Barry the tim apologist

Amazes me how many people on here seem to think football matches and leagues are won and lost in newspaper columns or PR statements.

I have absolutely f*ck all interest in the opinions of Hartson, Sutton, Ferguson, Leckie or anybody. Can't understand how riled up people get over all this shite.
He makes excuses for Griffiths Ned behaviour via blaming the Killie fan and insulting how the fan looks. The fact is that Alfie's gesture and Griffiths behaviour are completely different and Griffiths acted like a ned and Alfie didnt.. the incidents are totally different.

Ferguson for me is making excuses for the ned that's Griffiths and should be condemning him not because its "tit for tat" but because he should be condemned for his behaviour.

I wonder what Boyd thinks of Ferguson's article today.
I agree with you but,while Ferguson’s comments don’t harm us on the pitch, the inconsistent actions of officials do.
Can't really disagree with anything he says there. He says both incidents probably shouldn't happen, but are being blown way out of proportion by folk too highly strung on the emotions of what club they support. He's not writing an article about media double standards, he's talking about a couple of nothing incidents that have been whipped up into a frenzy in one form or another without any sense of real perspective.
for me Ferguson should just stop it with these articles as he misses the point totally.

He only misses the point you want him to talk about.

If you showed those incidents to anyone outside the Scottish football bubble, they'd wonder why the fck anyone was getting worked up about them.
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Barry ferguson is a rangers legend, let’s not have any two ways about it.
what we have here though is someone who is toeing the party line with his employers at the daily rhebel. Hes said a few things in that article that really annoy me, like he’s happy to see griffiths score, like calling the stade de secrets C****c Park instead of parkhead, like saying griffiths didn’t actually do anything wrong.

what griffiths did against what Alfredo did is the wee game them at the mhedia like to play, one side it’s all “banter and Psychological” “mind games” or evening playing the victim card as what usual happens with these clowns, against the other side which is us. “Alfredo is a criminal, a waster, a loose cannon, he has discipline issues, he doesn’t understand culture here in this country”
The 2 things that happened are basically the same thing. Players leaving the field of play to a raft of abuse from the fans, and 2 players reacting to that abuse.
whats happened since both incidents is the perfect example of how the media works to defend one side and lambast the other. In this case, we the rangers fans and player have been lambasted.

griffiths gets the sympathy for being a degenerate gambler, a cocaine addict (unproven but well known) a womaniser with child maintenance issues, gambling and drug debts (again, unproven but well known), whereas Alfredo Morelos is guilty of reacting to the same abuse from fans and is tarred with the guilt brush from the media and the celtic apologists wherein. He’s been targeted very unfairly by these people because he is foreign, he is an easy target and maybe sometimes he has brought it on himself by getting needlessly sent off in some matches, but the reality is, his character stands up to scrutiny far better than griffiths does, this young Columbia’s man has his own charity foundation, he raises money for his abjectly poor hometown, he’s organised charity matches, he’s a bubbly and fun guy around the training ground (if you believe the manager and team mates) and maybe he’s taken his time to get to grips with the utter hypocrisy of our game.
What I take from it is, some people have an opinion that’s right and can stand up to any analysis, and some people have an opinion to try and keep themselves relevant to the public in which they aim their opinions. The latter tends to pander to the masses, to the apologists, they pander to the lowest common denominator, the screaming offended person.

barry ferguson falls in the the trap of being the latter.
Amazes me how many people on here seem to think football matches and leagues are won and lost in newspaper columns or PR statements.

I have absolutely f*ck all interest in the opinions of Hartson, Sutton, Ferguson, Leckie or anybody. Can't understand how riled up people get over all this shite.

Spot on to be fair.
Amazes me how many people on here seem to think football matches and leagues are won and lost in newspaper columns or PR statements.

I have absolutely f*ck all interest in the opinions of Hartson, Sutton, Ferguson, Leckie or anybody. Can't understand how riled up people get over all this shite.

Better tell Liewell that his propaganda team are wasting their time.

You may not be influenced or care about the shite but it is patently having an effect on the people wearing black.
Better tell Liewell that his propaganda team are wasting their time.

You may not be influenced or care about the shite but it is patently having an effect on the people wearing black.

Referees are giving poor decisions against us because they're either incompetent like Beaton or Celtic supporters like Clancy.

It's nothing to do with what Chris Sutton or Barry Ferguson are writing in newspapers.
Celtic's ex players to a man - condemn everything and anything Rangers/Morelos related.

Rangers' ex players - bar a couple - play it down, nothing to see here when it's Celtic involved.

Boyd has grew a set of balls recently and Alex Rae usually sticks up for us but other than that it's pathetic in comparison.
Amazes me how many people on here seem to think football matches and leagues are won and lost in newspaper columns or PR statements.

I have absolutely f*ck all interest in the opinions of Hartson, Sutton, Ferguson, Leckie or anybody. Can't understand how riled up people get over all this shite.
But what Griffiths done should not have been done and if Clare white follows the letter of the law he should see a few game ban at least regardless it was tape u can’t throw anything into a crowd especially the opposition it could have caused a serious altercation.
but after Lennons opinion on it do you think that will influence any decision made if any at all. What is written in papers and what people say imo can effect decisions on and off the pitch this is why we are seeing so many discrepancies in decisions made by officials and the compliance officer especially when it’s us and even more when it’s Morelos.
His whole article is pretty much all about this point... he's saying all the commentary around these incidents has been driven by folk blinded to reality by their allegiance to their club, rather than actual common sense.
Stop talking sense mate, you need to get angry and start calling our former captain a tim for not acting like the tims do by being astounded.
“Was Morelos in the wrong? Yes, he was. Should he have made that gesture? No, he shouldn’t have.”

What gesture was that Barry? The ‘game over’ one?

Who needs enemies right enough.
He only misses the point you want him to talk about.

If you showed those incidents to anyone outside the Scottish football bubble, they'd wonder why the fck anyone was getting worked up about them.

He totally misses the point!

The Scottish football media have went on and on and on and on about and got it totally wrong by still calling Alfie's gesture a "cut throat gesture! The gesture Alfie made is not the same as Griffiths behaviour the other night and they should be treated differently by the media but ,the Celtic media have hounded Alfie for weeks and strangely the same media are saying nothing about Griffiths behaving like a ned and paining him as a victim!
To be honest the only bit in that article that really annoys me is when he concedes Morelos was wrong to make a gesture. So did Boyd. Why? What is wrong with gesturing thatbthe game is over anyway?

Yeah why are they all so keen to say what Morelos did was wrong. There was nothing wrong at all with what he done, and the more guys like Barry and Boyd say it, the more it gives ammunition to the other lot to stick the boot in and twist the situation to suit their agenda
But what Griffiths done should not have been done and if Clare white follows the letter of the law he should see a few game ban at least regardless it was tape u can’t throw anything into a crowd especially the opposition it could have caused a serious altercation.
but after Lennons opinion on it do you think that will influence any decision made if any at all. What is written in papers and what people say imo can effect decisions on and off the pitch this is why we are seeing so many discrepancies in decisions made by officials and the compliance officer especially when it’s us and even more when it’s Morelos.

I disagree. What punishment is Morelos getting for the "gesture" they've all been bleating about for 3 weeks? None.

We'll see what happens with Griffiths but let's be honest, if nothing happens it's probably because it's a nothing incident.
Barry was just a bit late writing this piece. Should have done it while Alfie was being vilified and before the Griffiths incident. I'm also not sure why he has to mock the Killie fan just because he's old.
His whole article is pretty much all about this point... he's saying all the commentary around these incidents has been driven by folk blinded to reality by their allegiance to their club, rather than actual common sense.

So Boyd's criticism of Griffiths is fuelled by Boyd's allegiance to Rangers and nothing else? Look forward to Boyd Reaction on this then
Did Barry post a similar article playing down the gestures from Morelos and Kent? If so, please link me.

Otherwise, save your breath Barry. Made a great career and memories as a superb Rangers captain, blemishing this with selling your soul for silver to defend the mentally challenged.
Sorry, but he's not being a tim apologist for me. He's bang on no-one, other than the celtic fawning media, give a shit about gestures. The only thing p**ing me off is the way Alfie was hammered yet their players get off scott free. Either hammer all or move on!
He is bang on.?
He is delighted the twice convicted racist is scoring goals again..
He totally misses the point!

The Scottish football media have went on and on and on and on about and get it totally wrong by still calling Alfie's gesture a "cut throat gesture! The gesture Alfie made is not the same as Griffiths behaviour the other night and they should be treated differently by the media but ,the Celtic media have hounded Alfie for weeks and strangely the same media are saying nothing about Griffiths behaving like a ned and paining him as a victim!

He doesn't miss the point. He's talking about the sensationalism and biased commentary in the media around these incidents driven by folk whose opinions are driven by their club allegiances.

He's not talking about a one-sided media agenda, he's pointing out that both of these incidents are not actually that big a deal but are being blown out of proportion.
So Barry said Alfie was wrong to do that sign and by that token hes calling Alfie and Gerrard liars as he must not believe what they said it meant is he not?
So Boyd's criticism of Griffiths is fuelled by Boyd's allegiance to Rangers and nothing else? Look forward to Boyd Reaction on this then

If you're going to argue that when Sutton or Hartson have a go at our players it's because they're biased dhims, then when an ex-Rangers player has a go at a dhim player it's just entirely neutral - while also bemoaning our ex-players not doing more to defend our club, then your argument starts to look a bit messy to say the least.
So Barry said Alfie was wrong to do that sign and by that token hes calling Alfie and Gerrard liars as he must not believe what they said it meant is he not?

No. What he's saying is that Alfie shouldn't have reacted - but he also points out that it's a regular thing and he did it himself.

He's saying it's just part and parcel of the game that players getting abuse hurled at them sometimes react back a bit, but it's not deserving of the hysteria it gets.
Did Barry post a similar article playing down the gestures from Morelos and Kent? If so, please link me.

Otherwise, save your breath Barry. Made a great career and memories as a superb Rangers captain, blemishing this with selling your soul for silver to defend the mentally challenged.

Read the OP.
He doesn't miss the point. He's talking about the sensationalism and biased commentary in the media around these incidents driven by folk whose opinions are driven by their club allegiances.

He's not talking about a one-sided media agenda, he's pointing out that both of these incidents are not actually that big a deal but are being blown out of proportion.

But both incidents haven't been blown out of proportion as only 1 player has had flak and 1 is being painted as a victim with "mental health issues" ( don't believe it) and that's the point he totally misses

Alfie has had unbelievable abuse from opposing supporters and objects thrown at him and never reacted in the manner Griffiths did by throwing something back at the crowd .

Alfie is always the villain for the media and especially for Celtic supporting pundits who use terrible abusive comments towards him.
Why does he write from this type of angle, go (Kris) full- Boydy and start supporting the narrative and community who paid your wages.
WE all know the way this works by now.

When a Celtic striker scrunches up a bit of tape and tosses it at a Kilmarnock fan, it’s my responsibility as a former Rangers player to jump up and down about it, scream blue murder and call for Leigh Griffiths to be hung, drawn and quartered for it on the sixth floor of Hampden.

Well, if it’s all the same to you, I’ll excuse myself from the tit-for-tat that’s been going on ever since Rangers won at Celtic Park on December 29 and pundits up and down the land lost their grip on any sense of perspective.

If you’re wondering why so many hardened old pros have suddenly become hunks, offended by the slightest little thing, then let me fill you in.

It’s because, for the first time in years, there’s a proper title race going on and some people are clearly struggling to keep their allegiances in check.

Well you can leave me out of that. In fact, to be perfectly honest, the whole thing is really starting to p*** me off.

Hasn’t anyone else realised it was three-and-a-half weeks ago Alfredo Morelos got sent off at Celtic Park? That was in December 2019! Am I the only one who can’t believe some people are still wetting the bed about it?

Was Morelos in the wrong? Yes, he was. Should he have made that gesture? No, he shouldn’t have.

Does the world need to come to an end because of it? Only if there’s a two-point gap at the top of the table and Rangers have a game in hand.

So I won’t be rushing to call for Griffiths to be hammered for his reaction coming off the pitch at Rugby Park the other night. I couldn’t bring myself to be such a hypocrite.

I saw the incident as it happened, shrugged my shoulders and said: “So what?”

You could see the old guy who looked like Uncle Albert out of Only Fools and Horses screaming abuse at Griffiths as he made his way into the Celtic dugout. And that’s one of my all-time favourite telly programmes by the way.

Now, don’t get me wrong here, I’m not condoning what Leigh did next. The bottom line is he had shut the guy up with what he had done on the pitch and that ought to have been good enough for him.

But, in the heat of the moment, he reacted by doing something he shouldn’t have done. I’m not going to hammer Leigh for doing that when I’ve done it a hundred times myself.

I’ve been there. You’re tired, you’re legs are killing you and there’s some guy spewing abuse at you, giving you an absolute earful as if you’ve just run over his cat.

Sometimes it’s hard not to give a little back. I’d be lying if I said I’ve never done it.

“Haw Ferguson, get tae f***you dirty wee b******!”

“Naw, you f*** off! Get it right up ye!”

Granted, I never actually threw anything at them which is where Leigh overstepped the mark. But if you have ever felt the tape players put on their socks then you’ll know it’s as light as a feather. It would have been different if it was a boot he had chucked!

And it wasn’t even thrown in an aggressive way. It was like, “Gie’s peace mate, shut up!”

Should he have done it? No.

He should have sat down and smiled at the guy. Maybe even laughed at him for behaving like a maniac.

But can I put my hand on my heart and say I blame Griffiths for what he did and that I was horrified by it? Don’t be so daft.

In terms of keeping a sense of perspective I’ve seen a lot worse. Just the same as I can’t get my knickers in a twist over the gesture Morelos made to the Celtic fans at Parkhead.

I’ve been there too, having to make the long walk after being sent off there. It felt like the whole main stand was on its feet hurling abuse at me. How did I react? Let’s just say we’d get the Daily Record shut down if I repeated it in these pages. But that’s what happens sometimes in the heat of the moment.

Then, when you’re in the shower five minutes later and replaying it in your head you realise you shouldn’t have reacted. You’re kicking yourself for being so stupid.

You know the right thing to do is to ignore it and act in a professional manner.

But we’re talking about human beings here. And every one of us has a breaking point. There’s only so much you can take before you find yourself responding to it. The problem is there’s cameras everywhere and people who are just desperate to find some reason to be outraged by the littlest thing. It must be like being in the Big Brother house ... and I don’t even watch Big Brother.

It’s getting a bit ridiculous and I would at least like to think the former pros would show a bit more common sense and understanding.

As for Griffiths, after everything he has been through, I’m genuinely happy to see him back on the pitch scoring goals even though it’s the last thing Rangers need at this stage in the campaign.

I’m happy because he’d had his struggles and because, from Scotland’s point of view, he could be a huge weapon in the play-offs for Euro 2020.

That’s what people should be concentrating on – the bigger picture – but some folk find it impossible to do that when it’s so tight at the top of the table and when it’s Rangers and Celtic who are involved.

Me? I love it. I spent my Wednesday night watching the Celtic game with one eye and checking my mobile phone for the scoreline from Ibrox with the other. At one point in the second half a single goal in either game could have turned the whole thing on its head.

That’s the way football should be. It’s supposed to be exciting. It’s supposed to get the emotions pumping.

It’s just a pity some people who should know better are letting those emotions get the better of them.
FF got Barry back to being a wanker again? Great. My opinion of him has never changed.
Referees are giving poor decisions against us because they're either incompetent like Beaton or Celtic supporters like Clancy.

It's nothing to do with what Chris Sutton or Barry Ferguson are writing in newspapers.

The ARE influenced by the threats etc that all come from one direction. Clancy being a mentally challenged only helps his conscience.

Explain how the citing officer is so unbalanced or that the mentally challengeds have to commit 2 zillion free kicks before a booking and 2nd yellows are verboten?
If you're going to argue that when Sutton or Hartson have a go at our players it's because they're biased dhims, then when an ex-Rangers player has a go at a dhim player it's just entirely neutral - while also bemoaning our ex-players not doing more to defend our club, then your argument starts to look a bit messy to say the least.

Boyd was quoting stats about Griffiths, the Celtic media are always abusive towards Alfredo with comments such as " he needs to see a psychiatrist" etc... that's not facts, that's plain abuse. Thats the difference.

Boyd was stating an opinion based on plain facts and they abuse Alfie based on bigoted hatred.
I disagree. What punishment is Morelos getting for the "gesture" they've all been bleating about for 3 weeks? None.

We'll see what happens with Griffiths but let's be honest, if nothing happens it's probably because it's a nothing incident.
Was Alfie not given a yellow for the gesture?
But both incidents haven't been blown out of proportion as only 1 player has had flak and 1 is being painted as a victim with "mental health issues" ( don't believe it) and that's the point he totally misses

Alfie has had unbelievable abuse from opposing supporters and objects thrown at him and never reacted in the manner Griffiths did by throwing something back at the crowd .

Alfie is always the villain for the media and especially for Celtic supporting pundits who use terrible abusive comments towards him.

Again, he's not talking about one-sided media - it's not an article about one-sided media. It's about the reaction of people to the incidents.

Do you honestly think Griffiths doesn't get a shit-tonne of verbal abuse in games? I hate the guy, but let's not kid on he gets a free and easy ride and Alfie is the only one in Scotland getting verbals throughout matches.

Both incidents are ultimately not a big deal for anyone with any common sense. However, common sense doesn't exist in this fishbowl. It's perpetual victimhood, paranoia and desperation to paint any slight misdemeanour by players of the other team as a crime against humanity.

When I got home the other night and saw the thread titles about Griffiths throwing something at the crowd, I thought "here we go, he should be in big trouble here" - saw the video clip and was utterly disappointed. It's a nothing incident, Alfie and Kent's were nothing incidents.

But that doesn't suit over here.

Barry's point is simply that there's a lack of common sense in the discussion around these things and it's largely driven by folk's allegiances. He's right. As much as many want him to come out guns blazing with a pro-Rangers/Anti-Celtic agenda (but call it "just stating the truth").
If Barry has been so disgusted by the over reaction to Alfies gesture, why is it only being mentioned now, in the context of defending the thumb. The timing and tone of the article makes that article primarily about taking the heat of the thumb and adding to the finger pointing at Boydy. I'm sure Barry didn't mean it that way, but whoever is influencing and helping write his articles, knows exactly what they are doing. We have seen it time and time again, Barry is being subtly used and steered by his so called buddy's in the press. Read through that article and tell me you cannot see the subtle influence of someone outside of Barry. The subtle compliments toward the thumb. The ex players that should know better, which at this time is Boydy. Barry thinks he's writing about Sutton and Hartson, but his bosses/press buddies know it's all about Boydy at present. It compliments their attack on Boydy over the last couple of days for daring to speak out. Barry is a true blue, but he's not the sharpest and he is working with sharp and manipulative individuals. Jackson and co our at times loathsome individuals, but they know their craft and they are sadly playing Barry like a fiddle at times.
So Alfie does his gesture at the big jock knew camp .major public out cry media and so called pundits calling for his head .but Celtic player does it then it's okay and the public out cry is the fact that people dare to mention it.
Boyd was quoting stats about Griffiths, the Celtic media are always abusive towards Alfredo with comments such as " he needs to see a psychiatrist" etc... that's not facts, that's plain abuse. Thats the difference.

Boyd was stating an opinion based on plain facts and they abuse Alfie based on bigoted hatred.

There's that position... Boyd says something in our favour it's an opinion based on facts. Anyone states and opinion that we don't like, it's bigotry.