Andrew Gray's mum giving it to Spiers


Well-Known Member
This is about all children, who were abused, one who was only 5years old, was abused by Mr Torbet, so don't you tell me, that anyone, is excited, tweeting about,it you are a disgusting human being, hang your head in shame.

Speirs had tweeted.

Rangers fans excitedly RTing any Celtic Boys Club sex abuse stories. Celtic fans countering with dug up stories of ex Rangers youth coaches and alleged child sex abuse.
What a nauseating charade.
Hes the spawn of the 'whataboutery' phrase. The man is lower than human and should be spat on in the streets.

Out of curiosity, because i genuinely dont know - has he once tweeted calling CBC abuse shameful, or is it just us that are the bad guys in all this? (he could have but genuine question?)
Graham Spiers is yesterday's man. He is laughed at by those in his own profession.

He is an irrelevance who tries to stay relevant by tagging on to stories about us or them.

Graham, you have children. We are talking about children much like your own, being sexually abused.

For once in your pathetic life just see it like it is and not try to make something out of an utterly desperate reality to your own gain. What a nauseating charade indeed.
He continues to make himself look foolish and tragic with each tweet,Mrs Gray and Spier's face to face would literally be the end of him.

That brave woman would "lose" it with him and you can't blame her as he skirts about looking for ways to hold Celtic up as bastions of morality etc...
It's easy to imagine Speirs sees himself as a bit of a separate entity himself.
It's like he is some sort of alien looking in at the human race from the outside without fully understanding what we are all about.

Well when you’re ugly & cannae kick a ball in Glasgow what do you do ?

Put on a friggin tweed jacket & kid on you’re an intellectual.

He’s a fraud.
The days of playing the "disgusting to talk about it" card are so far gone that it's sepia tinged.

I'm afraid the game is a bogey and no more can you/they run from the crimes. The fact that they even tried/still try to is the "disgusting" element of this over and above what actually happened to those poor kids. No amount of deflection will ever disguise that fact, so jog on Spiers.

This isn't whataboutery. We were told we were the scum of the earth for our legal "crimes", well I'm afraid this is infinitely worse and there is no invisibility cloak to be had regrdless of how many words you invent.
Well said Helene Gray

Queersie must be on Lieswell’s payroll

No way any decent law abiding parent fails to condemn the abusers and the harbourers

Instead Queersie targets the people condemning Shame FC and the SMSM for protecting Shame FC

The sooner he is outed as a paid apologist the better

I hope he loses his income and then I will get excited to see the c.unt get his just rewards
Not the first time he’s been at this kind of thing. went absolutely ballistic over his remarks about the Hearts player Thomson a few years back. He’s got a clear history of trying to defend child abusers.

No doubt his master Lawwell has sent him out on a kamikaze mission to deflect attention away from nonce fc.
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The face of a liar masking another secret me thinks.

This is about all children, who were abused, one who was only 5years old, was abused by Mr Torbet, so don't you tell me, that anyone, is excited, tweeting about,it you are a disgusting human being, hang your head in shame.

Speirs had tweeted.

Rangers fans excitedly RTing any Celtic Boys Club sex abuse stories. Celtic fans countering with dug up stories of ex Rangers youth coaches and alleged child sex abuse.
What a nauseating charade.

The guy is vile. His family must be ashamed.

I just wish the Gray family and Kenny Campbell, etc really knew how much people were standing alongside them and for nothing else than the fact that it's the right thing to do. I applaud them.
I find his comments particularly revolting and disturbing.
My family has experienced those crimes and never once has it been about football..
Smyllum, Nazareth, Magdelene, etc - any institution who pride themselves as the protectors of children and have been found out that this is not the case have been shut down except the RC church!
My kids will never be at Celtic in any capacity (even though I want them to make their own choices in life) for their own protection.
Helene Gray. Legend.

That lady has more guts than all of the SMSM & Scottish Football put together.

I doubt anyone would argue with you on that score. They should get a medal for what they've been through. Total respect for the Gray's, Kenny and all of the other victims. It's a story for us...they live it.

If I could have given you ten likes for your post I would have. Post of the day for me.
I doubt anyone would argue with you on that score. They should get a medal for what they've been through. Total respect for the Gray's, Kenny and all of the other victims. It's a story for us...they live it.

If I could have given you ten likes for your post I would have. Post of the day for me.

As you say TS, these people’s lives have been turned upside down with this & he plays stupid wee games. Embarrassment to his family.
I find his comments particularly revolting and disturbing.
My family has experienced those crimes and never once has it been about football..
Smyllum, Nazareth, Magdelene, etc - any institution who pride themselves as the protectors of children and have been found out that this is not the case have been shut down except the RC church!
My kids will never be at Celtic in any capacity (even though I want them to make their own choices in life) for their ow in fromnt of us n protection.

It's people like yourself that have experience of this that I sincerely feel for. As I said earlier, we have a story in front of us and we can try and understand the feelings of what went on, we don't live it. It's horrendous and I hope you and your family has now got some peace from it.

I also knew someone who was abused and you find tou're barely even able to comprehend what took place.

I wish you and your family well.
This disgusting person would seek to reduce this enormous criminal shame into nothing more than a tribal spat between two football clubs.
Meanwhile, victims remain stranded and ignored by his elevated platform as a public figure as he indulges his underestimated intellectual limitations in social gravitas, to instead perform like a monkey on behalf of the low hanging cerebrally stymied fruit of the Filth support.

The cover-ups needed to be covered up by cover-uppers in the press and there is always a cover upper ready to step forward on behalf of paedophiles in Scotland, because if this was not the case, then half a century of child abuse inside a huge club like Celtc would never have been possible.
Graeme Spiers continues to play his part, ...some may think.
This disgusting person would seek to reduce this enormous criminal shame into nothing more than a tribal spat between two football clubs.
Meanwhile, victims remain stranded and ignored by his elevated platform as a public figure as he indulges his underestimated intellectual limitations in social gravitas, to instead perform like a monkey on behalf of the low hanging cerebrally stymied fruit of the Filth support.

The cover-ups needed to be covered up by cover-uppers in the press and there is always a cover upper ready to step forward on behalf of paedophiles in Scotland, because if this was not the case, then half a century of child abuse inside a huge club like Celtc would never have been possible.
Graeme Spiers continues to play his part, ...some may think.

Good post mate (another one).
Helene Gray is a remarkable lady. Her son would be so proud of her I’m sure. Her struggle to get some semblance of justice for the victims must seem like trying to push water uphill but she’s always there, always fighting for her boy and the others.

BTW Graham, if you’re lurking, we are NOT excited by this. None of us, not a single one. We’re sickened and angry, sickened by the horrific stories of abuse of so many youngsters over so many years and angry at those who conspired to protect the abusers and facilitate their vile acts. Angry at people like you in fact, someone with the experience and knowledge to dig up the truth of what went on if you were so minded yet refuses to do so, instead lowering yourself into the gutter to obfuscate and deflect attention from the real story.

As a father yourself Graham, how fo you sleep at night? Knowing that you could do some good and help bring the perpetrators to justice yet you do nothing. How can you bear to look at yourself in a mirror when you see the man who by choosing to do nothing is helping abusers and their protectors walk free, causing continual pain and anguish to parents and their children - parents like you and children like yours.

How does it feel, Graham? Are your childish Twitter spats just Pyrrhic victories which don’t sooth your conscience? Or did you mortgage your conscience and integrity long ago for your 30 pieces of silver?