Potential GVB Management Team


Active Member
Does GVB have a team that he’s worked with before ready and available to bring with him if appointed?

We saw the importance of McAllister and Beale to Gerrard and hope that we’re not just concentrating on appointing a manager on his own.
His team at Feyenoord was Jean-Paul van Gastel, Jan Wouters, Roy Makaay and Khalid Benlahsen.

Wouters left before the final season and was replaced by Denny Landzaat.
Arno Phillips too, who followed him to China. Now works for Netherlands NT.
Arno Phillips too, who followed him to China. Now works for Netherlands NT.

If he's only known about this opportunity since the weekend has he had time to get a team together having been out of the coaching game for a year or two?

Will he be happy to work with a Neil McCann or a Kevin Thomson
If he's only known about this opportunity since the weekend has he had time to get a team together having been out of the couching game for a year or two?

Will he be happy to work with a Neil McCann or a Kevin Thomson
McCann certainly wouldn't be an unknown to him. Whether he has his own team in mind, should he arrive, remains to be seen.
He played in the same team as McCann so I get that link but would anyone be suggesting McCann if he wasn't on RTV talking a good game.

I'm sure whoever the new manager is (and I hope it is GVB) will speak to those around the club and ex players but whether they want them as part of their staff remains to be seen.
If we were looking at a locally based coach to add to the team I'd suggest Kenny Miller.
Was a teammate of GVB and a few of the current team and has some experience in coaching now. Have liked what I have heard from him with regards to how the game should be played.
Jesus Christ. At least it’ll save the mhedia being starved of information or paying the access fee.
I know this a probably a load of bull (don't shoot the messenger) but i heard Arthur Numan was spotted at Glasgow airport last night.

Normally I hate rumourmongers, but ..........
Screenshot going about of Numan replied to someone on Insta confirming he's not going to Rangers, didn't rule out Gio moving but I'd assume he'd be in the dark about it too.
His team at Feyenoord was Jean-Paul van Gastel, Jan Wouters, Roy Makaay and Khalid Benlahsen.

Wouters left before the final season and was replaced by Denny Landzaat.
Off topic - Always though Denny Landzaat was a decent wee player. Did he play in the Fernando Ricksen charity games at Ibrox?
His team at Feyenoord was Jean-Paul van Gastel, Jan Wouters, Roy Makaay and Khalid Benlahsen.

Wouters left before the final season and was replaced by Denny Landzaat.

I’m sure Roy Makaay was an absolute beast on champ man
If we were looking at a locally based coach to add to the team I'd suggest Kenny Miller.
Was a teammate of GVB and a few of the current team and has some experience in coaching now. Have liked what I have heard from him with regards to how the game should be played.
Miller will not work in any capacity at Rangers under this board. Just my opinion mind.
If GVB is through man I’d expect an inside man who knows the current club, players etc. Obvious options would be McCann or Thomson.
I think you will find he will bring someone like Numan or Mols to work along side him in some sort of capacity. Numan is a part time scout at Alkmaar and would be easy to get. Numan also loved living in Scotland
Regardless of who gets the job, the backroom staff appointments are going to be critical. they need to hit the ground running, get those players lifted and ready for the semi final. Its going to be a huge week in terms of our success this season.
I would be slightly concerned if we became overloaded with Dutch coaches. Advocaat went a bit far with the Dutch contingent and it started to go array.

We need at least one Scottish/domestic coach in there that has a finger on the pulse of what’s going on in the league currently and who we are up against.
If GVB is through man I’d expect an inside man who knows the current club, players etc. Obvious options would be McCann or Thomson.
I dont see Thomson leaving the job he is doing at Kelty to become Rangers coach again
A think Thomson would jump at the chance if he was head coach or assistant. A trio of GVB, Wouters and McCann or Thomson would be my ideal scenario