Statement from Gazza's management

It was really obvious this was Gazza fooling around with the kid. I was at the game, he was kicking the ball around with him for at least 8-10 mins in warm up. There’s too many woke dickheads these days that line up to be offended! Dry your eyes and geez peace…keep how your feeling to yourself nae one gives a toss.
Personally I said it doesn't look good and I still stand by that but aye some of the comments were a bit odd like that one mentioned above someone saying they'd batter Gazza wtf.

If anyone get's a response from that fud z-list actor from Hamilton please post it up I'd love to see it.
Why did it not look good? Did Gazza not carry out the prank in full by saying “enjoy your trip?”
It’s harmless slapstick.
It was really obvious this was Gazza fooling around with the kid. I was at the game, he was kicking the ball around with him for at least 8-10 mins in warm up. There’s too many woke dickheads these days that line up to be offended! Dry your eyes and geez peace…keep how your feeling to yourself nae one gives a toss.
Watching from directly above the incident it was obvious they were fooling about, looked as though it had been rehearsed as a Lady was filming it on her phone, to bring in about Gazza's mental health I the incident is beyond belief, as when the lad got up the 2 of them continued to have a knock about
It just didn't look good. I didn't think it looked funny and the wean never knew what happened.

But I accept it was innocent.

It can be both things i.e not look good but no malice intended or harm caused.

No offence here mate but I think if it was cynical he'd have been hauled off and probably not seen the rest of the day.

Not for one second did I see any malice in it.

Wasn't an issue till mentally challengeds started sharing the video with their shitey captions.
In Timworld, By midnight on Saturday the wean involved had just gone through open heart surgery and was waiting in agony to get his leg re-set.
The doomsday clock is at 11:59:58 and these balloons are faux raging about a wee bit of joking at a Rangers friendly, what kind of world do they live in.
Gazza was messing about taking penalties with a kid before a Scottish Cup final, IIRC they had to send someone out to get him back into the dressing room. Maybe the 5-1 game against Hearts

He's a daftie. His style is to mess around, giving everyone around him a great time, especially kids. This is one of countless examples of him doing this. FFS, I think that other mob are so traumatized by the site of him again, it's triggered some deeply seated panic mode.
It just didn't look good. I didn't think it looked funny and the wean never knew what happened.

But I accept it was innocent.

It can be both things i.e not look good but no malice intended or harm caused.
The wean played along, rolling around and staying down before Gaza approached him, the boy had a wide grin on him. :))
Gianni is an absolute botton.

Never use Avonbridge hotel or Bar Milano in Hamilton as I believe he owns them.

If he doesn't my bad, but I even went to a wedding sober once so I wasn't giving the place money for booze ha.
Yer joking! I used to go to Milano pretty regularly. Back when I had a social life and no kids o_O
FFS he was only having a laugh, he would be the first person to be gutted if wee boy was hurt but we’ve all done it where a wee prank goes wrong sometimes , move on, guys a legend
Was pretty obvious that it was done in best intentions.
It was clearly a bit of fun and I thought at the time Gazza must know the kid as there is absolutely no way Gazza would do that otherwise.
Proud to say I have met him a few times and a nicer guy you could not meet.
The Gattuso story shows what a great guy he is.
Absolutely love the guy.
The keyboard warriors not on today defending having a go at Gazza or are they all still at school?
Id imagine whoever said they would have battered Gazza, cant actually fight sleep.