It's been alleged Alfredo Morelos' car has been attacked/tampered with - cops investigating

Our great club has a part to play here! this is what dignified silence has helped brought upon us.we are far too easy game for the mutants
A line has now been well and truly crossed here.

The club, the media, the SFA, the Scottish Government, Club1872 and all of us absolutely MUST address this disgusting racist abuse and sectarian targeting of a young player of colour with a pregnant wife living in a foreign country.

It’s truly sickening. Paints Scotland as a backwater dump full of racist and sectarian low IQ mental cases.
That last paragraph just described them.
Seen a few people talking about different locations, Queen Margaret Drive etc.
The location in the photo is 100% Lancefield Quay and could have been taken from my old flat there.
It is a secure entry. You need a fob to get in. However, the gates are massive slow cumbersome things and if he was followed then the person could easily have come in behind him or even waited 10-15 seconds and still got in before the gates closed.
Maybe best not to put locations on here we don't know what kind of scum are looking in
I have been saying for weeks that there is a sinister undercurrent of racism being directed at our Alfredo!
The media have driven this (Sutton/Hartson etc) in a bid to make themselves a focal point in this sh*thole of a country!
This story is disgraceful and while the club probably can’t call it out across the media with a police investigation, they better be having words with TV stations, Papers and radio stations!!
What decent pro footballer is going to want to ply his trade in a backwater country like ours with all this shyte aimed at them by racist, ignorant,small minded opposition supporters,and biased mhedia,with a police force not fit for purpose?
What level playing field.? doesn't exist.

The Vlub have failed to protect our assets. Assets to the Club are the players and the supporters.

This is the result of the negligence by the Club
A line has now been well and truly crossed here.

The club, the media, the SFA, the Scottish Government, Club1872 and all of us absolutely MUST address this disgusting racist abuse and sectarian targeting of a young player of colour with a pregnant wife living in a foreign country.

It’s truly sickening. Paints Scotland as a backwater dump full of racist and sectarian low IQ mental cases.

The SNP thrive in a backwater dump full of racist and sectarian low IQ mental cases.
Plenty calls for the Club to 'say something' Given its an ongoing investigation all the Club can really do is acknowledge the incident, express their regret at the incident to Morelos and his family and hope the Police investigation comes to a speedy conclusion. Unlike us on here, the Club cannot be seen to be making any assumptions. It certainly sounds sinister but, on the other hand, the internet is awash with a variety of rumours that can't even agree on the location (though the photos on here make it fairly clear).
Not a peep from the Scottish MSP’s either on this yet again their colours are there plain as day ! When Lennon was hit by a coin at Hearts game vs Hibs they were straight out and condemning it !
Don’t be silly how can the MSP’s comment on this they are to busy discussing weather we should be flying the f**king EU flag outside their layer in Edinburgh or spouting their crap about independence !!
Club needs to step up here with extra security for Alfie as next thing it'll be bombs under the car! Tactic made famous by well know terrorists from across the Irish sea.
There was a picture floating about weeks ago of the same Lambo in a car park with a wheel missing?

Yes there was a pic of the wheels missing off of Alfies car, but it turned out that he had sent them in to be refurbished, so a non-story.
I think this is down to car thieving, rather than some obsessed nutter trying to cut brake pipes.
If it was car thieving how would a thief get out if the car was parked somewhere secure that requires a key fob as a previous poster mentioned (assuming they don’t have said key fob) ?
A line has now been well and truly crossed here.

The club, the media, the SFA, the Scottish Government, Club1872 and all of us absolutely MUST address this disgusting racist abuse and sectarian targeting of a young player of colour with a pregnant wife living in a foreign country.

It’s truly sickening. Paints Scotland as a backwater dump full of racist and sectarian low IQ mental cases.

Yet the wee krankie, boasts about"inclusiveness",a country with it's door open to all!, she seriously wants immigrants to feel safe and secure!!!
Wasn’t it only last week a mentally challenged was in court after threatening to stab Morelos (on social media)?

All we did was win a game of football FFS. The mentally challengeds are diseased.
People on here can hardly wait to get a kick at the board. They cant say anything at the moment regarding this incident.

The board can come out and call out everybody they want, but as has been proved before theyll only get laughed and sneered at due to the people in charge of the media.

Maybe we should start by totally ignoring their papers altogether. Stop posting links and articles to them,dont even pick them up and look at the back page, dont go looking at the bbc website to see what possession stats they're posting, dont come on here to tell us what that mug stewart has being saying. They get more publicity on here than anywhere else.
As soon as the stories appeared about his supposedly ‘threatening’ cutting throats gesture the club should have released footage from the euro game where he walks to his own players in the middle of the field and makes the same gesture - and then asked: ...... ‘Are the hate mongers in the media seriously suggesting Morelos is threatening to cut this own players throats here?’

They should have declared the fat slugs article a piece of hateful propaganda, and banned his rag.

They should have highlighted the above and called out dangerous hate filled bigotry/bias in the media regarding the player ....... simple as that and not really hard.

Instead the club basically allows this shit to get worse by being cowardly and weak. That’s the result of unanswered hate and propaganda - always. The hate and bias grows until anything can be justified against the victims. Now add living in a city where a lot of the people who hate Alfie happen to be idiots. Well anything is fair against ‘throat cutters’ - right?

That’s where our club should be ashamed of themselves. They have let this type of propaganda go unanswered for years now.
100% correct. I’ve said it on this thread, the board need to revisit there stance / tactics on dealing with the media as it’s now at the stage where the fans will turn there anger on them
I've no doubt it will be inferred that Rangers were behind it to allow Morelos to get sold for buttons. Theyll say we need the money but claim it's a security issue.
What a shitehole of a country we live in.

You can guarantee that nothing will get done about this.

It’s total disgrace and the media are to blame for this they all should be held accountable
She commented when someone's jacket got grazed by a coin.

You'd think she would, but we know better

This ^^^^

But we must have some friends at Holyrood. Murdo Fraser? Adam Tompkins? Someone to put forward a motion (or whatever it is they do) on this if it turns out to be true that his car was tampered with highlighting the demonisation of Alfie by a succession of mhedia 'pundits' over a period of time which has contributed to this.

Leckie - calling him a waster
Sutton - calling him buffalo brains
Jackson - his negative Colombian stereotype article
Hartson - blatant lies about a middle finger gesture
Stewart - every time that copper balled fucknut opens his mouth and many, many other examples.

It might not make a lot of difference but it would at least shame the Natzis into a response. Yes it would be hollow words but they'd be raging about having to do it and it would at least get it out there and raise the profile a bit. Maybe be picked up by the media outside this cesspit.

As mentioned above Jobby Teeth's padded coat is grazed by a coin and all hell breaks loose. Spoonburners riot at Hampden - nothing to see here. I despair of this country and what it has become and what we as Rangers fans find ourselves up against now. But we have to keep fighting, we can't let them win on or off the pitch.

And breathe!
Excuse my ignorance - having never stolen a luxury car before - why would you need to be underneath it?

Seems this is a theory on I missing something?
Was the breaks definitely cut?

Iv saw a post online that it may have been someone hoping to steal the car and was under it to remove any trackers.

If this was a deliberate to tamper with the car and make it unsafe to drive then it goes beyond anything iv ever saw.

Has there ever been a player to play for us that has been singled out and targeted in the way that Alfredo is by the media and their scummy fans?
Absolute disgrace if this is true, and more than the perpetrator should be taken to task for it.

Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Morelos wants to do the off now
People on here can hardly wait to get a kick at the board. They cant say anything at the moment regarding this incident.

The board can come out and call out everybody they want, but as has been proved before theyll only get laughed and sneered at due to the people in charge of the media.

Maybe we should start by totally ignoring their papers altogether. Stop posting links and articles to them,dont even pick them up and look at the back page, dont go looking at the bbc website to see what possession stats they're posting, dont come on here to tell us what that mug stewart has being saying. They get more publicity on here than anywhere else.

It isn't about saying nothing over this incident, they are 100% right not to just now.

It is the silence over the last 2 years allowing this to build up , allowing Morelos to be painted as some kind of lunatic devil incarnate, this is partly on the board make no bones about it.

They have said not a peep when Sutton, Stewart, Brazil, Jackson, Leckie, Hartson and others have said vile disgusting and sometimes untrue things about a Rangers employee which has resulted in him being racially abused and abused on the streets of Glasgow

The board should be ashamed of themselves as there inaction, play nicey nice and try to bend over for the likes of the above has brought us to the stage Morelos and his Wife are not even safe to go home or drive the streets.
If true, the scum are setting a very dangerous precedent with this type of action.

Maybe the guy was trying to attach a tracker to Alfie’s car, so they can follow him about everywhere.

Extremely disturbing behaviour no matter what they were trying to achieve.
Notice a lot of the scum replying to the news articles and Rangers fans posting about this on Twitter, calling bullshit etc. Specifically @TheLeatherBelts who is repeatedly saying 'Let's get the real story first' What? Because that's something that people make up is it you moron.