Official Merry Christmas – And Best Wishes For 2022!

A very Merry Xmas one and all.
About to start an 8am to 10pm shift in a complex issues unit and wanted to say "All the best"
To everyone not just the workers.
Where are you working today?

Have a good shift pal.

Not meant to be working today but covering the first half of the dayshift for a guy who's got wee ones to give him time to be with them this morning for opening pressies etc.

My kids are way past that now and only got in a couple of hours ago so I'll be back before they're up anyway to do the business.

Merry Christmas to Bears and their loved ones everywhere.
Merry Christmas and all the best to all of the FF family. FF and Rangers are the one constant in my life.
A very Merry Xmas one and all.
About to start an 8am to 10pm shift in a complex issues unit and wanted to say "All the best"
To everyone not just the workers.
Where are you working today?
Just getting to the end of a 12hr shift offshore on a boat in the Caspian sea. That's 12 shifts done and 30 to go. Back in time for the next 2 old firm games. Merry Xmas to all the bears and bearettes out there.
Just finished a 6-6 nightshift on a boat off Ghana. Back at it at 6 tonight when we just might be headed to port. Although it’s probably not the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s some guy with a torch bringing us more work:eek:
Merry Christmas to all the Bears out there, wherever you are:))
My niece works in Kathmandu. She was repatriated this summer due to COVID. I sent her back back appropriately kitted out.

Recently she went on a trek over 7 days, staying overnight in ‘tea houses.’ On one overnight a local said to her ‘Glasgow Rangers, are you Scottish?’ The famous indeed.

She gave me permission to post, go easy on her!

Had the pleasure of being in the lassies company during her sojourn in Scotland,a remarkable person,with a remarkable job.x
A very Merry Christmas to all the Bears, all over the World.

Tis the season for giving thanks and I thank the FF team for providing and maintaining this platform so we can share news, views and all rest throughout the year. It goes a long way to jollying everyone along day to day.