Leon Balogun

Should we give Leon Balogun a new contract?

  • Yes

  • No

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If he can stay fit he’s a valuable squad player who doesn’t demand to play every week and knows he’s a utility player. He’s also got a fantastic attitude and is a good presence around the dressing room, we’ve seen as much in behind the scenes videos.

I also don’t think he’d demand silly money to stay.
Absolutely not. He's a guy I've a lot of time for and his heart is with the club, but big Leon is yet another player we can ill afford with his age and his injury record.
If his wage expectations are in line with that of an ageing squad player in the SPFL, it's a yes from me. He's still more than good enough and his top level experience and professionalism is invaluable in the squad. However, it is ultimately up to the management to decide if it is worthwhile.
Balogun is fine as a squad option but I expect we will move him on because he is the easiest to get rid off and our defence needs major surgery.

Would happily move Goldson, Davies and Souttar on if we get offers
Hmmm. If he is happy to be 4th choice then yes.

I would keep JS get rid of CG and BD. So would need at least another 2 CB in ahead of LB.
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What standard are we wanting or expecting for 4th choice cb? Assuming Goldson and Davies leave I can't see us splashing out on 3 new signings for that position.
Ideally it would be someone out of the academy, but that looks out of the question for King and Yfeko doesn't look good enough.
People here under the impression we are going to replace the whole squad in the summer. Like budgets don't exist. We need 2 maybe 3 players for some positions in the squad

Balogun would be a decent squad player to cover injuries 3rd/4th choice with little wage.

No brainer
I voted yes. I think he’s a good squad player, experienced, would have lowish wage demands, would probably take a one year contract and is good to have around the dressing room.

Of course we can do better, but every club needs experienced pros in the dressing room.
If it was looking at solely as Balogun's own situation, I would say no.

However, the squad needs major surgery, but we can't simply have a load of new players flung into playing for rangers.

Use the funds we have to strengthen the first 11. Keep Balogun as a 3rd or 4th choice centre back.
Balogun is a cheap 4th choice option and is a centre half suited to the physical battle that you often get in our league so a yes. We need to try and find a way to get rid of davies and sign a replacement for goldson.

He can also cover a number of positions. Obviously centre back, but he can also play right back and defensive mid.
Depends entirely on the amount of surgery required to the rest of the squad. Clement will have a limited amount of resources to revamp the squad. Keeping Balogun on might be an easy and relatively cheap win while we focus on more necessary recruitment.
It's not ideal to retain him but if we look at our options. Ben Davies needs sold, Leon King needs at least a 6 month loan, Connor potentially off.

So we need two central defenders minimum (though I hope we get a LB/LCB dual option) keeping Balogun for another year minimises the risk.
I voted no but it’s more a maybe, there are far more important parts of the squad that need improvement so maybe another year because money will need to be spent elsewhere
big Leon is a great squad player so, Id say yes to giving him a new contract. what I have read the manager say about him is that he is always super positive in training and works hard .
As a person who said we were right to let him go last time I'd say yes we should but on a reduced contract as an experienced head.
Yes. Knows what it takes to play for our club, consistent performer, covers the ground, good in the tackle, low wage, happy as a squad member, experienced. Whats not to like? Age has been proven to not be an issue in this position in recent years.
I like the guy.
But at that age, to keep him only as a squad member ... wouldn't we be better finding some young player (Scottish maybe) for that role ?

We simply MUST start moving on and stop keeping players on just because they're not as bad as some of the rest of our squad.
I would give him a deal, but he should be a squad player. If he ends up being first choice, something has went wrong.
Out of contract on 31st May.

Simple question: should we offer him a new contract?
We ideally need 3 CDs but hopefully will get 2 at least. They need to be as quick or quicker than Balogan, we can’t be having slow defenders anymore.

If Balogan can stay fit, I’d give him one more year if wages are cheap and have him 4th choice back up.
On the basis that he is 4th or 5th choice and every manager since he first came in has said that he is great around the training ground, even if he only plays early cup games and half a dozen others he will do a job for the team. Davies needs to go, been a bit of chat about Goldson, King needs to play football, Souttar should stay.
The only thing that changes it for me is if Goldson is defo satying, then I think Balo will go and we should sign 2 good centre backs to compete with Goldson and Souttar.
I think he will stay another year as backup and get a place on coaching staff as hes one player everyone looks up to.

Clements looking to add to his coaching staff.
Seems like a really nice guy who get's what we are about but we really need a massive upgrade on him and most of the team if we are to challenge next season.