AGM today

Still can't believe nothing on the friendly and the subsequent legal issues.
It would be good if someone would ask about the lack of consistency regarding information about away games.
Disheartening when you’re not told how many tickets are given to mygers and it’s just the overall allocation
just read on here, there are still loads of posters who think that it is wilson who's personally went out and signed all players and just dropped them on the manager!
People get information from various places. A lot of it incorrect. If people don't get an answer for something, they make it up to fit their views.
Folk complaining about the questions being asked while sitting in their house…
Not every single Rangers fan can attend the AGM due to location, work commitments etc. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect the ones there to ask questions that the vast majority of the fans want answers to and not 'how did I not get a ticket ' and 'theres no stocking fillers"
There will be at least 450 people affected by the back rows and the current UB section is around 550 I believe

Doing the maths, even if the UB got their move, people they’re displacing would need to be moved first. Given it’ll be a fair few more than just UB that move, there simply won’t be enough seats to do that.

There’ll be spare seats dotted about but I don’t think theyll be able to guarantee groups get kept together
Haven't the UB's only got something like 80 official members?
In fairness these AGM's are just an exercise, you never actually find out anything new.
Rubbish, we've found out Douglas Park's 5 year plan, on and off the pitch and all about the accountability related to it.

It's about the same level of detailed response I'd expect from my 4 year old playing Fifa.
this thread follows the general trend of every AGM thread and shows what some often say, a lot on here are pretty removed from what most attend actually give a f*ck about.

are some of the questions selective, clearly, but a lot simply aren't as concerned by what gets repeated into issues on here.

Wilson and his replies re signings is something most could have written before it was ever answered
It's almost as if some of the people asking questions are board plants who want to prevent certain questions getting asked, ie the friendly against the perverts and Safe-Standing

Stupid questions get asked every year so not sure why it's a surprise?
IMO it’s valid to ask why our biggest outlay of the summer was a left back, that can’t speak English, hasn’t left his country before and not yet ready to budge Barisic

Given we had other positions requiring more urgent attention.
Is it really? We couldn’t realistically compete on all fronts with one left back, we needed competition for Barasic given Bassey was sold.
Our transfer model needs to be about identifying young emerging talent and developing them to sell on at a profit. Yilmaz is/was exactly that and has been here less than 6 months.
Give him some time FF’s
Surely to %^*& someone can ask why we are constantly being sued by people for large amounts of money and how we got into these situations? A question on accountability please ffs, not about stocking fillers and “why did Dutch manager not bring Dutch players”
Is it really? We couldn’t realistically compete on all fronts with one left back, we needed competition for Barasic given Bassey was sold.
Our transfer model needs to be about identifying young emerging talent and developing them to sell on at a profit. Yilmaz is/was exactly that and has been here less than 6 months.
Give him some time FF’s
It's more the fact he was the bulk of our budget and we already have a Croatia international at LB so the main part of our budget should have been invested in a part of the squad that needed it badly, i.e central midfield. Yilmaz looks a cracking player no doubt but it wasn't/isn't the point. I agree we definitely needed competition for Barisic btw.