Male footballers should earn more than "less skilled" women according to US football authorities


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The US women's football team is less skilled and has fewer responsibilities than their male colleagues, according to US Soccer.

Lawyers for the football governing body in the US have submitted the claims in legal papers as part of a lawsuit over equal pay filed by 28 women's national team players - the court trial is expected to start on 5 May.

It stated that the job of a male footballer on the national team "requires a higher level of skill based on speed and strength" than their female counterparts.

While the men's national team has never won a relevant international title, the women's side are four-time world champions and have won five Olympic gold medals.

American women footballers also outdid men in terms of revenue in the last few years: it has emerged that the women's team generated more money from ticket sales than the men's side between 2016 and 2018.

However, the male athletes serving the national team are disproportionally paid more, according to lawyers representing the group of female players.

They claim, for example, that women can earn a maximum $4,950 (£3,858) bonus per friendly game played for the national team, while the men's pay topped $13,000 (£10,132).

"Literally everyone in the world understands that an argument male players 'have more responsibility' is just plain simple sexism," Molly Levinson, a spokesperson for the players, said in a statement.

"It also illustrates the very gender discrimination that caused us to file this lawsuit to begin with."

The group of players took legal action on 8 March 2019, seeking equal pay and $66m (£51.4m) in damages for lost earnings.

They also accused governing body US Soccer of "institutionalised gender discrimination".

That happened before the women's team took part in - and won - the 2019 Women's World Cup in France.

Megan Rapinoe, one of the side's stars, is adamant about the group's resolve.

"We won't accept anything less than equal pay," she said in an interview with ABC TV channel last August.

"We show up for a game, if we win the game, if we lose the game, if we tie the game, we want to be paid equally, period."

The women's case was publicly supported by male players.

On 12 February the US men's team issued a statement criticising the governing body in no uncertain terms.

"Yes, the federation continues to discriminate against the women in their wages and working conditions," the statement read.

Kirsten Schlewitz, a US journalist who specialises in women's football, told the BBC that public perception is also favourable to the plight of the female players.

"Almost all fans in the US see the women's team as one of the few things that have gone right in US football," she said.

"Then US Soccer, which most fans already had little time for, made degrading and dismissive remarks about how the women weren't earning their keep."

US Soccer president Carlos Cordeiro released an open letter on 7 March saying that the governing body had made multiple attempts to meet with the women's national team.

Cordeiro claimed that US Soccer had offered an equal pay package for matches under its control.

But the governing body did not offer compensation for the difference in prize money paid to men and women's teams at World Cups, as they are of responsibility of Fifa, the global governing body.

The last men's World Cup champions France received $38m (£29.6m) after winning the tournament in Russia, in 2018.

The US women's team however, went home with $4m (£3.1m) for winning the trophy last year.
I'm a big fan of the women's game but until it brings in the support, sponsorship and money the top mens tournaments do then of course they shouldn't be paid equally. The game might be the same but the job is vastly different
In America the womens team earns the federation more than the mens though
Not a subject where you really need to consult experts to come to that conclusion though, is it?
It’s the same with most sports. The men are physically faster and stronger and therefore better.

I’m all for women footballers getting paid a lot more than they do and am supportive of women being paid equally to men in most professions, but where competitive sports is concerned, I’m sorry, but the product offered by the men is almost always superior therefore they should be paid more.
The men’s game brings in a fortune from TV revenue and sponsors. They deserve a fair wedge of it. The women deserve a fair wedge of whatever their game brings in. Don’t really see why it’s an issue.
feck sake even the men in the same team dont get the same pay let alone the smaller clubs, now woman think they should be on par with a top male striker or keeper when they are not playing anywhere close to the same level of opponent.
The men’s game brings in a fortune from TV revenue and sponsors. They deserve a fair wedge of it. The women deserve a fair wedge of whatever their game brings in. Don’t really see why it’s an issue.

It’s an issue in the US as the women’s team brings in more revenue than the men’s team.
If I'm shite at anything and I moan about it, I get told to get good and stop being such a bawbag.

Women footballers spew garbage about not being paid enough even though they're shite and it gets reported by worldwide news companies.
If your're better at any job you should be payed more. Don't care what it is, it could be serving people at Mcdonalds ffs. If you are better at it you should be compensated.
Let’s have equality. Do away with separate men’s and women’s games, let the women compete on equal footing to get Into single teams on merit. If they get into a mixed team the rewards they get will be substantial simply because they have made it on merit.

Mind you their inclusion in such teams will likely be as common as female SAS troopers.
t stated that the job of a male footballer on the national team "requires a higher level of skill based on speed and strength" than their female counterparts.

Seem to have forgotten about stamina which plays a massive part. As does reaction time.

I think its impossible to quantify how big the gulf in class is from the best US male players to the best US female players. The speed of the male game would be faster and more intense and the question then appears - do the females have the footballing brain to digest it at that increased pace?
Women in industry get paid the same as men when doing the same job with the same value and the same conditions. For some reason we seperate sport by gender. There are no wummins only departments in industry claiming same pay and conditions. So why cant we do the same in sport. if you're good enough, then you're good enough.
It’s an issue in the US as the women’s team brings in more revenue than the men’s team.
McDonald's brings in more revenue than the wee cafe down at the shopping centre, but I'm fairly sure the workers in both will be on comparable wages. Revenue doesn't directly correlate to salary.
McDonald's brings in more revenue than the wee cafe down at the shopping centre, but I'm fairly sure the workers in both will be on comparable wages. Revenue doesn't directly correlate to salary.

I agree with “normal jobs” but it doesn’t relate to the sports or Movie/TV industry where Talent and marketability comes into it.

the female game doesn’t draw in the revenue or interest than the men’s game but it isn’t a sleight on the commitment, effort or even the skill of so,w if the women.
In America the womens team earns the federation more than the mens though

Nothing to do with any American Federation. It is a worldwide consideration and I believe that, if women are good enough and expect to earn the same as men, then they should play with/against men on an equal basis !
I agree with “normal jobs” but it doesn’t relate to the sports or Movie/TV industry where Talent and marketability comes into it.

the female game doesn’t draw in the revenue or interest than the men’s game but it isn’t a sleight on the commitment, effort or even the skill of so,w if the women.
I totally agree, my point was more that the revenue of an organisation is seldom reflected in the salary if its employees.
Nothing to do with any American Federation. It is a worldwide consideration and I believe that, if women are good enough and expect to earn the same as men, then they should play with/against men on an equal basis !
I agree,if women want to earn the same money as men they should start generating the same revenue

Which is something only the american womens team does
at the start of the season the men's and women's national team should play. The winners get the most money for the seasob
US women's soccer league's average attendance is under 6,000. Actually pretty impressive, but the MLS average is 22,000.
How in the name of f uck can the Wummin's national team yield more income given that club level has such a huge discrepancy in numbers?
Don't see the problem with that - however, before they can even begin to discuss equality in the game they same revenue needs to be generated. I've no doubt there will be female players out there that are light years ahead of some of the guys but if you're not generating the cash equality cannot be discussed yet.

Like a few others. I am a big supporter of woman's football and would love to see the girls get a fair go at it but it needs to build up over time the same as the male game has.
Whoever makes more money deserves more money. Simple as that. If women aren’t making enough money then the relevant parties need to figure how to make more money
It’s all about who is watched more and earns more revenue. If that’s the women’s team, then they deserve more money.
I’m all for equal pay when merited. The men’s game, like the men’s Tennis circuit, draws in far more commercial revenue, sponsorship and viewing figures. Pay therefore should reflect the ROI.

it’s not sexist or a gender pay gap. Just good old capitalism.
Whoever makes more money deserves more money. Simple as that. If women aren’t making enough money then the relevant parties need to figure how to make more money

Exactly the man's game should no more be subsidising the women's game than the women's game should be subsidising the men's game ! - It is a different 'animal' so to speak !

If all things were equal and all that.
US women's soccer league's average attendance is under 6,000. Actually pretty impressive, but the MLS average is 22,000.
How in the name of f uck can the Wummin's national team yield more income given that club level has such a huge discrepancy in numbers?

Because they win the world cup constantly & the only time the mens team gets to play is when they host it.. 8x womens world cups, USA 1st x4 2nd x1 3rd x3

FIFA is paying out the money though so why don't they complain to them, surprised they only get 1/2 the amount of the men tbh considering the article itself says the mens world cup brings in 10x the revenue

Ended up googling womens champions league teams get 20k euro a game and 250k euro for winning, mens team gets 230k for getting put out first round and 19m for winning. Can't really expect equal pay without also bringing in the same amount of revenue
In the porn industry the women are better paid than the men as they are the biggest draw of those movies.

I used to get annoyed with the whole movement to squared up the pay divide on TV /Radio and movies. I think the thing that annoyed me was the money that the breakfast DJ Got and they said Chris Evans gor more than Zoe Ball and folks were saying it was unfair. If for instance Oprah Winfrey got the gig her celebrity is bigger than Evans and she would get more, nothing to do with gender but who would bring in the most listeners and commercial interest
The day women’s football draw in crowd of 50 thousand paying fans , then they should be earning the same. It’s amateur level at best.
In America the womens team earns the federation more than the mens though
Yeah this should be the deciding point to be fair. Get the argument that the men's game requires more skill, but if it's the women's team raking in the dough then they should get the larger share.
I’m all for equal pay when merited. The men’s game, like the men’s Tennis circuit, draws in far more commercial revenue, sponsorship and viewing figures. Pay therefore should reflect the ROI.

it’s not sexist or a gender pay gap. Just good old capitalism.

There is a gender pay gap in football, just as there is with most professional sports and the reason is down to physicality.

A few years ago when Serena Williams was sweeping all before her in women’s tennis she was asked if she thought she could beat a pre Grand Slam winning Andy Murray. Williams laughed at the absurdity of the question. Murray would destroy her, she answered.

And he would, so why should she expect to earn the same in prize money as Federer, Nadal, Murray, etc if it’s accepted that the very best tennis she produced still wouldn’t come close to competing with the speed and strength of the men’s game? Ultimately the product isn’t as good so the prize money should be less.

Football is exactly the same. The women’s game isn’t as fast, the players not as strong, the quality of skill and ability even at the top level not as good as that of their male counterparts.

You can call it horribly sexist all you want, but at the end of the day that’s the bottom line.

Boxing, sprinting, rugby, skiing, you name it, if it involves optimising physicality to produce the best performance possible then men’s superior physique will see the product they offer trump that of women.
Back in the day,I played amateur football at a reasonable level on a Saturday and Sunday,either of the team's I played for would be world champions if we competed in the women's world cup.That's the level we're talking about here, let's not kid ourselves.
It's all down to advertising money. If more people watch men then advertisers pay more money and the players get paid more. Nothing to do with skill and strength.