Kheredine Idessane, BBC, has to apologise for lying about Morelos bids

This is not an apology. An apology is "I got it wrong and I am sorry". He says "despite what I was told from China" which is an attempt to absolve himself from blame - you see someone lied to him so it's their fault.

This is not an apology merely a retraction, there is a big difference.

A journalist of substance only uses reliable sources or else verifies his/her source with a seconder.
"This retracts, and corrects my previous tweet."

I'm afraid it doesn't - this 4hr gap already gave the enemies of Rangers enough fuel to start banging on and on about false bids, fables from Sevco, fabrications of the truth in order to boost AM's value etc, etc, etc.

A wee pishy tweet doesn't wash I'm afraid.
Baldy mentally challenged prick.
Are there any decent sports journalists at BBC Scotland (other than Richard Wilson who puts the rest to shame)?
This is not an apology. An apology is "I got it wrong and I am sorry". He says "despite what I was told from China" which is an attempt to absolve himself from blame - you see someone lied to him so it's their fault.

This is not an apology merely a retraction, there is a big difference.

A journalist of substance only uses reliable sources or else verifies his/her source with a seconder.

Ill Phil tweeting from the China Garden Take-Away in Donegal obviously.
What can you say about this. Its quite frightening that these people are allowed a platform to spout nonsense and this is only football, the soft stuff. Think of the lies for the real sh*t
Bears get into this bbc.
I complained just over a week ago via there head office web site in London regarding there bias reporting in Scotland about our club.

Dont expect anything to happen but if some prick at the Quay has to answer so be it.

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just add it to the never ending list...
damage is done though. he knew exactly what he was doing in this era of fake news. apology or not. it's not as if his employer is likely to sack him is it?
I'm sure this so called "reporter" already has some family links to celtc. would be interesting if the FF detectives could find out....
Why is the eejit talking Euros, we don’t use them China doesn’t use them so why would they make a bid in Euros ?

They really can’t hide their bias, probably didn’t like the idea that St Brenda was caught telling untruths.
Hopefully this is the club with a new communications officer that’s chinned that lot of Timbo cheerleaders.
Long overdue.
Ram his apology up his arse!

Can’t get a f.ucking story straight then look for another job!
now "traynor has forced the bbc into making an apology...there was never a bid'

these f*ckwits are brilliant entertainment :)
The wacky Celtic blog claims there's been no bid and it's in the mainstream media 24 hours later - shows you the sort of viewing habits of BBC Scotland sports journalists.
Wouldn't be surprised if that crackpot blog post had been written from within the Pacific Quay canteen!
The Scottish sports media really are a tired, pathetic old bunch. They have no-one to blame for their dying industry than themselves and their blatant lack of integrity.

For years they have blindly reported on Celtic's over- inflated valuations of players. Johansen, Izaguirre, Rogic, Bitton have all at one time or another been heading to the EPL for ÂŁ10m+. No questions asked.

Then there's Dembele, apparently valued at ÂŁ40m. Subject of big bids from Brighton.Reports, incidentally, rubbished by Brighton but still mention in the Scottish media.

Then there is their manager who can say whatever he wants. "We beat 24 Clubs to his signature". Sure, printed without question. "Real Madrid wanted him". Sure, print that too. "Rangers fans thank me for all I've done for Scottish football". Yup, printed.

No to mention the Joe Miller's and Didier Agathe's who can spout what ever pish they want and it'll be lapped up and printed by the usual rags.

I'd be tempted to put it down to lazy journalism, not fact checking. Yet, at soon as the story concerns us, and a positive valuation of one of our players they are off checking their "sources" close to a club in China they've never heard of before, trying to get to the bottom of things as if their shot at a Pulitzer depended on it.

They blindly print anything Celtic say and ACTIVELY look to debunk anything we say. Think about that for a minute.
I just hope the club are keeping a dossier of all these little sorry excuses for poor journalism.

And bears keep paying that tv licence, after all its your contributions that pay Kheredine's wages.
A don't even find it funny anymore that celtic fans are still convinced the bid wasn't real. It's genuinely weird how much they deny basic facts and it would genuinely be amazing if rangers called them out.
I've never even heard of this guy before today. Does he even report on football? Strange that he has went out of his way to essentially call our manager a liar.
He went on the offensive without checking the facts and relying on hearsay.

Schoolboy error.
Stick to talking about tennis you twat.
If he had any sustance as a journo he woulds have checked & double checked before spouting crap but
in true media style in this toxic country he chose to jump in with two feet first.

Stick your half hearted apology up your arse!

If he'd any substance as a journalist he'd get a job with a credible media outlet.
No other club in scotland have to put up with this type of shite.

And to think some want us to actually try build bridges with the utter cesspit that is bbc scotland.
Shouldn't be reporting on something you know fcuk all about in first place.
BBC is news for Paedos by Paedos.

Even if ths story was bulllsh*t, would you rather be secretive and cover up a fake bid or would you rather cover up child abuse?


I'm sick of hearing about them and i'm also sick of bears pleading for King to make amends with them.