Did They win this title or did we throw it away ?

It was the inevitable outcome. They started fast and we were shit. Then they got shit and out form was great. They were always going to stop dropping points and our form was never going to stay at near 100%.

Ultimately the squad quality, fitness and Beale caused this
Not going to win titles dropping 5 points against poor teams during the run in, add to that the injury list has been horrific, when was the last time we had a full squad to choose from for a game against them.
We handed it to them on a platter. We have a squad of charlatans who clearly don’t want to be here or win a league title.

It’s sickening how much we have blown it.
We should have been going in 2 points clear

We threw it away, no doubt
They came through their sticky spell in February via their refs.

We couldn't do similar later in the season.
We gave them it. We got away with the shite start to the season, managed to recover then handed them it rising the run in.
The team with the most points wins the title. For whatever reason, we fell away when it mattered most - and our injury record absolutely played a part. We've been dead on our feet for a while.
Feels like we totally chucked it.
Fucking up to County & Dundee let them back in it.
The leadership group really need to be shown the door.
When we've been crying out for a leader our lot would rather hide.
Doesn't help when we're refereed to a different standard.
We shat it big time in the run in, Motherwell, Ross County and Dundee should have been won but we cracked and ultimately handed them it on a plate.

The Beale shitshow played its part but to throw away all the hard work we did to drag ourselves back into pole position was criminal.
Grow up lads and open your eyes. They have beaten us three times and drawn the other in four games against us. If you can’t see that they are therefore still a better team than us, go try a different sport. That says everything about why they are 6 points and as many goals ahead of us. If that doesn’t show you have won the league, I really have no idea what does. Clement has made us competitive, no more, and personally, I am sick fed up watching them getting the main trophy and all the money in our game.
Chucked it away under Beale. Clement did a cracking job of getting us back into it but then shit ourselves in the foot with County and Dundee. 11 points from 24 in the league since Motherwell, I think?
keep hearing they are shite and there for the taking but that’s 4 league games against them and we haven’t beat them once , we need to beat them in the final now
We threw away 21/22 and we've done it again this season. Injuries have destroyed us too.
Nothing changes if nothings changes.

Same old group letting us down no matter what.

No doubt get another manager sacked by Christmas although he ain’t doing himself any favours.
did we ever seriously look like winning it? Arguably after the killie game where we fought back to win but we never looked like a team capable of winning a league title.
We did the same thing we always do when we get our nose in front in the league over the last 5 years or so (apart from 20/21).
It was the inevitable outcome. They started fast and we were shit. Then they got shit and out form was great. They were always going to stop dropping points and our form was never going to stay at near 100%.

Ultimately the squad quality, fitness and Beale caused this
The Beale thing I get but we won’t have that excuse next season (hopefully with new signings we won’t need it). There is a weak streak throughout this team and it comes from the player “leadership”. Lundstram allegedly one of them. When you see guys like Sterling and Butland - even Silva - fighting and then you get the “oh well” from the rest it is infuriating. If only Cortes/ Sima/ Danilo were fit! Sorry I am drink and fkn raging. Anyway all the Celtic fans in the bar I am in left right after the whistle - pussies.
2 bald men fighting over a comb.

We never should have been in it after beales start.

The regulars shat the bed and gave our momentum away.
Our manager threw it away with bizarre team selections and a lack of understanding what a midfield needs to do.
We bottled it when it really mattered. All of the OF games and Dundee and Ross county were disappointing to embarrassing performances at a time where a mature poised team would have focussed and taken care of business. The worst part of about being a football fan in your 50s is being stuck in another era of mentality where you foolishly expect these modern players to give a sh*t and play with pride and urgency for the shirt and the fans. Many of the players on this team just dont have this drive in them and it shows time and again.
Today didn’t come as a shock but f@ck we had this title in our grasp and bottled it on several occasions
We did lose points at key moments, especially after clawing ourselves back into it in the first place. That is pretty unforgivable against inferior opposition like Motherwell, Dundee and Ross County.

Then you have to consider the points dropped under Beale and how dreadfully we were playing at the start of the season. None of that is Clement's fault.

Then the injuries we have had to deal with - top players like Danilo, Cortes, Yilmaz, Jack, Sima, Roofe, Goldson none of whom could start today in the most important game of the season.

After all of that, we are behind on fine margins.

If we had won that first old firm (Don Robertson decisions, remember) or today it would be even on points. They have scraped the league by 6 points as it currently stands, having taken 10 points from the 12 available against us.
Read some micks post on Twitter a while back around the time we went top.
Basically saying ”We caught them but we haven’t pulled away and he saw them having players back to make a push.
That’s what happened for me we got there and stopped. The loss to Motherwell followed by the Dundee debacle allowed them to go from 2 behind to 5 ahead before we’d played against Ross County.
We’ve chased the entire season took its toll on these players, a bridge too far.
We started pish under Beale. They got a lead.
PC came in we clawed it back. Or the alternative is they thre away the lead??
PC got us back in it but we lost stupid points over past month.
My assessment is they were slightly less pish than us over the season.
Definitely threw it away. We win the 3 old firm games that they did, and we would be 12 points clear. If we even drew those games, we’d be 3 clear.