Sturgeon hanging about with Rangers-hating comedian

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That McCabe is a condescending boot.

I wish comedians would steer clear of football. Escpecially ones who are part of the thinnest skinned and most hypocritical fanbase in the World.
I honestly wouldn't mind comedians calling us Huns if it's part of a comedy routine and they are getting at everyone. Aye it's offensive, but sometimes comedy is. What isn't acceptable is using that language in normal conversation.
If I ever needed a picture to reduce my stauner its that one!

I saw her at a charity event in the King's a few years back.There was a few comediens doing a turn but she was rank rotten.I don't know if she has been in denial about her sexual orientation and felt by being derogatory to gay people that was validating herself as being straight but it was clear the mo ent she waddled on to the stage she was gay herself.Although there was nothing "gay" in the old sense with her act.
Couple of absolute boots, funny as F… all
Probably had a nice time together that pair though.
This is what is running Scotland ffs, why can’t all Bears vote against them, would make a huge difference as there are so many of us. Get the word out to friends and family.
Season 10 Episode 5 of Quickly Kevin Will he score podcast.

Worst episode yet. Wasnt even factual some of the guff she talked about Celtc.
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