Blogger exclusive - letter to UEFA

His wife has waited till he was sleeping and got herself and the kids out of there. This dafty is seriously sick in the head
Imagine prioritising a blog about something you think doesn't exist over your own children.

This is what this failed parent has done.

Going through life knowing his kids won't give a fùck when he dies. There's another guy they call dad.

That's his legacy in life. Less than a thrown away pot noodle.
First time I've been able to put a face to the name. Clearly the guy isn't all there. More to be pitied. I always thought he was a parody guy, ripping the piss out of the moonhowlers in a very dark comedy style. Genuinely, i didn't think anyone could be that nuts. :oops:
If you were married to someone like that who spent everyday banging little buttons on a keyboard totally obsessed about one football club you didn't like, It isn't a wonder why his wife thought he was insane and took her kids and done a bunk away from him, his poor wife and kids being totally ignored, no relationship nor love for his kids and they done the correct thing in leaving.

Bear in mind in the video link posted, this is the same guy when his face was plastered over social media and on here, denied it was him and claimed it was someone else standing in for him, while he sat at a table with his ten bodyguards who were all experts in martial arts, just can't be to careful nowadays with the UVF and all those death threats he had.

He's just another who's leeching onto the vast amount of unwashed fans who believe everyword he says, I actually believe all these people are mentally ill.
Award winning journalist HAHA!

What a fucking loser. No wonder his wife and kids hate him, he’s useless as an ashtray on a motorbike.
John James writes this like an academic piece but for every bit of his theorem he does not cite or reference any document which tries to prove his beliefs. Wonder why that is?

It's because his beliefs are utter fluff and could be disproved by a three year old nursery student.

Basically it's a pack of lies.
What exactly is he trying to achieve, UEFA will know exactly the score here. They’ve reserved several thousand emails and letters from them!
Imagine a life where hatred of a football team just completely envelopes you like this? Seriously, what has to go do badly wrong in your life for that to happen?
If he actually gets an answer then he's on a one way bus ride to Erskine bridge... It will end him
As a keen observer of the many underhand tactics employed by the SFA, and the incontrovertible fact that the Chairman of the holding company of the new club, Dave King, is a convicted criminal

Dave King, as far as I am aware, has never been convicted of anything , therefore the above is libelous. Over to you Dave.
The lack of self awareness with these saddos is utterly breathtaking.
You think they'd be keeping their misshapen heads down after the couple of months their stinkin' club has had.
As your predecessor Andrea Travero, who will be copied on my remittance
Is he attempting to bribe UEFA Officials here..?

Or is he just a mentally challenged bastard with no grasp on Comprehension or Grammar..?

Answers on a postcard...
He's screwing these moonhowlers still?

Good grief. Read this from 4 years ago.

The Sevcoholic Football Monitor

Posted on October 1, 2015 by exposingtherhats

Sevcoing: An extraordinary phenomenon which has led to grown men some of whom are educated and employed babbling endlessly online that Rangers' continued existence is the result of some sort of conspiracy. Sevco'ers believe the club should actually be dead.

This strange cultural phenomena has allowed Rangers fans many laughs but I'm starting to think I've missed a trick. I founded #SevcoOfTheDay which has been lapped up by adoring Sevco'ers but with hindsight I'm starting to think I may be the only person not to have monetised my exploitation of them. Even Phil with his Paypal "please replace my jacket" button has missed out to an extent it seems in comparison with a group called The Scottish Football Monitor who released a hilarious "set of accounts" last week.

This group emerged from the ashes of the now discredited Rangers Tax Case site, it was decided that the "community" attracted by that blog should live on. The title "The Scottish Football Monitor" suggests some sort of neutrality it's mission statement below also suggests a noble cause in line with the thinking of supporters of all Scottish football clubs.

SFM mission statement – SFM is an online community drawn from fans of all Scottish Football clubs. Its overriding goal is to see sporting integrity restored to paramountcy in Scottish Football. To help achieve that SFM will ask the questions that the mainstream media consistently fail to ask of the authorities, who in turn consistently fail to govern the sport in accordance with their own rules.

Alarm bells are no doubt going off for sane readers of this at the mention of "sporting integrity" the catchphrase of those in 2012 who pressured clubs and authorities to levy completely disproportionate and unprecedented penalties on Rangers following their insolvency.

Further reading of the blogs and comments confirm these suspicions to be correct with the content not actually reflecting a community drawn from fans of "all Scottish football clubs" more a collection of the flat earthers who peddle the "Ranjurs are puir deid" conspiracy theories along with the group of Celtic fans who are pursuing the bafflingly daft "Resolution 12". For anyone who isn't aware of Res 12 get yourself up to speed as there are serious laughs to be had. It's a group of Celtic shareholders who desperately want Celtic Peter to sue SFA Peter over what they believe to be an administrative rule breach which deprived them of a Champions League place they failed to win on the park. Their ultimate goal is for the SFA to be disbanded and replaced with a new one…..humorously they seemed confused as to why Celtic Peter is loathe to relieve SFA Peter of his duties in this way.

All of this in itself is nothing out the ordinary, Sevcoing of this type is rife on the internet what is utterly spectacular is the accounts released by the SFM showing the extent of the financial benefit to the site's owner John Coles. As you can see from the accounts below John's particular brand of Sevcoing has been particularly lucrative.

Some key points to clarify on these accounts:

They have 51 loyal subscribers, Mr McMurdo Jnr should be onto these lads for tips as it's a stunning 10 times the amount he ever managed to get signed up to the RSL.
They make over 10k a year from donations and advertising.
They now incredibly rent an office in central Glasgow at a cost of £5460 per annum
They have procured a 10k loan(sadly nobody went to a bank and said "can we get a loan cos erm ye know zombies anaw that") The loan is in fact actually not a cash loan but a promise from John Coles that he'll fund the operation up to a total of 10k if they run short.
On first glance this whole set-up is bizarre and raised many laughs on social media when first released, dig a bit deeper and it gets even better though. Mr Coles, a former employee of Celtic Football Club now runs a company called Heavenly Sound Media a web applications company based in Glasgow. I'm told they are actually quite good at what they do, I'm also told they now operate rent free from the offices paid for by the SFM.

To revisit the £10k loan which has never been paid into SFM accounts, essentially it means Mr Coles will pay the rent for the offices used by his other company if he can't find enough gullible morons to donate it to him. A Machiavellian act worthy of anyone who has graced the Ibrox boardroom in recent years, the hilarity of it all is added to by the fact he's confirmed he isn't even a Celtic supporter anymore. The loveable rogue tore up his season ticket enraged when Rangers survived in 2012 and hasn't been back since.

Message for Barcabhoy/John James

Many of you may have seen much wailing from the Scottish Football Monitor poster who writes under the name of Barcabhoy(Celtic Fan) and John James(Rangers fan) at the fact I "outed" him on twitter in this way. My advice to this gentleman is if you're going to pester journalists with "stories" about Dave King, make sure you use a different email address for each alter ego when contacting writers who work for the same organisation. Also I'd like to point out that despite your moaning about breaches of confidentiality I've not at any point released your real name as I could have. The only point I made on that front was that you are not David Low as many on social media have suggested. Despite the many differences I have with David I have to confess he's bright enough and sane enough not to spend hours each day pretending to support a team he hates.

To summarise we have small businesses managing to convince people to fund their running costs in the name of "Sporting integrity" and Celtic fans leading double lives in order to out Paul Murray as an evil Newco garden centre owner…..Anyone would think the Rangers were coming.

Keep on Sevcoing!
Obviously the crackpots are running out of material so they've reverted back to the old faithful 'Sevco 2012' patter which has been disproved time and time again.

I pity these bloggers, I laugh how their entire lives are consumed by us but a large part of me would like to shut them up once and for all.
I thought we were getting a rendition of Sympathy for the Devil .
Anyway, "Many of the actors are still in place trying desperately to sweep their transgressions under the carpet "... his words, not mine
He's a marked man. Allegedly.

The disenfranchised James Kirk(Clabby).


.... the nonce proclaims that he considers himself to be some sort of freedom fighter in exile .... in St Albans. Hiding from paid guns.

"A grave being dug as I write by three groups who are committed to assassinate me. Those in Ayrshire, with UDA/UVF paramilitaries in their milieu are in pole position. The arsonists in Fife are making a good fist of tracking me down, with those in Glasgow monitoring flight manifests for my name. I will be moving in a matter of days as my location seems to have been blown. IP addresses can be easily traced if you have access to the right tools at Police Scotland".
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Obviously the crackpots are running out of material so they've reverted back to the old faithful 'Sevco 2012' patter which has been disproved time and time again.

I pity these bloggers, I laugh how their entire lives are consumed by us but a large part of me would like to shut them up once and for all.

We win the league this season and everything they've lived for since around 2010 will have fizzled into nothing.

An entire decade of their lives dedicated to absolutely nothing.

Imagine your 20s, best days of your life. Normal people are away partying, shagging, living with no real demands, putting together the building blocks of a career.

These sadacts have spent it in their dimly lit bedsits going through more keyboards than packets of johnnies.

The fallout from 55 will be wonderful.
John James you have my sympathy, you were born full of the potential to be a decent human being who could go through life free of hate ,bigotry and resentment. Sadly your parents stepped in and fuc*ed all that potential right up the arse ,maybe literally. You now live a wasted life howling at the moon over trivia while ignoring a subject worthy of your dedication to transparency, real abuse. That you and the thousands of other delusional ,bitter fuc*wits can dedicate your life to tax scheme laws while ignoring serial paedophilia at your own club is SHAMEFUL in the extreme. Luckily your own children are free of your hate ,please fu*k off and get a life.
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