The Trophy Haul Head-To-Head

We got to a European final and lost it to a mid-table German side, so that makes the regular domestic failure acceptable.

Frankfurt never lost a game the entire EL campaign, they weren't the jobbers you're making out. They were a functional side (very German) and we were pretty ravaged by injury. If we had Roofe/Morelos fit I genuinely think we would've won pretty convincingly.
I'm far from a Tav hater, but at the same time was quite confused at threads after 55 - 'where does Tav rank as greatest Rangers captain and so on'

But Celtic winning 16 trophies (and counting) to Rangers 2 whilst he has been at the club and captain for the majority of it, is a massive stick to beat him with and I don't think time is going to look kindly on this.

Of course at the start there was circumstances and so on, but from 20/21 the fact that to the present day they have won more trophies than us is completely unacceptable.
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Can you show me the people who are saying this ? I see a lot of this type of comment without any evidence
Apparently Brian Laudrup isn’t allowed an opinion because he never brought us the European memories that Kent and Morelos brought us - just scroll down the page a bit for that one.

The amount of fans on here and elsewhere just desperate to hang onto the likes of Jack, Arfield, Kent and Morelos as well, a proper acceptance of second place with no appetite to improve.

Maybe it’s an age thing, but a lot of people have forgotten that the primary focus is domestic success before anything else.
We need this years Scottish to narrow that particular gap. Aside from that given what happened to us in 2012 I don’t think it looks too bad. As Ally said the other day, with us out of the top division for 5 seasons, the mhanks should be kicking themselves for not winning even more trebles.

When you see our tophy haul in black and white it really is something. I just hope we get back to adding to it regularly and soon.

Five European cup finals is nothing to be sniffed at as well, two of them we were outclassed (fiorentina and St Petersburg) but we really lost out marginally in the other two. I thank the lord every day for the Barcelona bears, as the pain and hurt of never having won one would have been too much to handle and a massive monkey on our backs. Forever legends.
Apparently Brian Laudrup isn’t allowed an opinion because he never brought us the European memories that Kent and Morelos brought us - just scroll down the page a bit for that one.

The amount of fans on here and elsewhere just desperate to hang onto the likes of Jack, Arfield, Kent and Morelos as well, a proper acceptance of second place with no appetite to improve.

Maybe it’s an age thing, but a lot of people have forgotten that the primary focus is domestic success before anything else.
Some fans have just got a loser mentality. No time for their nonsense really
It is, for the most part, the inevitable consequence of us going into the lower leagues and then having Green, Ashley and co trying to wreck the club from within. It's only down to the incompetence of Lennon and Deila that they didn't win everything before Rodgers arrived.

This doesn't completely excuse our own mistakes or the trophies we have thrown away but anyone who didn't think they were going to make serious inroads in the trophy gap after 2012 was kidding themselves.
Apparently Brian Laudrup isn’t allowed an opinion because he never brought us the European memories that Kent and Morelos brought us - just scroll down the page a bit for that one.

The amount of fans on here and elsewhere just desperate to hang onto the likes of Jack, Arfield, Kent and Morelos as well, a proper acceptance of second place with no appetite to improve.

Maybe it’s an age thing, but a lot of people have forgotten that the primary focus is domestic success before anything else.
You’re just making things up to suit your argument, taking someone’s opinion on a player going or staying and coming to the conclusion that they are accepting of second place. Shouting we should get better players and win more trophies doesn’t make you a genius, there isn’t a single person at Rangers or a Rangers supporter who wouldn’t want both of those things
Apparently Brian Laudrup isn’t allowed an opinion because he never brought us the European memories that Kent and Morelos brought us - just scroll down the page a bit for that one.

The amount of fans on here and elsewhere just desperate to hang onto the likes of Jack, Arfield, Kent and Morelos as well, a proper acceptance of second place with no appetite to improve.

Maybe it’s an age thing, but a lot of people have forgotten that the primary focus is domestic success before anything else.
Winning the Europa League would've been the greatest ever achievement in Scottish football, given the financial disparity between us and the big leagues.
8 years of not having any competition will do that unfortunately, interesting thing is we were going for 4IAR when all the problems began and even with an inferior manager like Ally, we were still competitive enough to be only a few points behind (and at one point in that season, miles ahead until we had a wobble around Christmas time)

would be nice if having child abuse cases meant you would get punished but in Scotland, that's more encouraged than looked down upon if you look at the political party currently in charge
Only 1 trophy overall in front at the end of the season unless we win on Sunday.

The Most Successful Team In Football won't be us very soon.

We all know the underlying reasons for 2012 to 2020 when they significantly closed the gap, but these last 2 seasons are down to us, we can't just go on about that forever. 2 years ago we were miles in front of them.
One of the big things that makes me feel sick in my stomach is the chance that they will match our league titles.

The last 11 years has had a real impact on this.
I'm far from a Tav hater, but at the same time was quite confused at threads after 55 - 'where does Tav rank as greatest Rangers captain and so on'

But Celtic winning 16 trophies (and counting) to Rangers 2 whilst he has been at the club and captain for the majority of it, is a massive stick to beat him with and I don't think time is going to look kindly on him.

Of course at the start there was circumstances and so on, but from 20/21 the fact that to the present day they have won more trophies than us is completely unacceptable.
I disagree. Your choice of Captain has very little to do with the success of the team. I wouldn't dream of comparing them as players but John Greig, arguably our greatest ever Captain and one of our best players, went from Kai Johanssen's Scottish Cup winner in 1966 to the DJ League Cup Final in 1970 without winning a thing. Given his lengthy tenure as Captain his haul of League winners medals was disappointing as well. That wasn't a reflection on him as a Captain or a player. He was, and is, The Legend. Simply, if the rest of the team is poor or the opposition is stronger then the Captain isn't going to change that. It's a weird stick to use to beat anyone. It's a team game.
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Frankfurt never lost a game the entire EL campaign, they weren't the jobbers you're making out. They were a functional side (very German) and we were pretty ravaged by injury. If we had Roofe/Morelos fit I genuinely think we would've won pretty convincingly.
If,If,if doesn't win trophies.
If we hadn't sold Jim Forrest before the 1967 Cup winners final we could have won it.
Reality was that we played Roger Hynd up front against the great Franz Beckenbauer and we lost.
I disagree. Your choice of Captain has very little to do with the success of the team. I wouldn't dream of comparing them as players but John Greig, arguably our greatest ever Captain and one of our best players, went from Kai Johanssen's Scottich Cup winner in 1966 to the DJ League Cup Final in 1970 without winning a thing. Given his lengthy tenure as Captain his haul of League winners medals was disappointing as well. That wasn't a reflection on him as a Captain or a player. He was, and is, The Legend. Simply, if the rest of the team is poor or the opposition is stronger then the Captain isn't going to change that. It's a weird stick to use to beat anyone. It's a team game.

Completely agree, but as much as you can point to the amount of assists, 100 goals from right back and other individual stats, he still only has 2 winners medals (of the 3 domestic trophies that count)

John Greig averaged 0.94 trophies per season at Rangers, Tavs 0.25 - so I don't think there trophy hauls are comparable.

As pointed out in a previous post, after 2012 if you didn't think the gap would narrow, you were deluded. But the 2016 Scottish cup, 2 league cup finals against Celtic, 2 cup exits against Aberdeen in the same season, 55 season cup disasters, are completely unacceptable and one of the main reasons why I cant wait to see the back of the majority of this team.
Only 1 trophy overall in front at the end of the season unless we win on Sunday.

The Most Successful Team In Football won't be us very soon.

We all know the underlying reasons for 2012 to 2020 when they significantly closed the gap, but these last 2 seasons are down to us, we can't just go on about that forever. 2 years ago we were miles in front of them.
"2 years ago we were miles in front of them"

Exactly and what did they do, as we stood still.

The opportunity to stop their dominance should've been built upon, but no. So we have what we have now, them going for another bloody treble. And our board seemingly content with that fact............

As I've said before, we are supporters, they are business men.

We want records broken and maintained, they want a return for their investment.

We are still feeling the pain of betrayal regarding 2012 and our current board members are not making that pain any easier................
Completely agree, but as much as you can point to the amount of assists, 100 goals from right back and other individual stats, he still only has 2 winners medals (of the 3 domestic trophies that count)

John Greig averaged 0.94 trophies per season at Rangers, Tavs 0.25 - so I don't think there trophy hauls are comparable.

As pointed out in a previous post, after 2012 if you didn't think the gap would narrow, you were deluded. But the 2016 Scottish cup, 2 league cup finals against Celtic, 2 cup exits against Aberdeen in the same season, 55 season cup disasters, are completely unacceptable and one of the main reasons why I cant wait to see the back of the majority of this team.
My basic point remains - your choice of Captain has little impact on your trophy haul, no matter how you choose to interpret any stats. As 'unacceptable' as many of those defeats were it's not down to who the choice of Captain was.

As you rightly acknowledge in your final sentence, it's down to the team. Way too much made of who the Captain is and, still, this weird notion that you need Mr Angry out there waving his arms and shouting. That sort of Captain is back in the 90s, alongside heading for the bookies or the pub after training. It's not a part of the modern game.
will be a bit of a riddy if/when have to take down all the 'world's most successful football club' stuff we have up

especially if that lot are able to take over that particular title
Let’s be honest they have now had nearly 25 years of domestic dominance so it’s not suprising. My biggest worry is that I don’t see it ending anytime soon.
The decision to allow Celtic to build a bigger stadium during our dominant period without reply is one of the main reasons
25 years of dominance?

In the first 14 years they won 7 and we won 7. What's the formula your using here?
If things pan out the way they should* after their court case, it will be us who has a decade (or more) of dominance (should be permanent).
Going off an a tangent here but I look into that thread every now and then and am not seeing anything that suggests they will be massively financially penalised. Am I wrong then?
Let’s be honest they have now had nearly 25 years of domestic dominance so it’s not suprising. My biggest worry is that I don’t see it ending anytime soon.
The decision to allow Celtic to build a bigger stadium during our dominant period without reply is one of the main reasons
Back to 98? In the period 1998/99-2011/12 each won 7 titles. We all know how and why 2012 onwards is skewed.
I'm far from a Tav hater, but at the same time was quite confused at threads after 55 - 'where does Tav rank as greatest Rangers captain and so on'

But Celtic winning 16 trophies (and counting) to Rangers 2 whilst he has been at the club and captain for the majority of it, is a massive stick to beat him with and I don't think time is going to look kindly on him.

Of course at the start there was circumstances and so on, but from 20/21 the fact that to the present day they have won more trophies than us is completely unacceptable.
Absolute fucking bollocks.

Why do people attach so much importance to a captain’s role?
It fucking baffles me.

Franz Beckenbauer could have been our captain and our trophy haul would have been no different.
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All that comparison shows is how shite the Scottish league is. Two clubs have won 107 titles between them and folk are talking about the importance of domestic success being paramount. It's a cake and arse party.

Meanwhile, teams like Liverpool are winning multiple CLs, without much domestic success and have gained a world wide reputation.

We are stuck in a continuing downward spiral, chained to the mentally challenged scum as our league becomes less and less relevant to the rest of the footballing world. It's fvcking pathetic really. We should have tried to jump ship in 2012 imho, because that's when the SFA and 'them' showed their real face. They wanted us gone, we should have went and left them to drown in their own putrid shite.

Yes, I'm bitter and believe Scottish football is beyond help.
We didn’t die in 2012 but we certainly haven’t fully recovered,The fhilth have kept at a long arms length apart from our 55th title that was a false dawn,It seem we are just here for the cash we generate and for the entertainment for the rest of the diddy clubs,
25 years of dominance?

In the first 14 years they won 7 and we won 7. What's the formula your using here?

If you use the precise metric of starting in 1998 you’re right.

But it feels like they’ve been in a stronger financial position since at least a couple of years into the 21st century.

The Walter titles…he did spend some money but it still felt achieved in the backdrop of downsizing

We’ve been playing catch up for a very long time - that this day would come and people suddenly act surprised about it, I don’t really get.
My basic point remains - your choice of Captain has little impact on your trophy haul, no matter how you choose to interpret any stats. As 'unacceptable' as many of those defeats were it's not down to who the choice of Captain was.

As you rightly acknowledge in your final sentence, it's down to the team. Way too much made of who the Captain is and, still, this weird notion that you need Mr Angry out there waving his arms and shouting. That sort of Captain is back in the 90s, alongside heading for the bookies or the pub after training. It's not a part of the modern game.
Greig won one trophy from 66/67 to 71/72 when he won his second.
Six seasons!
If you use the precise metric of starting in 1998 you’re right.

But it feels like they’ve been in a stronger financial position since at least a couple of years into the 21st century.

The Walter titles…he did spend some money but it still felt achieved in the backdrop of downsizing

We’ve been playing catch up for a very long time - that this day would come and people suddenly act surprised about it, I don’t really get.
Not sure I've seen anyone suddenly act surprised. Unfortunately we all know about it.

Who had more money at the time is irrelevant though as a measure of dominance which the poster stated.
My basic point remains - your choice of Captain has little impact on your trophy haul, no matter how you choose to interpret any stats. As 'unacceptable' as many of those defeats were it's not down to who the choice of Captain was.

As you rightly acknowledge in your final sentence, it's down to the team. Way too much made of who the Captain is and, still, this weird notion that you need Mr Angry out there waving his arms and shouting. That sort of Captain is back in the 90s, alongside heading for the bookies or the pub after training. It's not a part of the modern game.

When did I say it was?

I used Tav as an example as he is our longest serving player, and on the back of 55 had a tremendous amount of praise. If you read my original post I only put 'and captain for the majority of it' - all other figures are based on his entire time at the club. Which despite some tremendous and memorable performances, quite frankly insane stats for goals and assists - imo one of the most important ones, winners medals Tav himself will be unhappy with, and it is a blight on his Rangers career.

I don't care about captain or not really, if Morelos had been here for longer I would have used him, and the same applies to him and any other long serving player.

I understand that 2012 had a massive impact, and perhaps I'm just a spoiled child of the 90's but 2 trophies in 8 seasons for a Rangers player?
Let’s be honest they have now had nearly 25 years of domestic dominance so it’s not suprising. My biggest worry is that I don’t see it ending anytime soon.
The decision to allow Celtic to build a bigger stadium during our dominant period without reply is one of the main reasons

That’s not strictly accurate.

Up until Admin, we had won slightly more trophies than them in the 00s.

Whilst we were getting back on our feet between 2012 and 2020, they won around 20 trophies.

Admin is the main cause of them getting closer.
Only 1 trophy overall in front at the end of the season unless we win on Sunday.

The Most Successful Team In Football won't be us very soon.

We all know the underlying reasons for 2012 to 2020 when they significantly closed the gap, but these last 2 seasons are down to us, we can't just go on about that forever. 2 years ago we were miles in front of them.
The will over take us next season. Sadly.