All English games to be played behind closed doors - tomorrow’s paper

Supposed to be flying down to London for millwall game on Saturday. Squeaky bum time now but certainly seems like it will be BCD :confused:
Could be based on capacity rather than assumed attendance. Can you imagine 3000 bored football fans rocking up to an Edinburgh City match on a Saturday.

Yeah, you would probably be right mate. Although there are probably grounds with less than 1K safety certificates around.

Junior football for us all then....
A game against them BCD doesn't work from a policing perspective because at least when 50,000 folk are in a stadium they're away from the boozers and under close monitoring by the police.

BCD puts tens of thousands of fans into a boozer which is asking for trouble. Couple that with dealing with a pandemic.

Our other games may go ahead BCD but Sunday's will either be in front of fans or postponed.

what if pubs are shut
Stream the games - good idea!
Drop the 3 oclock blackout? - “No way, we couldn’t possibly do that!“ Mental.
Liverpool fans have waited 30 years for a league win. Try telling them they cant go to see it. That'll be awkward to say the least.
Won’t happen here until the scum have mathematically won the league. That said the sfa would probably award their darlings it anyway.
Things are escalating rapidly though so today may force their hand.
Hannover defender Timo Hubers and an unnamed Metz player become the first confirmed infected footballers in Germany and France.
Liverpool fans have waited 30 years for a league win. Try telling them they cant go to see it. That'll be awkward to say the least.
So they will be the one club exempt from this ? You're probably right as the Merseyside constabulary will be helping them break down the Anfield gates to get in.
Season 2019-2020 will forever have an asterisk next to it.

* no winners

And I doubt next season will happen either when we get round 2 in the autumn.

The age of mass gatherings is over.
If the Scottish Govt enact a ban on large public gatherings and they attempt to play matches behind closed doors that in my my view will last only until a player or an official at a club in Scotland tests positive. At that point opponent clubs could quite legitimately say we are not risking our players against those opponents thank you very much. Anarchy will ensue.
Season 2019-2020 will forever have an asterisk next to it.

* no winners

And I doubt next season will happen either when we get round 2 in the autumn.

The age of mass gatherings is over.

I’m travelling to Glasgow on Saturday, as it’s the only way I can make the early kick-off, and I’m sure there’s many other travelling fans with the same plans. If they decide to call off the game or play it behind closed gates, they’ll need to make an early announcement, probably by Friday.
EVERY football game in England 'WILL be held behind closed doors with NO games to be shown in pubs and matches to be streamed live to ticket holders... and plan could be implemented as early as THURSDAY'

Every football game in England will reportedly be held behind closed doors
No games are to be shown in pubs and will be streamed live to ticket holders
Government plans to combat coronavirus spread could be unveiled on Thursday
A Cobra meeting is expected to move the official response to the 'delay' phase
This will result in a crisis plan being unveiled for football, according to The Times

The government response to the coronavirus outbreak is expected to shift to the 'delay' phase on Thursday - reportedly meaning that a crisis plan concerning football could shortly be unveiled.

All matches are expected to be played behind closed doors under new plans to combat the spread of the virus.

According to The Times, the current season will not be postponed but games will be contested with no supporters present. All Premier League ticket holders for individual clashes will be able to stream coverage of matches in their homes instead.

With the response to the pandemic moving imminently, no games will be shown in pubs to avoid congestion of people, and Premier League fixtures will not be shown live in the Saturday 3pm slot.

Broadcasters are believed to be permitted to screen more than one top flight game during the lunchtime and tea-time slots - and this would apply across the weekend and on Mondays.

Supporters of clubs in the Football League would be able to watch action from the lower tiers using iFollow streams.

The plan could be thrown into action once the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the UK surpasses 500, and the decision could be taken during a meeting of the government's Cobra committee on Thursday.

The figure stood at 460 on Wednesday night.

The guidelines are viewed as a potential way to ensure that the current campaign is completed on schedule, with several other domestic leagues across the continent affected by coronavirus.

Officials from the Premier League, the Football League and the Football Association have remained in regular contact with the government to deal with the escalating situation.

Manchester City's clash against Arsenal became the first top flight fixture to fall victim due to fears surrounding coronavirus.

Season 2019-2020 will forever have an asterisk next to it.

* no winners

And I doubt next season will happen either when we get round 2 in the autumn.

The age of mass gatherings is over.

The wee teams lower down must dream of a mass gathering!
The claims about iFollow are hocus pocus. I can't see how it will work in time. Ticket holders would need to be given login credentials linked to a valid ticket. That would require teams of people to create and add them to directories. They still have to be issued with them and probably have some online support. Then there is the capacity issue for iFollow. Probably cloud based service so scalable but even then doubt it was designed for mass streaming. Recipe for disaster.

If they want people to not congregate, not get up tight because they can't see their team then whack it all on YouTube. Would be up to the broadcasters to agree as they own the rights but I am sure they could cut some kind of deal with YouTube over advertising streams. Use a well worn, mass streaming service that works.
Season 2019-2020 will forever have an asterisk next to it.

* no winners

And I doubt next season will happen either when we get round 2 in the autumn.

The age of mass gatherings is over.
All the summer music festivals too will be canned....and I agree that next winter will see this virus spread even more widely across the globe!
Can't see closed doors games in Scotland for any length of time as the cost would be prohibitive to most of the clubs in the SPFL. Having to pay for undersoil heating, floodlights, travel , accommodation etc without a penny coming in from matchday income between now and next season?

I suspect the yahoos working in the SPFL are in full panic mode right now as they know giving celtic the title before it's mathematically impossible opens up Pandora's Box.

That's why it's vital we don't lose on Sunday so the league can't just hand them the title which no doubt they will try to do if nonce fc win.
Can't see closed doors games in Scotland for any length of time as the cost would be prohibitive to most of the clubs in the SPFL. Having to pay for undersoil heating, floodlights, travel , accommodation etc without a penny coming in from matchday income between now and next season?

I suspect the yahoos working in the SPFL are in full panic mode right now as they know giving celtic the title before it's mathematically impossible opens up Pandora's Box.

That's why it's vital we don't lose on Sunday so the league can't just hand them the title which no doubt they will try to do if nonce fc win.
It won’t be up to the clubs, sfa or spfl. They will do as they are told.
It won’t be up to the clubs, sfa or spfl. They will do as they are told.

someone posted yesterday there wont be closed door games until liverpool win the league, i dont think some posters yet realise how major this is.
UK Govt lagging behind countries in terms of response to this virus. NHS already struggling badly to cope. Check this bloke's Twitter feed for his 15 day account of having the virus and trying to cope via NHS111.
Mike Tinmouth

This could be anyone of us this time next week.

When the penny finally drops with this absurdly inept government, all public gatherings will stop. That announcement should come today, tomorrow at latest. Sunday's game needs calling off. The SFA and the Clubs should take the lead if government cant. Irresponsible if it isn't IMO....desperately poor leadership from all concerned. I

Stay safe Bears. This isnt going away any time soon.

ps got blocked off the Lounge virus thread last week for being critical of Johnson and Trumps reaction to this emergency and repeating my concerns the virus and politics were inextricably linked, dismissed as the rantings of a Nat by fellow posters and flat earthers. Proof everywhere now this is a complete shitfest.
Can't see closed doors games in Scotland for any length of time as the cost would be prohibitive to most of the clubs in the SPFL. Having to pay for undersoil heating, floodlights, travel , accommodation etc without a penny coming in from matchday income between now and next season?

I suspect the yahoos working in the SPFL are in full panic mode right now as they know giving celtic the title before it's mathematically impossible opens up Pandora's Box.

That's why it's vital we don't lose on Sunday so the league can't just hand them the title which no doubt they will try to do if nonce fc win.
IMO, better off now, the more games out from the finish line the more chance of the league being abandoned for the year and no titles awarded.
UK Govt lagging behind countries in terms of response to this virus. NHS already struggling badly to cope. Check this bloke's Twitter feed for his 15 day account of having the virus and trying to cope via NHS111.
Mike Tinmouth

This could be anyone of us this time next week.

When the penny finally drops with this absurdly inept government, all public gatherings will stop. That announcement should come today, tomorrow at latest. Sunday's game needs calling off. The SFA and the Clubs should take the lead if government cant. Irresponsible if it isn't IMO....desperately poor leadership from all concerned. I

Stay safe Bears. This isnt going away any time soon.

ps got blocked off the Lounge virus thread last week for being critical of Johnson and Trumps reaction to this emergency and repeating my concerns the virus and politics were inextricably linked, dismissed as the rantings of a Nat by fellow posters and flat earthers. Proof everywhere now this is a complete shitfest.
We've handled the situation incredibly well so far. Considering our population and connection to the rest of the world, to only be sitting on ~430 active cases is steady.

You cannot 'shut down' the entire country too early, or else hospital A&E & NHS support services will be overwhelmed.
I dont get why 3pm games can't be streamed.
The whole point of 3pm games not being shown was to make sure fans went to games rather than watching on TV. Well if they ain't allowed to go to the game anyway then let then watch the stream.
......and they expect players and their unions to go along with this - everyone protected except them. Somehow I doubt that and anyway the chances of no footballers contracting the virus resulting in team isolations are relatively slim.

There is only one solution and the bullet will have to be bitten at some point by our football authorities so it might as well be now.

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