Mounting unrest in Rangers squad as team mates rally to clear names of Kenny Miller and Lee Wallace

Their is a narrative being pushed, to make this just about Sunday. Sunday was the straw that broke the camels back. This is about a pattern of being devisive within our changing room and constantly running to our enemy’s in the press. A pattern that has been going on for to long. Murty is clean out if his depth, but this stuff especially with Millar has been happening well before Murty. As for the rumour of Wallace challenging Murty on his family of Tim’s. Did he challenge his mate Kenny for backing his big republican mate stokesy over his own team mate.
Don't give a stuff what the Record says. And as much as I loved him as a player, Miller is yesterday's man.

But I refuse to believe that Wallace wouldn't act in what he thought was in the best interest of the team, the players, the fans etc.. The players needed a kick up the arse, and it seems the interim manager hasn't got it in him to do it. I am sure Wallace is only doing what Walter, Souness, Jock, Gough, McCall, Fergie, Barry, Amo, KT, even Jig would have done in that situation and I welcome it.
I heard a story about Murty that baffled me and made me suspicious about him, i have shared this story with one person on the board and i wont share names etc before anyone asks. Said person can confirm i shared story.
There's your answer, it's Murty to blame because of a baffling story that no one apart from you and one other on the board knows about.

You wasted 1 minute of your life writing that post.
This little post-match spat isn’t taking my eye off how shite we were on Sunday, or the comedy manager we have in situation.
You really don’t need to be a media analyst to work this shit out. That story is the journalistic equivalent of “oh I heard lots of people don’t like you”
“Oh, just people”
“How many?”
“Lots of them”

The only real takeaway is that Keith Jackson deep down knows the players actually are guilty as sin and he leaves little hints throughout to cover himself when the inevitable happens and these two disappear with their tail between their legs.

Remember when Warburton was going to take Rangers to the cleaners for wrongful dismissal?
Don't give a stuff what the Record says. And as much as I loved him as a player, Miller is yesterday's man.

But I refuse to believe that Wallace wouldn't act in what he thought was in the best interest of the team, the players, the fans etc.. The players needed a kick up the arse, and it seems the interim manager hasn't got it in him to do it. I am sure Wallace is only doing what Walter, Souness, Jock, Gough, McCall, Fergie, Barry, Amo, KT, even Jig would have done in that situation and I welcome it.
If what has been said on here is true and he is fit to play and ruled himself out Friday, night, that would say a lot.
I think a lot a lot of people on here are going to end up looking really stupid for believing the one sided articles in the daily record

The Daily Record never picked the team or took to the park on Sunday.

That's the real f***in culprits, not some pish paper I haven't looked at in over 10 years.
Know what ,I’d be encouraged if the two players or any player for that matter that spoke up were very good players and going forward we get back on track and they are vital for the team but it’s depressing it’s kenny miller and lee Wallace ,two players who’s best form hasn’t long gone ,Robertson is an absolute fud trying to run the club like a corporate business ,his position is on a shaky nail ,what an absolute clusterfu ck ,it’s as if we’ve rewound 2 years ,the place is rotten ,it needs gutted out ,but we are just the mugs that are piling in with the money,the “customers” ,we should know better we should just shut up and pay the money ,how very dare we pipe up .
Firstly, this is a story (correct choice of words) in the DR well known for accurate and uplifting journalism about all things Rangers. I assume it was Jackson who wrote it and we all know how objective about Rangers this halfwit is. (Apologies to any halfwits reading this!)

Second, while I am not an HR person I would be surprised if players would be suspended for a dressing room bust up. In most walks of life suspension comes about for gross misconduct and/or breaking the bond of trust that exists between employer and employee.

There is a deeper issue here and sadly recent history suggests that there are players who operate to their own agenda. At a time when we are looking to recruit a new manager the Board have to show that they will support a Manager if difficult decisions have to be made.
I’m fully behind the players on this! For the manager not to address that performance directly after the game on Sunday and give everyone a chance to have a say is negligent.

A good manager would have let them all have a good blow out listen and then address it with his views.

He’s weak for me
I was aghast at his comments that he would let the dust settle first. I don't imagine any other manager would have taken the same stance. I wish some of the passion had been shown on the park but no matter what sticking your fingers in your ears until it is quiet is not the right course of action.
There's your answer, it's Murty to blame because of a baffling story that no one apart from you and one other on the board knows about.

You wasted 1 minute of your life writing that post.
Its not linked to the current situation, im adding my thoughts and i did not say anywhere in that post that i blame Murty.
How do you know the club leaked it to the media?

This is exactly the same as the “Miller sent to the u20s” leak that was absolutely definitely Traynor or Pedro himself... when anyone with half a brain could see no advantage to the club in that.

It was Miller’s agent all the live long day, heap the pressure and approbrum on the club and hide the fact that your client is an ego maniac destabilising the team. Because if that mud sticks it won’t be good for his future career
Just get shot of murty and be done with it .its obvious the players wont play for him
What so Miller can try and walk over another manager the second he doesn't like him or do something he doesn't like? I want Murty gone too but you can't an example to the players that leaking things to the media and being unprofessional is the way to go. The majority of the drama at the club this season has come from one man and one man only and that's Miller. Whatever you think of Pedro the whole thing between him and Miller blew up because he leaked things to his mates in the press, sack a 2nd manager and he may as he'd probably think he is the manager at that point
I heard a story about Murty that baffled me and made me suspicious about him, i have shared this story with one person on the board and i wont share names etc before anyone asks. Said person can confirm i shared story.
I'm baffled with this post.
A real deep cleansing exercise is desperately required inside the club at Executive, Management and Player levels..... is there anyone on the board prepared to do it ???

We are riddled with ineptitude at all levels
^ This is it for me,all at the heart of this in Robertson,Murty,Miller and Wallace need binned.Traynor as well in fact.

No-one is coming out of this with any credit whatsoever,it's utterly f.ucking shameful.Get them all out before they do even more damage to our great club.
Wallace is constantly portrayed as "too quiet" to be captain by folk on here.

So what the hell has gone on? There's not many scenarios I can think of where I wouldn't back the skipper here.

This is actually a good point, Wallace as a captain on the park is as quiet as a mouse but suddenly he has found a voice? There were a good few games he has been involved in when we could of been doing with him challenging some of the pish going on around him.
I heard a story about Murty that baffled me and made me suspicious about him, i have shared this story with one person on the board and i wont share names etc before anyone asks. Said person can confirm i shared story.

Why even post this without sharing story - its a relatively anoynmous forum.
Don't give a stuff what the Record says. And as much as I loved him as a player, Miller is yesterday's man.

But I refuse to believe that Wallace wouldn't act in what he thought was in the best interest of the team, the players, the fans etc.. The players needed a kick up the arse, and it seems the interim manager hasn't got it in him to do it. I am sure Wallace is only doing what Walter, Souness, Jock, Gough, McCall, Fergie, Barry, Amo, KT, even Jig would have done in that situation and I welcome it.
I agree except with the Jig bit. This is the same Jig that came off at halftime whilst two down with his arm around commons laughing & joking aye that Jig!
This is exactly the same as the “Miller sent to the u20s” leak that was absolutely Traynor or Pedro himself when anyone with half a brain could see no advantage to the club in that.

It was Miller’s agent all the live long day, heap the pressure and approbrum on the club and hide the fact that your client is an ego maniac destabilising the team. Because if that mud sticks it won’t be good for his future career
Boyd put in his weekly article the first time he was dropped wondering where he was at the time when it seemed like he was just dropped for a single match by Pedro and there wasn't any rumblings of trouble between them. It's pretty clear from that point who it was. Miller ran to whoever would listen and had a platform that big bad Pedro dropped a player who was playing like shite and he couldn't handle it
The club leaked the story first incidentally.
I’m not sticking up for the club, they have handled this whole situation abysmally and their lack of leadership is ultimately what has caused all of this. What I am saying is we need Miller as far away from the club as possible, he is by no stretch of the imagination the innocent party in all this.

We also need Murty removed today to have any chance of salvaging things by the weekend
Wallace is constantly portrayed as "too quiet" to be captain by folk on here.

So what the hell has gone on? There's not many scenarios I can think of where I wouldn't back the skipper here.

Have you heard him in interviews? Guy can’t take a breath for getting another sentence out. How that translates into this silent captain on the field is anyone’s guess.

Maybe he’s the professional footballing equivalent of the guy who talks a good game. Not so vociferous when there’s 50k watching you.

He was only made captain down to his undoubted loyalty (to the biggest club he would ever have the chance to play for), not his personality or leadership qualities
I heard a story about Murty that baffled me and made me suspicious about him, i have shared this story with one person on the board and i wont share names etc before anyone asks. Said person can confirm i shared story.
Eh why not share with the rest of us then?
Boyd put in his weekly article the first time he was dropped wondering where he was at the time when it seemed like he was just dropped for a single match by Pedro and there wasn't any rumblings of trouble between them. It's pretty clear from that point who it was. Miller ran to whoever would listen and had a platform that big bad Pedro dropped a player who was playing like shite and he couldn't handle it

In the chaos of what followed, you’re right to remind people of that simple fact. Miller was buttered up by Pedro but he was very poor at the start of the season and he turned on his manager the moment the long overdue benching happened.
The papers are gong to take advantage the club's silence in this regard with their sources close to shíte ( Miller & Wallace ).

Unfortunately the club's decision to formalise matters has lef them with no option but to keep their own counsel.
Here's a unique suggestion. Why don't we wait for the outcome of the investigation before determining who we are supporting in this? We have KM's best mate at the DR putting forward his spin to paint Kenny (and Lee by extension) as the innocent parties in this, and the board/Traynor leaking their story to the Sun, painting them as trouble makers who undermine the manager. As long as the investigation releases all information and we can make an informed decision, I am happy to reserve judgement.
Press are always going to side with miller and Wallace for obvious reasons.

That said, Murty should leave right now, if Sunday was bad just wait till we finish 4th behind shitebag McInnes and popcorn teeth Lennon!

Action needs to be taken now!!
Id bet my mortgage the fat mong has made that up. The stupid lady's front bottom literally clutches at straws in times like this a professional shit stirrer that acts like a bitter divorcee towards King as he's never involved in Ibrox stories like other journalists...

Simple solution Keith ya turnip heided prick start acting like a journalist and stop acting like a 12 year old lassie making up stories.

To think this retards won awards as well...
Never got the editors job. Taking it out on his regular targets.
I’m not sticking up for the club, they have handled this whole situation abysmally and their lack of leadership is ultimately what has caused all of this. What I am saying is we need Miller as far away from the club as possible, he is by no stretch of the imagination the innocent party in all this.

We also need Murty removed today to have any chance of salvaging things by the weekend

Miller will be away soon enough and his time is up.

He's clearly a strong character and needs managed accordingly.

By f**k we could've done with a couple of strong characters, with a bit of will to win about them on the park on Sunday.

Ally aside, has anyone scored more goals against them in modern times?

Don't remember Walter having any problems with his strong character.
Nobody knows what happened.

But looking at recent history, Miller and Wallace both have previous with Caixinha. In saying that, I'd be happy to see the back of Murty and Robertson as well.

Miller seems to be happy when he's playing, then when he isn't he runs off to the media and causes a shit storm. Simply more hassle than he's worth.
This stinks, if what Keith says is true and the players who were actually present can back this up then the club have no option but to brink Kenny and Lee back, apologise to them & sack whichever cünt(fat boy traynor) that leaked the info to the press before any official statement on it.
I heard a story about Murty that baffled me and made me suspicious about him, i have shared this story with one person on the board and i wont share names etc before anyone asks. Said person can confirm i shared story.

So if said unnamed poster confirms that you were baffled, how much further into this revelation would we be?:cool:
Is there anyone and I mean anyone who is in Murty corner ?
At the very most people feel sorry for him being left holding the baby with
No fu**ing credentials whatsoever to be in the position he’s in
Who I need that board thinks it’s acceptable to keep him there is baffling me
It’s as if Chuck Green found a Dave King mask

Jimmy Nic must take the reigns for the last remaining games or until we find a decent
Manager and I know that’s a strange concept for this board
Time to get the finger out Dave !
This place makes me laugh.people on here actually believe Jackson. One min calling him all sorts the next believing what he says.rangers would have ran it past their lawyers before doing anything. And whatever rangers do Jackson will go out his way to go against it
To me this shows the board were right to get rid of Miller, he can pretend he acts in the clubs interest if he wants but constantly feeding the press with info that is destructive to the club shows he is only interested in himself.

Unfortunately the club have made it very easy for the likes of KJ to have a go with a complete lack of communication and by inexplicably letting Murty continue

So it’s ok for the club to leak shite to the press about the players but not for the players to defend themselves

Have a word with yourself mate