Union Bears Banners Today

The criticism is deserved. Past banners have been great. Today the banners are not. Full focus should be on backing the team, not making petty digs at politicians, however godawful they are.

Carry on missing the point though.
"Petty digs at politicians"?

It was clearly more than that, it was a GLORIOUS GIRFUY to a useless failure, who not only wants to break up our country, but hates Rangers with a passion, wanted our players sacked and jailed and refused to apologise when it was shown that he'd been duped.

The UB's have spoken today, not just for the majority inside Ibrox Stadium, but for many of all stripes elsewhere in Scotland, in giving that serial failure, Humza Yousaf, his thoroughly deserved farewell message.

Thank You All, Union Bears, you do exactly what it says on your banner.
Love the Humza ones.
Realise I might be in the minority but I don’t want to see GB banners at Ibrox even if they are upside down.
The green brigade banner patter was a fucking riddy.
There was a point near end that they were only holding the serial losers part, just about about sums our own squad up FFS.
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I hope those with issues with the snp banner are either based abroad and don’t understand what’s going on, or aren’t Rangers fans at all. How anyone can have an issue with it is beyond me. It really does show that the match going fans and a lot of those of here are miles apart.
The Humza one was class. Thought the GB one was cringe as feck but i realise im maybe in the minority. I cant stand ultra culture.
Not for me either, but in those circles that's a serious embarrassment to have your banners taken and displayed like that.

Well to anyone else it is, supporters of child abuse obviously have no such emotion.
Not for me either, but in those circles that's a serious embarrassment to have your banners taken and displayed like that.

Well to anyone else it is, supporters of child abuse obviously have no such emotion.
I get it is a big deal for them and i know im in the minority, just not my thing tbh. Don’t particularly care if they use ultra ones or not really, each to their own, it wont keep me up at night.
Some amount of whinging pussies here.

Those lads have provided endless, classy Rangers banners and if they’re going to take the occasional side step then they can do no better than that one right there.

I’m a bit hit and miss with those lads, but credit where it’s due.

On the money, lads.
It's the same ones every week , they know who they are., some of their contributions are what you would expect from a bheggar site.:eek:
What an absolute weapon you are
For the record I’m not a nationalist, just prefer to see you guys in the UB to support the team instead of making political statements. You have your own social media and website for that.

What the UB do for the fan base is incredible, I’m a huge fan usually.

But hey, my opinion doesn’t count. I won’t bother contributing in future when funding requests are made.

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