Celtic face threat of multimillion pound compensation claim(The Times)

Justbto clarify for any offence I may have caused Of course the victims deserve justice. The point I was making was that despite all the victims having the bravery to speak up, and the journalists fighting their case. It has been and will continue to be, swept under the carpet by that rancid club. I sincerely hope justice is served in whatever way possible
We've got to the point when they sweep something new under the carpet they push something out the other end. Their sweeping days are over, the time is here for them to face justice for their actions and for their victims to hold their heads high as they hopefully get some sort of closure. Lets not forget those poor souls for whom it was just too much to bear and are not here to see justice served.
Would expect that everyone's case will be slightly different and some will think that they would rather take a settlement than go through the stress of a court case.

In cases where a family member has died then it's more likely that seeking justice outweighs any settlement.

Not sure if you were replying to me, but my point was about what happens if some within the class action are prepared to take a settlement and others want justice and exposure of what happened.

From my point of view I would rather see the cases go through the courts as it will help to identify all those who have been involved, but I couldn't be critical of anyone who would rather take a settlement and avoid going through a court case.

It was just an example to make people think about posting.

If someone wronged me to the extent of what this thread is about, I would seek blood or justice whatever one i could get first. But cash would be the least of my worries.
55 convictions

P 1 (8 convictions)


3 convictions of shameless and indecent conduct between 1967 and 1974

3 victims


5 convictions of sexual abuse between 1986 and 1994

3 victims


P 2 (6 convictions)


6 convictions of indecent assault and two charges of lewd, indecent and libidinous practices from 1965 to 1986.

8 victims - 4 St Columba’s Boys Guild, 4 Celtic Boys Club.


Case Code - GE19010036


McCAFFERTY (13 convictions)


1 conviction of sexual abusing a boy in Belfast.


12 convictions of sexual assault on young players between 1972 and 1986.


KING (5 convictions)


5 convictions of lewd and libidinous behaviour

5 victims


CULLEN (1 conviction)


Indecency against boys as young as 10 (took 250 photographs)




1 conviction of indecent assault on a child.


1 conviction of sexual assault on a 5-year-old boy.


3 convictions for possessing indecent photographs of children.

1 conviction of making indecent photographs of children.

1 conviction of distributing indecent photographs of children.

1 conviction of raping an 18-month-old boy.

3 convictions of lewd, indecent and libidinous practices towards a child.

1 conviction of lewd, indecent and libidinous practices and behaviour towards a
6-year-old boy.

1 conviction of participation in the commission of sexual offences including lewd, indecent and libidinous practices and behaviour, indecent assault, rape, sodomy and assault against children.

2 convictions of discussing carrying out sexual offences and assault against a child.

1 conviction of meet up with another, for the purpose of gaining access to and
committing sexual offences against male children.

1 conviction of using electronic communication with another, to state a desire to share a child for the purposes of committing sexual offences.

6 convictions of using electronic communication with another, to gain access to a child for the purposes of taking indecent images and committing sexual offences.


If you count each of the boys in Cullen's 250 photographs as individual victims, the total of directly attributable and documented victims of paedophiles with Celtic FC/Celtic Boys Club connections is 285.

Total number of convictions is 55 - and that's not counting the convictions that will arise from P1 and P2 upcoming trials.
How that club is still allowed to operate is beyond me. An utterly heinous organisation.
BN94 and the team, my apologises if this has been brought up before but I was thinking that if the team at Spotlight require some financial help then, would it not be possible to put in place a way for donations from people like myself that believe in this struggle for Justice and, too possibly help end the misery once and for all for the victims.

This whole event is rather delicate and I most certainly don't want to upset people in anyway. The Rangers Supporters were very generous when it came to raising money for Adrian Goldberg.

Could something similar be organised again because, all the hard work and dedication doing what you's have been doing for years does not come cheap,

I have been reading these posts for sometime now and unlike the team's endeavours to bring this whole sordid affair out into the 'Public Domain' it does not cost me anything.
The Spotlight team appear to be some of the very few (along with the families themselves) fighting this on behalf of the victims. By doing so they are giving the victims hope that justice may (eventually) be served. To give up and walk away after all this time would be a devastating below to the families. The team have pursued this despite all the obstacles they have faced and deserve all the credit going for sticking to their task.
We've got to the point when they sweep something new under the carpet they push something out the other end. Their sweeping days are over, the time is here for them to face justice for their actions and for their victims to hold their heads high as they hopefully get some sort of closure. Lets not forget those poor souls for whom it was just too much to bear and are not here to see justice served.
Excellent post sir. Perfect.
This is an important post by Spotlight.
There will be more to follow on this when the time is right.

Staggering how a man who was previously thrown out of that club for abusing boys was held in such high esteem that people held open doors for him and to be given the privilage of a seat in the directors box after the fact and the man sitting in front of him knew fine well what he had done.

They truly are a disgusting organisation
This thread is infested with vermin.

Good, they will be under no illusions as to the scale of the perfidy of their club and the amount of people that know grows ever bigger.

We see you, and we will not stop until the whole world sees you for what you and your club are and what you have done.

It is time to stand up and be counted or forever be known as a facilitator.
Remember the 1986 supposed "investigation" of the boys club and the veiled threats of legal action on an anyone repeating these allegations?

That is facilitating and protecting paedophiles and made the piggery a safe haven for child abusers.

This just made me feel sick. The moments of clarity you get with these updates are horrible when you consider both how it was allowed to happen and how it has been allowed to be ignored.
This just made me feel sick. The moments of clarity you get with these updates are horrible when you consider both how it was allowed to happen and how it has been allowed to be ignored.
Yip ...through threats of legal action against anyone saying anything against CBC or its coaches, CFC virtually made the piggery a safe haven for paedophiles to do as they please without recrimination knowing they were protected by CFC.
BN94 and the team, my apologises if this has been brought up before but I was thinking that if the team at Spotlight require some financial help then, would it not be possible to put in place a way for donations from people like myself that believe in this struggle for Justice and, too possibly help end the misery once and for all for the victims.

This whole event is rather delicate and I most certainly don't want to upset people in anyway. The Rangers Supporters were very generous when it came to raising money for Adrian Goldberg.

Could something similar be organised again because, all the hard work and dedication doing what you's have been doing for years does not come cheap,

I have been reading these posts for sometime now and unlike the team's endeavours to bring this whole sordid affair out into the 'Public Domain' it does not cost me anything.
It’s a very kind offer and it’s also been put to us previously. The fact is we always agreed to self fund and that won’t change.
I really don’t want to sound ungrateful by saying that as it is greatly appreciated but we don’t require funds.
Staggering how a man who was previously thrown out of that club for abusing boys was held in such high esteem that people held open doors for him and to be given the privilage of a seat in the directors box after the fact and the man sitting in front of him knew fine well what he had done.

They truly are a disgusting organisation
He should already be in jail imo. In my eyes an inconspicuous creature of the highest order in all of this.
It’s a very kind offer and it’s also been put to us previously. The fact is we always agreed to self fund and that won’t change.
I really don’t want to sound ungrateful by saying that as it is greatly appreciated but we don’t require funds.
Thank you for replying BN94, I wish you and all your colleagues all the very best and that, some day soon it can be put to rest once and for all. Maybe then you can take a moment, relax and get on with other things in life.

This whole saga must be so draining for you all, I salute your bravery and determination to do everything in your power to help the victims, with out all of your team fighting for them, I think these terrible acts that was forced on them as children would simply have disappeared.

What more can be said, we inside the Rangers Family salute you all. (So Far, Job Well Done).
We knew this was coming a few days ago and there will probably be another media outlet releasing it soon.
The reason Spotlight hasn’t mentioned it was out of respect for the victims.
For those on this thread that doubted it would get this far, then please believe us, there’s more to come.
We all knew the known cases were just the tip of the iceberg but its still tough reading even more have came forward, the bravery is clearly great and the awareness of this case has prompted more to seek help is great. Tough thinking what the full outcome of all this will be, systemic, ring, affiliation with Bennell dread to think of the destruction that club have caused on children, families and society

Celtic to be served with court summons in multi-million pound 'class action' by sex abuse survivors​

The club is being sued by up to 25 victims and lawyers say 'several' more have come forward with harrowing allegations in recent weeks.

Celtic will be served with legal papers after a judge gave the green light to a US-style “class action” lawsuit against the club by sex abuse survivors.
Up to 25 victims of historical abuse at Celtic Boys Club launched a multi-million pound damages claim using new powers under Scottish law.

Now judge Lord Ericht has allowed the case to move to the next stage which ensures lawyers for Celtic FC will need to answer the allegations.

A hearing took place at the Court of Session in Edinburgh on Thursday and a summons is expected to be served on Celtic within the next fortnight.

Thompsons Solicitors Scotland acts for 25 survivors.
Patrick McGuire, a partner with the firm, said the summons will set out the alleged relationship between Celtic and Celtic Boys Club.

Celtic previously said it was “appalled by any form of historic abuse” but maintained it is a “separate entity” to the boys club.

Four men associated with Celtic Boys Club or Celtic have been convicted of abuse.
Just over a month ago, Thompsons paid for a public notice to be published in the Record - a required first step in the “group proceedings” action - which urged other survivors to come forward.
Since then several people contacted the firm with claims they suffered abuse and may now join the group case.

Following Thursday’s hearing, Thompsons had to pay for a second public notice in today’s Record to again alert possible claimants about the “super case”.
Mr McGuire said: “This group action against Celtic has leapt the first hurdle. This an important milestone in the fight for justice for abuse survivors.
“The court has authorised the papers to be formally served on Celtic. That means in due course - probably early next year - the club will have to provide a formal written response to the case we set out in law.
“We expect there will be a hearing before a judge in the new year.
“This should leave Celtic in absolutely no doubt that we’re serious about this fight and will pursue it with absolute commitment. This process will continue until justice is secured.