them with English accents around central.

I know there will be some down there that maybe moved down, but it must be hard to be born and bred down there to then come up here and be amongst thousands that hate you and your country. It would definitely make me question my support for sure.

Or maybe they are as confused as the ones up here and also believe they are Irish.

The IRA's bombing campaign in England should mean no normal Englishman could support them
Don’t forget there strongholds of the Oirish Republicans in England, Liverpool for instance! What riles me they love the Oirish Republican myth so much, so stop taking the U.K. pound and **** off to your mythical land and clear us of your Scum!
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you will find a bona fide all out enabler boozer in most cities and large towns down there, like it or not they are a popular club in England for a section of English society, one look at the way our club and theirs are reported in the media down there shows us people are not viewing them in the same way as those of us that have to live amongst them , and see the poison they spread every day in life,
After the Queens passing it was amazing the u turn a lot of English fans of them did. One guy I knew has become a Rangers fan.
Most will support them as a second team because they are about an eighth Irish etc
The same as up here, they may have had an Irish great Grandfather,who died before they were born, but consider themselves Irish.
Of course they have never been to Ireland,and is asked some simple questions on Irish history you would get a blank stare.
For others, they will believe the whole left-wing nonsense about the peasants.
Plenty of English hate their country and sympathise with the IRA.

Liverpool will have a good amount there.
Know for a fact they do, was unfortunate enough to encounter a rabble of them a few years back. It was Paddy's day right enough so should maybe have expected it but I was still a bit shocked at the stuff they were saying. Abusing an ex forces guy in a smoking area of a boozer. Vermin.

Up until that point we'd had a good weekend and found most scousers to be a friendly bunch. Bit of an eye opener.
The same as up here, they may have had an Irish great Grandfather,who died before they were born, but consider themselves Irish.
Of course they have never been to Ireland,and is asked some simple questions on Irish history you would get a blank stare.
For others, they will believe the whole left-wing nonsense about the peasants.

I'm not sure the Peasants even play friendlies anymore down there due to the violence that surrounds the games.
I'm not sure the Peasants even play friendlies anymore down there due to the violence that surrounds the games.
Yes,I think it depends on the club though.
If it was Liverpool or Manchester United,I don't think there would be as much trouble as against other clubs.
if they drew Tottenham in Europe, a club with a large Jewish fan base, I doubt that they would take too kindly to the pro Hamas love in from the peasants.
Probably the same if they played Chelsea, in a friendly or a European tie.
Not trying to score staunch pints, I just get the feeling some club's fan base differ from what they would accept from a pro terrorist anti English/British rabble.
A lot of them go hand in hand with the Irish Centres or Catholic clubs in their communities.

The strange one for me being Cleator Moor in Cumbria.

The amount of people who buy into the club founded as a charity for the poor garbage is off the scale, tbh. Their lies works.
Well, I mean, like it or not, they were. (It obviously fell by the wayside for about a century the second they realised there was cash to be made out of this football lark, but there's no denying their reasons for forming.)

When it comes to us, we were formed simply for a sheer love and passion for the game by young, ambitious and committed lads, who not only wanted to play football, but wanted to be the best - and they achieved it... and then some!

We had no political or religious affiliations for the first few decades of our existence, then became linked to the Orange Order and Loyalism after the arrival of shipyard workers from Belfast who attatched themselves to Rangers.

We've sang in support of loyalist paramilitaries - I ignore people who claim we're singing about the original UVF in the same way I ignore scumbags who claim they're singing about the original IRA - who also killed indiscriminately... including Protestants.
Yet we still draw support from that community.
Many of them are (rightly) proud of their Scottish heritage despite being born in NI, like generations before them. I'd imagine that's the case with that mob and their English born fans: they'll have Scottish or Irish ancestry.
Yes,I think it depends on the club though.
If it was Liverpool or Manchester United,I don't think there would be as much trouble as against other clubs.
if they drew Tottenham in Europe, a club with a large Jewish fan base, I doubt that they would take too kindly to the pro Hamas love in from the peasants.
Probably the same if they played Chelsea, in a friendly or a European tie.
Not trying to score staunch pints, I just get the feeling some club's fan base differ from what they would accept from a pro terrorist anti English/British rabble.

I'm sure Sunderland was their last game down there and they were kicked all over the city.

Sales of Union Jack cushions rose immediately. :))
Well, I mean, like it or not, they were. (It obviously fell by the wayside for about a century the second they realised there was cash to be made out of this football lark, but there's no denying their reasons for forming.)

When it comes to us, we were formed simply for a sheer love and passion for the game by young, ambitious and committed lads, who not only wanted to play football, but wanted to be the best - and they achieved it... and then some!

We had no political or religious affiliations for the first few decades of our existence, then became linked to the Orange Order and Loyalism after the arrival of shipyard workers from Belfast who attatched themselves to Rangers.

We've sang in support of loyalist paramilitaries - I ignore people who claim we're singing about the original UVF in the same way I ignore scumbags who claim they're singing about the original IRA - who also killed indiscriminately... including Protestants.
Yet we still draw support from that community.
Many of them are (rightly) proud of their Scottish heritage despite being born in NI, like generations before them. I'd imagine that's the case with that mob and their English born fans: they'll have Scottish or Irish ancestry.

They were founded as a charity as much as a local gangster throws a charity Christmas party for OAP's every year, mate.

They were founded as a scam by local thugs, with a daft priest as the respectable front for the enterprise.
They were founded as a money making enterprise. Taking advantage of fools

They had a stadium built before they even had a team in place, which they then created by bribing players from other clubs. Paying players was against the rules, not that it mattered to those corrupt cheating bastards. They've never changed.

Yet they still propagate the " charity " myth.
I was out last night with a guy who’s dad is Chairman of the Doncaster Celtic Supporters club. His grandad was Irish.

Just my luck I bump into a cu.nt like that on a night out
There was a large Irish club adjacent to the bus station in Doncaster.
Had to unfortunately go in to the city centre yesterday morning around 10ish. Obviously scum fans everywhere, couldn’t help but notice a few of them with English accents around central.

I know there will be some down there that maybe moved down, but it must be hard to be born and bred down there to then come up here and be amongst thousands that hate you and your country. It would definitely make me question my support for sure.

Or maybe they are as confused as the ones up here and also believe they are Irish.

Any real Englishman that supports them needs to take a long hard look at themselves.
They had a stadium built before they even had a team in place, which they filled by bribing players from other clubs. Paying players was against the rules, not that it mattered to those corrupt cheating bastards. They've never changed.

Yet they still propagate the " charity " myth.
They stole players from Hibs and those stupid Edinburgh cunts still think they're "brothers" they nearly put them out of business ffs
The lying shameful story of how that horrible club was shat into existence has been warped out of all recognition. Telling whoppers is in its DNA.

That people believe the " charity " myth is bizarre, tbh.
There's genuinely people who believe that "charity" pish. It's disgusting. Tell a lie so many times
I can never understand why we (England) celebrate st Patrick’s day much more than St George’s day which is barely recognised it’s all very hypocritical and confusing

Considering the history and everything they stand for you’d think they would be all Rangers.
St. Patrick’s day up until about twenty five years ago wasn’t much of a thing. Guinness made it an occasion as a marketing tool. People like to be part of an event (see the amount of straight people at Pride events). Protestants do not recognise the feast day of saints hence why Saint Andrew’s day has never really been celebrated in Scotland.
They were founded as a charity as much as a local gangster throws a charity Christmas party for OAP's every year, mate.

They were founded as a scam by local thugs, with a daft priest as the respectable front for the enterprise.
The "family dynasties" were thieving b******s with some dark questions to answer, mate.
The IRA's bombing campaign in England should mean no normal Englishman could support them
Thats it for me. I have no idea how any Englishman could support that rabble and listen to their Pro IRA/Republican songs after their bombing campaign in England that murdered and badly injured so many men, women and children.

They have a "female" in their womens team called Caitlan Hayes that was born and lives in Warrington and who has supported since "she" was a child and she is one bitter bitch.
Well, I mean, like it or not, they were. (It obviously fell by the wayside for about a century the second they realised there was cash to be made out of this football lark, but there's no denying their reasons for forming.)

When it comes to us, we were formed simply for a sheer love and passion for the game by young, ambitious and committed lads, who not only wanted to play football, but wanted to be the best - and they achieved it... and then some!

We had no political or religious affiliations for the first few decades of our existence, then became linked to the Orange Order and Loyalism after the arrival of shipyard workers from Belfast who attatched themselves to Rangers.

We've sang in support of loyalist paramilitaries - I ignore people who claim we're singing about the original UVF in the same way I ignore scumbags who claim they're singing about the original IRA - who also killed indiscriminately... including Protestants.
Yet we still draw support from that community.
Many of them are (rightly) proud of their Scottish heritage despite being born in NI, like generations before them. I'd imagine that's the case with that mob and their English born fans: they'll have Scottish or Irish ancestry.

It wasn't fully charity that led to their founding. Brother Walfrid or whatever his name was, was worried about the number of Catholics attending Protestant run soup kitchens and the like and founded that mob as one way to aid the prevention of the drift. They were religiously influenced from the very start.

As for the OP, I live in England now and I put a lot of the reasoning for their support down here down to TV coverage of the Champions League a decade or so ago when they rarely lost at home. The commentators were always going on about the "fantastic atmosphere", totally ignoring what was being sung. They also used to play a lot of testimonials down here but thankfully they seem to be near blocked from playing in England now as I think their true nature is finally being seen. Rangers though have always been preferred by more, far more, than them, though these days few really care that much about either of us. I always make a point of putting anyone interested in both clubs right though!