Champions League Final: Harrowing accounts of post-match violence spark debate

Hampden's an embarrassment as a national stadium, and should be torn down. There's better high school stadiums in the USA.

Internationals should be played at Ibrox, Murrayfield, and we'd have to throw in the shit-tip to let this happen. You'd have the issue with cup finals, but is it worth building a proper stadium for that, when the country appears to be broke?
You mention Murrayfield. Why not there for cup finals? I understand the issues surrounding Hampden but, on a forum where posters are often very critical of some of the foreign stadiums we play in, it strikes me that SOME of the negativity towards our national stadium comes from a dislike and suspicion (absolutely well founded) of the S.F.A. I would have to say that, having been at both the Europa League Final and the Scottish Cup Final last month, the supporter experience both inside and outside the stadium was far better in Glasgow that in Seville.
I was there last month for a few days with the family and it was fine, perfectly safe. Stayed out near Disney and got the train into the city a few times. No problems at all. There are no go areas obviously but if you don't go near them you've got nothing to fear. Paris is, on the whole, a safe city.
Did you go to Disney? Any tips?
agree with your point about Ibrox hosting a final

it's well documented that it is SFA who nominate stadiums for finals and they will always nominate themselves and their fellow blazers at UEFA will back them up and reward it to Hampden

but the club should put it out their that we are interested and at least get the discussion going ,it would be hard for the SFA to ignore especially after the tremendous coverage and plaudits Ibrox has received from all over Europe this year .
Guys we all know why Ibrox stadium does not get put forward for a european final when you look at who is running the game in snp scotland
Not sure your point here by bringing London into it.
Wembley isn’t the nicest area of London by a long shot, it’s been able to hold many finals without major incidents.
I’m not sure where you would build a huge national stadium in Brixton.
I think he was meaning shithole areas equivalent to St Denis. Probably not realising that in Brixton you are more likely to be attacked with an IPA and smashed avocado.

It’s true that the area around Wembley is a dump, but I’ve walked from Wembley Central many times, with no hassle from locals.
In 2001 me and my mate were chased after the game, we took the wrong turn out of the stadium ( we’d been in the home end) and genuinely thought we were goners.

Sounds like the police were so convinced there was going to be trouble from Liverpool fans they forgot the utter scumbags that live in the city.
I was there last month for a few days with the family and it was fine, perfectly safe. Stayed out near Disney and got the train into the city a few times. No problems at all. There are no go areas obviously but if you don't go near them you've got nothing to fear. Paris is, on the whole, a safe city.
No go areas but everything is fine…….l how far have we fallen? Why on earth is it acceptable to have no go areas?
You will have an amazing time. Enjoy the attractions, eat some of the best food in Europe and the temperature should be nice.
Correct. No reason to go anywhere near these sprawling estates. Folk visiting London don't go to Peckham or Brixton.
They are massive estates mate with no work and no facilities. Take easterhouse and multiply it by 20.
Irrelevant, they are no go areas. Imagine 30 years ago even thinking that was possible. What will it be like in 30 years?
It’s a pity it wasn’t a German team in the final as they would’ve been hiding behind the curtains as usual.
So do you think if the English national stadium was in Brixton, Tower Hamlets or deep south there wouldn't be issues?

There's well worst shite happening in London than Paris. Look at the teenagers getting plugged to death on a weekly basis
Not sure you have been to Brixton lately, more likely to get attacked by PETA for wearing a leather jacket or for putting real milk in your coffee, still some dodgy bits (Stockwell Park springs to mind) but most of the neds were priced out and headed to Streatham/Norwood/West Croydon.

I go up to Leyton Orient for the odd game, now Stratford/Leyton is really like entering bandit country as soon as the sun goes down.
A fair point. How do you join something you’ve no access to though?
Everyone has access, sadly some in certain communities intimidate others within their community to not integrate, to control them. A good example is Glasgow, if you go back to the 1880s football clubs were set up to stop the irish community integrating with the Scottish community. Keep them under control, under the influence of the church. Football clubs, soup kitchens, church activities. Keep them separated and under control whilst the hard of thinking are led to believe they are being marginalised. Wash and rinse…
Was in Paris the night before Scotland played Brazil to open WC98, had a smashing day in and around the Champs Elysees but when the evening came on a lot of Algerian & Moroccan guys appeared, not in a big group but it was noticeable.
When the sun went down the party was still going strong and suddenly bottles started flying, I helped a couple of French girls to safety and looked for my mate, he had gone to the other side of the Elysees and I lost sight of him. The police cleared the streets very quickly but you could hear the running battles and glass breaking.
Several hours later my pal appeared at the campsite, he had been tear gassed and was sitting down recovering when one of the "rioters" checked on him and when my mate angrily asked WTF they were doing he explained that they did it before every major occasion in Paris in order to draw attention to their awful living conditions in the sink estates and the lack of opportunities.

My pal had a few interesting moments that night, interviewed by the Guardian newspaper and after wandering onto what he thought was a bus and seeing it was filled with riot cops, he beat a hasty retreat before one of them gave him a beer from their supply trailer and directions back to the campsite.

Nearly 25 years later, the locals still do it and the French cops still do what they do.
Funny you say that. I’ve never been and I live in Australia now. I’m over in September for my wedding and after we were planning to go to Paris for a few days with my 11 year old son. Disney land and the louvre etc. I’m kind of second guessing it cause I never hear stories from Paris that don’t make it seem like a backwards shithole.
Just ignore the noise mate,I’m not long back from Disney Paris and we had a good time,it’s an hour on the train from Paris to Disney,just book a hotel near Disney there’s plenty and the train station to Paris is actually at Disney get the train into Paris for the day and back to your hotel very easy and safe.
I got mugged in Paris on my honeymoon. Split my head wide open sticking the head on the fuxxer. My wife was hysterical and she was my real concern during the attack. Ended up back at our hotel covered in blood.
I got mugged in Paris on my honeymoon. Split my head wide open sticking the head on the fuxxer. My wife was hysterical and she was my real concern during the attack. Ended up back at our hotel covered in blood.
Poor technique. 3/10.
Disneyland Paris is safe, usual touts wanting your tickets and selling tat at the station but they run off when the soldiers are on patrol.

Got the RER train into Paris a few times from that area and never had an issue on the train. Only issue we had was the Romanian fake chuggers down at Notre Dam, usually young girls with clipboards who try to stop you for a 'questionaire', which is just name and address but watch for the kids roaming round you with the quick hands.

And the dog crap stereotype is real, it is eveywhere.
Since the dawn of time there have been places that outsiders dare not go. Not sure why you think it's unusual. Tourists wouldn't have any business walking about some of the slums in Glasgow or Edinburgh and would be advised against it, every major city has bits where there are greater risks.
See Trainspotting
:D :D
The area the Stade de France is surrounded by is outer suburbs and banlieus. Some of their schemes are off the charts grim. Thats why the riot police reach straight for the gas.
Since the dawn of time there have been places that outsiders dare not go. Not sure why you think it's unusual. Tourists wouldn't have any business walking about some of the slums in Glasgow or Edinburgh and would be advised against it, every major city has bits where there are greater risks.
Never read such shit in all my life, head out the sand
So do you think if the English national stadium was in Brixton, Tower Hamlets or deep south there wouldn't be issues?

There's well worst shite happening in London than Paris. Look at the teenagers getting plugged to death on a weekly basis
There is no area in London that is particularly unsafe.
The stabbing of young black men offers no threat to Londoners apart from those kids involved.
London is really a safe place to live and visit.
The scenes are shocking but not that surprising as someone that’s lived in Paris. The suburbs are a no go, but to be honest there’s no reason for you to go there generally, Stade de France aside. I don’t know how they get them back under control but the suburbs are definitely not the Paris you’d visit on holiday. Marseilles is the same, you’ve no business as an outsider in the ghetto so don’t go near it.

It’s absolutely damning the police couldn’t protect football fans at a European Final in the National stadium though.
It should of course be a factor in the selection of where finals are allocated and I’m sure UEFA will tell us it is. But if it is then UEFA’s checklist for security could do with some improvement apparantly. Likewise the Seville fiasco.

There are enough five star stadiums in safer environments that maybe one of the criteria to be a five star stadium should be the ability to have a safe environment outside the stadium too. Maybe that is already considered, I don’t know, but if it is, it didn’t work this year.

They ought to be completely embarrassed. Having to issue apologies to the four teams / fans playing in their premier tournaments. But they won’t be. Arrogance conquers all.
The scenes are shocking but not that surprising as someone that’s lived in Paris. The suburbs are a no go, but to be honest there’s no reason for you to go there generally, Stade de France aside. I don’t know how they get them back under control but the suburbs are definitely not the Paris you’d visit on holiday. Marseilles is the same, you’ve no business as an outsider in the ghetto so don’t go near it.

It’s absolutely damning the police couldn’t protect football fans at a European Final in the National stadium though.
I had a bad experience in Marseille with North Africans.
Since the dawn of time there have been places that outsiders dare not go. Not sure why you think it's unusual. Tourists wouldn't have any business walking about some of the slums in Glasgow or Edinburgh and would be advised against it, every major city has bits where there are greater risks.

The worse part off Glasgow, lets say Possil, i'm sure tourists could walk through there no problem, even 3am on a saturday morning i would say they would be safe 99.9%.
The last football match i went to in Paris was 2007 when Scotland beat France 1- 0...Walked to and from the Parc de Princes with no bother although i do remember the police post match acting like pricks the way they were herding fans around. I guess Paris was a different place then but there was certainly no hassle from any French supporters that i recall, but there again the stadium was probably 60% plus Scots.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some bad areas of London but I drove into Paris just before the pandemic and some of the areas looked like a war zone.
Of course, just as most people could walk through St Denis without being beaten up but that doesn't mean you'd not tell a tourist to avoid the area just in case. The risk of getting attacked anywhere is always relative: a walk down the champs elysee is always going to be safer than walking through a slum housing estate full of North African immigrants but you could easily do both without being attacked if you were sensible.

TBH St Dennis looks on a whole other level, reports say gangs between 30 to 200 targeting people and picking them off, running around with weapons sounds totally lawless, i dont think that would happen in Glasgow or any other areas off the UK to be fair.

Also the only other time i remember something like this being reported, was in Germany when migrants were feeling women up at new year in mass gangs.
Watching this, it looks absolutely horrible. Notice Le Penn jumping all over this, free hit for her.

I don't ever recall any European away fans having a problem from Rangers fans in Glasgow. Can't say the same for the scum.

France should never hold a European final again. Ibrox must be considered for one of the finals - it is one of the best stadiums in Europe and Glasgow has shown it can host big events. Just keep the vermin out of it - they ruin fxxking everything.

Paris shouldn’t be hosting the Olympic Games In two years time.
Funny you say that. I’ve never been and I live in Australia now. I’m over in September for my wedding and after we were planning to go to Paris for a few days with my 11 year old son. Disney land and the louvre etc. I’m kind of second guessing it cause I never hear stories from Paris that don’t make it seem like a backwards shithole.
I’ve been to Paris a few times and it was absolutely fine, no trouble at all but expensive. However I wouldn’t go to visit St Denis. Likewise London is fine but I wouldn’t visit Tottenham or Brixton. Most cities have their areas you wouldn’t want to go to.