Maxwell asks championship clubs if they want to stop


Well-Known Member
Ian maxwell has written to championships clubs and asked them if they wish to keep playing or suspend football according to bbc. Also claims one club has publicly called for it to be suspended.
Post the article please

Scottish FA chief executive Ian Maxwell has written to all 10 Championship clubs asking if they want to continue playing or suspend their league.

Maxwell has asked for replies no later than close of business on Monday.

In an email sent on Friday evening, he mentions that one Championship club has already publicly called for a suspension of all football.

Maxwell did not name the club in question and there is confusion over who he is referring to.

Raith v Inverness postponed due to Covid outbreakCovid tests no threat to season - Neilson

All Scottish football below the top two tiers has been suspended for a minimum of three weeks due to a surge in Covid-19 cases.

Championship clubs have been allowed to continue their truncated 27-game season, which began in mid-October, on the condition that they test players and staff weekly for Covid-19.

Maxwell wrote: "One SPFL championship club has publicly taken the position that all football should be suspended.

"The Scottish FA would like to understand the position of your club... please confirm if you are content to continue under the current exemption or whether your club considers that the Championship should be suspended."

BBC Scotland has contacted the Scottish FA for comment.
If this is true ! Brace yourself this going to get bumpy ! This is Liewell and pedo fc’s plan all along go to Dubai and create such a cluster Fck that they can apply pressure to all this rats in every other club to stop us! Because in their vile worlds EBT’s are worse than child sexual abuse ! Utter scum the lot of them.
Surely the part time clubs that got £500,000 have enough to afford the testing required to play the games??

How many part time clubs are in the Championship? Alloa and Arbroath would be 2 definites for me.
It would need to be the instant end of him if that's the case. Also, I am assuming these clubs have all the money in the world to keep going? As they are getting %^*& all from the SPFL.

Rangers should also be getting lawyered up for what is coming. Added to the fact that I think Sky Sports should surely be ready to go in taking them to the cleaners Rangers should be also.
This isn’t looking good at all, I think elite football in this shite country will be stopped within the next few weeks.

Hope I am wrong but I got a bad feeling about all this constant pressure from certain quarters to stop the season.
I’m not so sure . Obviously hearts won’t agree but I bet most of the clubs can’t afford the testing costs. The real question is who is withholding the government money . The government or the football authorities
They’ve been given 500k to cover it and Robbie Neilson estimated it will cost 40k
Do sky cover Championship level?
No but asking the championship clubs ( if he has ) is setting the marker for a N&V for our league and for that to happen would surely mean sky getting a large sum back ? Which the skint cabal couldn’t afford to do any way, Nothing will stop these rats trying though.
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