Unwashed scum at Ibrox today

The sun ignoring the sectarian vandalising of our stadium is classic Scottish mhedia. The sooner these rags die the better. Not a respectable journalist amongst them.

As for grown men cycling to our ground with a “9” flag and pissing through the front gates, I wouldn’t expect anything less from that breed. Scum through and through. I would be mortified if I thought any of our fans would even go near their midden when we win 55.
If we win the league next year and a group of our supporters go to the piggery to piss over it and spray dirty 19th Century Terrorist bastards beside it, will the Scottish media describe them as “cheeky bears” or similar?
They’re a different breed, they were commenting on the kit snnouncement this morning seconds after it as if it had been pre written.
Low-life tramps.
Disgraceful that any decent person has to share a planet let alone a country and a city with these vermin.