Tom Boyd being investigated by Compliance Officer

Beaton should demand an apology and retraction from Boyd

After the OF game in Dec Beaton got death threats from the scum fans and had police protection FFS

Now this idiot Boyd comes out with this shit

He needs sued and sacked by Nonce FC.

SFA and referees Union should demand he goes and apologises immediately to Beaton
What the %^*& is she going to do? Take a leaf out of UEFA's book and fine them £5. Or, is she currently looking for a Rangers player to cite in his place.

That said, the media will be looking to deflect or make him out to be correct as per Hollicom instruction.
Rules of football have changed

Any non playing member of staff commits an offence it is the manager that receives the booking or red card.
get emailing / tweeting the SFA and media asking why this documentary was ignored when Boyd and co made much more comments how how Celtic were cheated for decades and ask why it was filmed and premiered at parkhead, do Celtic endorse the game is corrupt in Scotland
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I wonder if the filth will claim they are a separate entity from Mr T Boyd

A wee walk down Kerryfail Street would suggest that’s the line they may follow.

Could or should the compliance officer be looking at child abuse at CFC if not why not.
Surely that would come under “bringing the game into disrepute”
If this is the kind of stuff Celtic TV comes out with during a game vs. Dunfermline, goodness knows what it's like when we're turning them over.

Boyd is just a twisted individual. Like so many of them.
The guys a loony, I saw some some of that game on a stream and he got awfy carried away Theyve just won 9 successive trophies and they still think there's a conspiracy against them
It's not the 1st time Boyd has said stuff like this on Ctv, i had a game on last season and he said something similar about we all know who this ref supports

He was also part of that weird video they did about conspiracies going back 50 years :))