AGM today

Aye, he conveniently skipped over the others and detailed the one that his team didn't scout and was another staff members suggestion, where he took the piss and made a tiny profit on (after wages).

Wilson is an absolute disaster and I'm glad he was shown up there.
I'm glad as well director of football was shown up as well
His reaction when question was getting asked was priceless
my forecast is Beale will want to be his own man and Wilson will be gone in less than 6 months
Positive loyal
18 pages. And to me it doesn't look like a single newsworthy thing has come out of today's AGM.

Genuinely, have I missed anything.

The improvement in access for all is magic, well overdue, but that was yesterday's news.

Was there actually anything said by the spine of the football operations that was inspiring or engaging or even part interesting?
18 pages. And to me it doesn't look like a single newsworthy thing has come out of today's AGM.

Genuinely, have I missed anything.

The improvement in access for all is magic, well overdue, but that was yesterday's news.

Was there actually anything said by the spine of the football operations that was inspiring or engaging or even part interesting?
The 5 year plan, put to shareholders was to “win more games”. A disgrace that that was served up to the fans as the answer. About two sentences on the plan for the future from Park.
I suspected last week that resolution 8 could be lost and that looks more likely now. King + C1872 v the Board could run and run with a much restricted ability to raise finance a likely outcome. I don’t know enough of the internal machinations to have an informed view of the situation only that if Res 8 is lost we will be in a difficult situation. The Board can still comfortably outvote King + C1872 on all but special resolutions so raising new finance could be problematic especially since it can’t, according to King, come from him. In the meantime the two groups will be at loggerheads, the board having voting control but King able to block new outsidevfinance. A rights issue anyone?
I'm glad as well director of football was shown up as well
His reaction when question was getting asked was priceless
my forecast is Beale will want to be his own man and Wilson will be gone in less than 6 months
Positive loyal
For us to progress Ross Wilson has to go it's as simple as that I don't trust him to oversee another transfer window never mind a rebuild.

The state of our squad under his watch is there for everyone to see and i was glad that shareholder today ripped him to shreds it's been long overdue the man is a fucking fraud.
18 pages. And to me it doesn't look like a single newsworthy thing has come out of today's AGM.

Genuinely, have I missed anything.

The improvement in access for all is magic, well overdue, but that was yesterday's news.

Was there actually anything said by the spine of the football operations that was inspiring or engaging or even part interesting?
Beale’s interview was the best part about it.
For us to progress Ross Wilson has to go it's as simple as that I don't trust him to oversee another transfer window never mind a rebuild.

The state of our squad under his watch is there for everyone to see and i was glad that shareholder today ripped him to shreds it's been long overdue the man is a fucking fraud.
Pity the guy made a complete arse of his figures,gave Wilson an out on what would have been a difficult question for him to answer.
Most clubs and businesses were by and large just doing what they had to to stay open. I doubt a whole lot of them were passionately in support of limiting custom and impacting on their revenues and future survival by implementing the measures they did.
It was not being enforced to any great deal, if you wanted in you got in.

If the auld dick stayed at home or was left outside then thats on him.
Can you say hand on heart that you showed honour to your fellow human beings in 2021 when people like me got a blue letter and did not comply with tyrannical instructions from the Scottish Nasty Party. They implemented digital ID by coercion and you complied. People like me were not allowed to come into the stadium, we were outside like dogs. That was segregation, it was discrimination.

What does this mean, don't really understand the question.
wow hahaha it's worse than the tweets I seen.

What a zoomer.
Seemed fairly clear from the answers given that they aren't interested in staying, either because of simply wanting away (influenced by family, etc) or they're asking for more money than the club is willing to pay (from Park's comments).

Time to let them go/punt in January if we are able to find someone willing to take them for a token fee.

Club playing its hand in stating they want to keep them, which might've been best not so explicitly stated, but in the scheme of things that's small and the main line was that the players have had their offers and clearly aren't prioritising being here. Their prerogative, but the club should do everything it can to speed that up and move forward.
Morelos is a liability and will always fall into his old ways, kent i hear is not interested in another contract and it shows.
Pity the guy made a complete arse of his figures,gave Wilson an out on what would have been a difficult question for him to answer.
Looking back on the footage Wilson was agitated and rattled and needed a bail out courtesy of Robertson which was pathetic.

You can tell what's going on behind the scenes here all praising and patting each other on the back thinking there untouchable.
I'm glad as well director of football was shown up as well
His reaction when question was getting asked was priceless
my forecast is Beale will want to be his own man and Wilson will be gone in less than 6 months
Positive loyal
He kept looking for MB to help him out which he didn’t look prepared to do. Hopefully he starts to look for an exit as he will know he is not popular and he comes across as someone who needs praise. It doesn’t look like he is getting relieved of his duties anytime soon though.
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Tell me this isn’t true?

If this is accurate then it’s either been closely managed (staged in effect) or the boys attending have single digit IQs or are just completely self absorbed to be preoccupied with questions about missing out on tickets and the like.

Aye basically.

No legal stuff - they probably would said they can’t discuss as it’s ongoing but someone could’ve forced them to give that response at least.

Douglas Park’s master plan for success for the next 5 years is “to win trophies”. No detail just to win trophies. Smashing.

The player trading was extremely brief. Ross Wilson’s progress with the squad is “outstanding”.

Bacuna was a good move because it made some money.

We entered into the Souttar deal “with eyes wide open” and believe that somehow we can fix his injury history.

The rest of the stuff was from dumb punters and sadly is real.

The last question was about parking.

Buckle up for more mediocrity.
I was there today and have been to a few others over the years. Bottom line is the board have a legal obligation to go through the process but deep down they don’t want to be there and certainly have no desire to interact with 99% of the fan base.
They answer the questions in the manner they want without giving much away. Like most businesses it’s all about the balance sheet and that includes getting every last penny out of our pockets while giving very little back in return.
That’s just wrong . No Director/ Shareholders are making money unlike a normal company
The need for a strong balance sheet is to protect the club, address FFP and encourage new investment.
Aye basically.

No legal stuff - they probably would said they can’t discuss as it’s ongoing but someone could’ve forced them to give that response at least.

Douglas Park’s master plan for success for the next 5 years is “to win trophies”. No detail just to win trophies. Smashing.

The player trading was extremely brief. Ross Wilson’s progress with the squad is “outstanding”.

Bacuna was a good move because it made some money.

We entered into the Souttar deal “with eyes wide open” and believe that somehow we can fix his injury history.

The rest of the stuff was from dumb punters and sadly is real.

The last question was about parking.

Buckle up for more mediocrity.
Wow. What an absolute fucking waste of an AGM. To be honest I expected as much, just not to this degree, I thought they might be faced with at least one or two difficult probing questions.
Could see Bennett kinda cringing when Park was speaking about the contract situation of Kent & Morelos.
None of them looked very happy at all today, they likely didnt want to be there.
It showed pretty well today , the contempt they have for the fans.
Robertson couldnt wind it up quick enough, it was like listen the hall is only booked till 12.
God knows how Park communicates with people, he s a terrible speaker.
Aye basically.

No legal stuff - they probably would said they can’t discuss as it’s ongoing but someone could’ve forced them to give that response at least.

Douglas Park’s master plan for success for the next 5 years is “to win trophies”. No detail just to win trophies. Smashing.

The player trading was extremely brief. Ross Wilson’s progress with the squad is “outstanding”.

Bacuna was a good move because it made some money.

We entered into the Souttar deal “with eyes wide open” and believe that somehow we can fix his injury history.

The rest of the stuff was from dumb punters and sadly is real.

The last question was about parking.

Buckle up for more mediocrity.
To be fair Wilson said the opposite - that just because we made money didn't make it a good transfer.
For us to progress Ross Wilson has to go it's as simple as that I don't trust him to oversee another transfer window never mind a rebuild.

The state of our squad under his watch is there for everyone to see and i was glad that shareholder today ripped him to shreds it's been long overdue the man is a fucking fraud.
I watched the whole thing today. For anyone that did it was clear that Gerrard and Gio signed the players they wanted.

The question on not signing Dutch players was also answered we agreed terms with one who subsequently went to another team.

So the players we have were signed with Gio’s full agreement. That is clear. Beale will now decide next targets.
Ross Wilson trying to pass that difficult question about the quality of our signings over to Beale and Beale refusing to pick it up was very telling.
Really wish we had more questions aimed at Wee Burney's tenure as Director. He really didn't like being grilled over the failed transfers and signing injury prone players.
18 pages. And to me it doesn't look like a single newsworthy thing has come out of today's AGM.
Reporting Scotland managed to make a 3minute story about it tonight so they must have thought different. However, I’m not sure what their story was. Scruffy Chris McLaughlin was reporting. Ever noticed he wears the same clothes every time he’s on TV?
I want the board gone, The lot of them as they have taken us as far as they can and do not have the vision to take the club forward. That's before we take into account what seems like one feck up and embarrassment after another.

I can't remember all the ins and outs that transpired in early 1986 but in an ideal world it would be akin to that. Fresh and dynamic people with vibrant ideas coming in. That's what paved the way for the Souness revolution.

Another couple of years with the filth getting a free pass to the automatic CL riches and they're over the hill and faraway. That's what this board have brought us to the brink of.

Is that a big enough stick for you?
New chairman and Robertson would be a start
Something Dave King alluded to very recently he got that one correct imo.
I have had the great misfortune in my working life (thankfully no longer since retiring) of having to deal with people who could smooth talk about themselves and what they could do etc. Invariably, it was all smoke and mirrors and others were left to clear up the mess.

I will never say anything negative about Dave King, Douglas Park or any of the others who have provided us finance in the recent past and who also rescued us from the spivs.

Whether our chairman can charm the birds off the trees or is diffident when coming to public speaking is irrelevant : it is what they can do to ensure our progression in the coming years that is important.
Something Dave King alluded to very recently he got that one correct imo.
Did King also mention Park agreeing to and paying a full £5 million up front into the club recently?

At the same time as King himself was persuading Club1872 to go against their very raison d'etre, vote against resolution 8, deny Rangers FC fresh investment and fund his personal escape instead...
I suspected last week that resolution 8 could be lost and that looks more likely now. King + C1872 v the Board could run and run with a much restricted ability to raise finance a likely outcome. I don’t know enough of the internal machinations to have an informed view of the situation only that if Res 8 is lost we will be in a difficult situation. The Board can still comfortably outvote King + C1872 on all but special resolutions so raising new finance could be problematic especially since it can’t, according to King, come from him. In the meantime the two groups will be at loggerheads, the board having voting control but King able to block new outsidevfinance. A rights issue anyone?
If resolution 8 is voted down then there is a way round it in that the club could do what is known as a “cash box placing”. This next bit is boring and technical I know…... But, basically, you form a new subsidiary, typically a Jersey company. Investors subscribe for shares in that company (rather than the plc) but then immediately swap their shares in the subsidiary for shares in the plc. The plc effectively then owns a subsidiary with cash in it and the subsidiary distributes the cash to the plc. Because the transaction is, technically, a share for share exchange rather than a direct cash subscription by investors for shares in the plc, the pre-emption rights applicable to allotments of shares for cash don’t apply (ie you don’t need resolution 8). Doing a cash box placing isn’t exactly great corporate governance - institutional investors in, say, a FTSE 250 company wouldn’t much like it - but it’s legal and a few dozen listed companies have done them before (I know we are no longer listed but the same principles would apply). So if for any reason we do need to raise cash from investors (such as to fund the stadium plans described today) then I suspect we would either do a cash box placing, or convene another General Meeting and hope that a request for a specific approval (not a 5 year one) is met favourably. I suspect the latter is more likely what we would do. If Club 1872 voted against a clear proposal to fund a specific project then that would really show them in what most would consider to be an awful light. Their “5 year authority to issue an unlimited number of shares” chat would be a nonsense - it would be a specific authority for a specific purpose.

One thing I very much doubt we would do is go to the time and cost of producing a prospectus to do a rights issue - we wouldn’t get much change out of £1m or so as regards the cost of that I suspect.
I’m a shareholder who wasn’t there today so have used this thread and Twitter to get up to date with what happened. Shareholders have paid their money so are entitled to ask questions as they see fit. Some of the guys asking the questions folk don’t like likely aren’t on FF, Twitter etc so this is their opportunity to ask what’s important to them. I don’t have an issue with that.

Our shareholders aren’t in the main financial experts who know the best questions to ask at these things. We’re mainly football fans with sentimental investments who aren’t exactly known for our intelligence. Even the question I see people lauding is the guy who asked Ross Wilson about failed signings. The question was full of incorrect information and figures so I’m not quite sure why it’s being celebrated.

Those of you who think you have the nous to challenge the board need to put your money where your mouth is and turn up next year. Make sure you’re clued up on what you’re asking though or you’ll be slaughtered all over social media.
I have had the great misfortune in my working life (thankfully no longer since retiring) of having to deal with people who could smooth talk about themselves and what they could do etc. Invariably, it was all smoke and mirrors and others were left to clear up the mess.

I will never say anything negative about Dave King, Douglas Park or any of the others who have provided us finance in the recent past and who also rescued us from the spivs.

Whether our chairman can charm the birds off the trees or is diffident when coming to public speaking is irrelevant : it is what they can do to ensure our progression in the coming years that is important.
Did you hear his answer when asked about his 5 year plan for us?

Think that’s why people may be doubting the last sentence in your comment.
Reporting Scotland managed to make a 3minute story about it tonight so they must have thought different. However, I’m not sure what their story was. Scruffy Chris McLaughlin was reporting. Ever noticed he wears the same clothes every time he’s on TV?
And waiting at side door for board members
An absolute waste of questions to the board today at the AGM, they have got their get out of jail free card here.

So we basically signed Souttar as he was Scottish...

RW justifying his job because we made a profit on Bacuna?...

I just hope and pray that particular share holder can get the stocking fillers they crave so badly!

Team is a shambles and on a massive decline but at least we can get a Rangers pencil case for the weans....
It’s actually astonishing we didn’t move Kent on like Aribo. Aribo made it clear that he wasn’t signing a new deal and we moved him on. It sounds like Kent has done the same so he also should have been moved on. Instead we’ve let him just wind this season down. Horrendous management from everyone involved.
Again like GVB , Beale was the cheap answer.
Try and get a song out of the players he knew.
As for the finances, the books might look good the last financial year and this year but we will not get 1. The run in europe we have had over the past 2 years and 2. The players we have sold as theres virtually no saleable assets.
This board and Wilson/ Robertson have ran their course, like most of the players we have.
The club has stagnated and is now regressing.
Imo we are in for a hard slog.
How is Beale the cheap option? We just had to buy him and his team out of a recently signed contract. You can criticise the board for a lot of things but they've done well to get Beale in
Park was correct to dismiss the 5 year plan question.

A stupid question that got the answer it deserved

The plan will be continued development in every department the same as every club out there.

More trophies, more money

What do people think he would say
New stadium?
Join super league?
Win champions league?

Any grandiose promises would have been dismissed with laughter and used as a stick to beat him with

In the last 5 years

Financially stable
Squad value much higher
Merchandising much better (despite the legacy issues)
Stadium improvements made
Edmiston House project
Stopped the tainted 10
European successes
Cup drought ended

Yet some people want a new board

Fucking ridiculous.
It’s actually astonishing we didn’t move Kent on like Aribo. Aribo made it clear that he wasn’t signing a new deal and we moved him on. It sounds like Kent has done the same so he also should have been moved on. Instead we’ve let him just wind this season down. Horrendous management from everyone involved.

And who bid for Kent in the summer to move him on?
It’s actually astonishing we didn’t move Kent on like Aribo. Aribo made it clear that he wasn’t signing a new deal and we moved him on. It sounds like Kent has done the same so he also should have been moved on. Instead we’ve let him just wind this season down. Horrendous management from everyone involved.
Tbf to Wilson he answered the question on that,you need to have a buyer,only bids came before we won the league so the club were justified in keeping Kent & Morelos.
How is Beale the cheap option? We just had to buy him and his team out of a recently signed contract. You can criticise the board for a lot of things but they've done well to get Beale in
£1.5 million aint a lot, imo he has also be brung into try and get the squad he previously worked to be functioning again.
A new fresh manager would have wanted a big clear out and funds.
GVB and MB have been cheap options and to try and appease the fans.
MB has been built up to be some sort of messiah, he talks a great story so lets see what happens.
How is Beale the cheap option? We just had to buy him and his team out of a recently signed contract. You can criticise the board for a lot of things but they've done well to get Beale in
In what way have they done well?

He’s probably the only option they knew would definitely said yes. I’m not saying he won’t be a good appointment but he was definitely the one that required minimal effort. The fact he also said it wasn’t a financial decision makes me believe he’s probably on less money here than he was at QPR.