Bother at the end

They actually marched to the stadium with the Green Brigade. Says it all really
Yes bud, its why I'm asking, I know Liverpool has a number of flute bands and a decent orange fraternity (can't all be Everton fans) many of them will attend games and stand side by side with Republicans. For us up here, that's incomprehensible and shudders the thought. Would love to know from a Liverpool fan.
Yes bud, its why I'm asking, I know Liverpool has a number of flute bands and a decent orange fraternity (can't all be Everton fans) many of them will attend games and stand side by side with Republicans. For us up here, that's incomprehensible and shudders the thought. Would love to know from a Liverpool fan.
There are plenty on here
Seen a big group of union bears plus a few icf on the Copland before it outside the carry out shop.Didnt take long for the polis to swarm all over them.
A few of our fans passed through us in BF4 heading towards the scouse beggars. They were skinny wee boys dressed like ninjas and would struggle to fight sleep.
I wondered what they would do if they actually got in amongst the away support.
The UB should stick to supporting the team and TIFO stuff, forget all the other pish.
Well you did make a sweeping statement about hating all Liverpool fans.The ones I highlighted are just working class lads who have done well.You are just making generalisations and stereotyping them as all being the same.Given the demograph of the city there is bound to be some undesirables but half my extended family come from the City and there is not one mhank among them.Maybe I havent met the "hundreds" that you have but the vast majority I have met have no interest in any other clubs or indeed have this victim mentality you claim they all have.
I’ve been to the city recently mate. Everyone knows there are decent folk down there but the ‘ Irish ‘culture is the most dominant now. It’s all over the city centre, much of it accompanied by the LFC emblem and colours.
And it’s getting much, much worse quite rapidly. The fact that the IRA songbook is just beginning to creep into their repertoire without seemingly causing offence to the rest of them tells it all.
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Feel like an element of the UB have definitely tried to take a leaf out of the Brondby playbook since we played them last season. Can't remember the balaclavas and constant "attempts" to get at the away support before that.
I’ve been to the city recently mate. Everyone knows there are decent folk down there but the ‘ Irish ‘culture is the most dominant now. It’s all over the city centre, much of it accompanied by the LFC emblem and colours.
And it’s getting much, much worse quite rapidly. The fact that the IRA songbook is just beginning to creep into their repertoire without seemingly causing offence to the rest of them tells it all.
That's disappointing to hear about the city centre.I would be surprised to hear any ira shite at Anfield.I didn't hear any last night although others on here did.I suspect that was a mixture of tramp infiltrators and the more extreme end of their support.
I enjoy the displays but the rest of this ultra stuff isn’t for me , they’d be absolutely livid the rest of the ground took the first post goal song in derry’s walls and didn’t get a chance to unleash into some jive bunny nonsense, going by what I’ve seen at away games they wouldn’t have joined in either ,if they don’t start it they don’t join in , ridiculous really
It's actually embarrassing from the videos I saw on twitter. The UB are all wee guys dressed in balaclavas looking like fannies. I love the noise they bring, but I've tossed bigger out the way to get into a fight.

If it kicked off last night they would have got tossed about like an empty crisp packet and had to miss school today...
When you were younger did you not get wound up by away fans?

I used to get irate:D but once I started going with mates we would get the whispers of where to go and get in about them.

Ah the days before mobiles :D

Worst seen Man Utd friendly 1990 got absolutely leathered!
Can't say for sure but probably.

Liverpool's the santa ponsa of England. Full of the great unwashed.

And before anyone reminds me, I know an orangeman founded the club bla bla bla.

They probably do have more Protestant fans than Everton etc etc but tbh I couldn't care less about religion. Their victim mentality is what makes them the Celtic of England.
Throwing bottles on the park or at other supporters is the act of an imbecile and it's becoming far too common from our support (home support btw never seen it at away games).

Amount of Ned's who can't control their bevvy on European nights and shouting nonsensical abuse is just embrassing to witness.

Not much club can do about it obv, but think sooner or later we the support or going to have self police ourselves better as throwing glass bottles at anyone is not on (seen it happen to a friend of mine at Pittodre from that lot and he still suffers because of that a decade later).
Republican filth that have a permanent victim mentality, making out they're the only ones to be hard done by, constantly greeting about being oppressed etc, much like their Scottish counterparts.
It's uncanny.

Absolutely no idea how so many of our own can support the cunts.

It genuinely boggles the mind.
I’ve been to the city recently mate. Everyone knows there are decent folk down there but the ‘ Irish ‘culture is the most dominant now. It’s all over the city centre, much of it accompanied by the LFC emblem and colours.
And it’s getting much, much worse quite rapidly. The fact that the IRA songbook is just beginning to creep into their repertoire without seemingly causing offence to the rest of them tells it all.
I'm a scouser and you're spot on. I used to live by lannigans and the irish house in the city centre where they regularly play rebel music. Ive walked past lannigans and heard up the ra being played by the dj. The irish house have singers in that sing ira songs live all night. The city centre is crawling with ta1gs. Dont even go in to town anymore now cause everything is catered for the irish.
I was watching the game offshore last night and the boy sitting next to me said he'd had a text from his mate who was sitting in the Govan which said Liverpool supporters had been fighting among themselves. Theres no word of that anywhere else
Union Bears do themselves no favours.

This a group who want the club to help them, relocate them etc.

Since Ross left seems to have gone a bit to shit.
It’s been taken over by neds.

You look across Europe at these groups and the younger lot know their place. All the older members seem to have left.

Displays have went up a level recently I’ll give them that, but no one can be arsed with them trying to look hard behind Police lines.

UB do good things defending PRW etc when firms from across Europe have came over. Famous video of them chasing Osijek down the road etc but the shit that went on inside the stadium last night is just embarrassing.
I enjoy the displays but the rest of this ultra stuff isn’t for me , they’d be absolutely livid the rest of the ground took the first post goal song in derry’s walls and didn’t get a chance to unleash into some jive bunny nonsense, going by what I’ve seen at away games they wouldn’t have joined in either ,if they don’t start it they don’t join in , ridiculous really
We seem to be losing the big anthems being sung. Born Under a Union Flag for example didn’t even get an airing last night and is an epic song full pelt at Ibrox.
We seem to be losing the big anthems being sung. Born Under a Union Flag for example didn’t even get an airing last night and is an epic song full pelt at Ibrox.
Agree mate , there’s loads of talk about the dwindling atmosphere at away games to , imo one of the factors is the songs
I enjoy the displays but the rest of this ultra stuff isn’t for me , they’d be absolutely livid the rest of the ground took the first post goal song in derry’s walls and didn’t get a chance to unleash into some jive bunny nonsense, going by what I’ve seen at away games they wouldn’t have joined in either ,if they don’t start it they don’t join in , ridiculous really
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