English fans of them

I know of a Royal Marine who not only attends their games when he's up, he sits in front of the Green Brigade section and posts selfies on Facebook with them behind him and raves about the experience. Meanwhile they're singing songs revelling in the murder of people like him only a few years ago, and they still detest him and his fellow service personnel to this day. It's utterly bizarre.
Bet he doesn’t tell them he’s a Marine. One to be watched potential traitor to his country.
Like many of us on here, I have an Irish Great-grandparent, another who was Scottish but of older Irish descent, but I also have two English Great-grandparents, one of them was part Welsh.

I don't identify myself as Irish, English or Welsh. I'm Scottish, I don't celebrate St George, St Patrick or St David, truthfully I don't really bother about St Andrew's day either, but I do take pride in Robert Burns.
I'm Scottish. The reason I'm not any of the others is that I was born here, have lived here my whole life and will probably die here. Why would I cling to some tenuous thread going back through time ? Where do you stop ? Most modern theories now believe that the Irish arrived on the island from North Western Spain and Portugal, should they adopt that nationality ? What about the travels over the centuries to get to the Iberian Peninsula ? Why not say they are Austrian or Greek ? Do we follow this nonsense until we identify which bit of the world was the location where the bag like microscopic creature that was our ancestor left the sea and decide we are all actually Chinese ?
I slightly disagree with this. Us Scots Presbyterian’s left these shores many of them to Ulster where they retained their Scottish identity, many went on to North America as the Ulster Scots. I watched a good video recently about how the Jews were not a people connected by religion but more a place and a common heritage. I feel the Scots were the same however over time this has been diluted at home and more so abroad. Irish Catholics however have not had that dilution as the tended to stay in close knit communities when the went abroad and the Roman Catholic church fought tooth and nail to prevent integration in schooling and marriage and when there has been mixed marriages the children tend to be brought up RC. So I get why the retain that Irish identity which may be far removed from the reality of todays Irish just like the American Scots couldn’t be further removed from those who remain in Scotland. Like yourself I have Irish and Scottish heritage proud of both but I am not Nationalistic other than to say that my Presbyterian Scottish and Irish heritage is a big part of who I am today as is the case for many of even if we are not teligious.
I slightly disagree with this. Us Scots Presbyterian’s left these shores many of them to Ulster where they retained their Scottish identity, many went on to North America as the Ulster Scots. I watched a good video recently about how the Jews were not a people connected by religion but more a place and a common heritage. I feel the Scots were the same however over time this has been diluted at home and more so abroad. Irish Catholics however have not had that dilution as the tended to stay in close knit communities when the went abroad and the Roman Catholic church fought tooth and nail to prevent integration in schooling and marriage and when there has been mixed marriages the children tend to be brought up RC. So I get why the retain that Irish identity which may be far removed from the reality of todays Irish just like the American Scots couldn’t be further removed from those who remain in Scotland. Like yourself I have Irish and Scottish heritage proud of both but I am not Nationalistic other than to say that my Presbyterian Scottish and Irish heritage is a big part of who I am today as is the case for many of us even if we are not religious.
I worked with a guy in England who was born in Mayo R.O.I and was a proud Man United fan.
However his 2nd side was Rangers. In the 70s while up in Glasgow he decides to visit both stadiums in the hope he could have a quick look around both.
After having the door shut in his face at the cesspit he was rewarded with a one on one tour of Ibrox (plus pictures of him sat in the dugout with a beer in his hand)!
He had what I think was a old Rangers biscuit tin which looked like a Rangers supporters coach which he bought his work sandwiches in :).
As for English people supporting them....I guess none of them have family members in the Armed Forces.
I was born in the North of Scotland, no RC’s. Parents brought us down to Lanarkshire , Larkhall. Enough said.

Moved down here and after a few years my Mrs son says he is going out with a girl who’s parents are from Greenock. I think I knew my luck was going to run out . No, they all support Rangers :))
Had to unfortunately go in to the city centre yesterday morning around 10ish. Obviously scum fans everywhere, couldn’t help but notice a few of them with English accents around central.

I know there will be some down there that maybe moved down, but it must be hard to be born and bred down there to then come up here and be amongst thousands that hate you and your country. It would definitely make me question my support for sure.

Or maybe they are as confused as the ones up here and also believe they are Irish.

They have loads of fans who serve in the forces.
Exactly it always got me how we were supposed to feel sorry for the Birmingham Six. These people were know IRA sympathisers. The people campaigning to have them released didn’t want the real bombers jailed they just wanted them freed. The British system, were to blame according to them, guilty of a miscarriage of justice but they wouldn’t have been jailed if their mate’s hadn’t blew up Birmingham pubs and the republican community had pointed the authorities in the direction of the real guilty parties.

The amount of leftist I see spouting the myth about Celtic being the good guys and we are all right wing bigots does my head in.
The father of that family was a former Royal Marine.
The Louden plays songs about the UVF and I can assure you It is about the Irish people during the First World War.
I have never been to Ireland, The British, or the foreign part, but people should recognise the debt we ( the free world ) owe these people who died at the likes of The Somme and every other battle as well as the Second World War and all the other Conflicts since then.
It's called Respect
Celtic stopped their charity donations after the first year
Bheast FC and their charity lies, always crease me up

I was born in the North of Scotland, no RC’s. Parents brought us down to Lanarkshire , Larkhall. Enough said.

Moved down here and after a few years my Mrs son says he is going out with a girl who’s parents are from Greenock. I think I knew my luck was going to run out . No, they all support Rangers :))
A lot of Bears in Greenock and Gourock bud
I’ve been down here 45 years and without exception anyone supporting them has Irish parents or manky Scottish parents. The vast majority of English football fans who give a %^*& - and many don’t - favour us. It’s not religion, it’s country and culture.
I know of a Royal Marine who not only attends their games when he's up, he sits in front of the Green Brigade section and posts selfies on Facebook with them behind him and raves about the experience. Meanwhile they're singing songs revelling in the murder of people like him only a few years ago, and they still detest him and his fellow service personnel to this day. It's utterly bizarre.

An absolute shit stain on the name of the Royal Marines.

PM me a name please.

I'd be interested to see if he serves with anyone that I served with.
A wolf in sheep's clothing is Mr Starmer, he's a socialist republican but still the better of 2 evils undoubtedly. The slight positive is he will be pulled in should he try to jump the shark like steptoe
He worked for the crown in England lol he is a barrister
To my dismay a lot of Arsenal fans I know have them as their 2nd team

No one knows anything about Scottish football, the cheating, child abuse case, the IRA etc. People think this hits their reputation but forget that no one pays any attention to that stuff outside the Old Firm bubble

To them its associated with woke lefty anti establishment types. Students in posh areas, liberals, pro Palestine types. They have a vague idea that Celtic are trendier to follow & thats it. And you know what, f uck them. I’d be repulsed if folk like that followed us
When I moved down 87 Arsenal were always them and Irish and not changed
Had to unfortunately go in to the city centre yesterday morning around 10ish. Obviously scum fans everywhere, couldn’t help but notice a few of them with English accents around central.

I know there will be some down there that maybe moved down, but it must be hard to be born and bred down there to then come up here and be amongst thousands that hate you and your country. It would definitely make me question my support for sure.

Or maybe they are as confused as the ones up here and also believe they are Irish.

Inexplicable really.
They wer founded for separation only just like their schools. Nothing to do with charity but to keep Protestants and catholics separate. 2024 and we still have 4/5 year olds going to different schools in their community.
A bloke from Mansfield I meet on holiday every year told me in his opinion any Englishman who supports the scum should be ashamed of themselves.
Sadly however, many of them do.
Had to unfortunately go in to the city centre yesterday morning around 10ish. Obviously scum fans everywhere, couldn’t help but notice a few of them with English accents around central.

I know there will be some down there that maybe moved down, but it must be hard to be born and bred down there to then come up here and be amongst thousands that hate you and your country. It would definitely make me question my support for sure.

Or maybe they are as confused as the ones up here and also believe they are Irish.

I've a friend who's a drummer with a famous Manchester band - Him and all his mates are celtic fans from Salford.

We don't talk football, ever.
For the vast majority, it will be because of the percieved atmospher, the european cup, irish/scottish parents or the fact the liked a particular player who played for them at one point (Larrsson or something like that). I would imagine that for 99% of the fans down south who support them, its nothing more than one of those reasons and they likely dont know or care about the songs and disassociate the team from the green brigades anthems. I suppose we will have catholic players or fans who do likewise/did likewise with no pope of rome or any other percieved anti catholic song.

For most down south, they are too far removed from the goldfish bowl up here to care too much about anything other than the game on the tele.
Will never be able to get my head round it at all ,had the misfortune of sitting close to 2 English scum fans on a train to London and by all accounts they had been fans for years.

Talking about nights in that anti British cesspit Kitty's in town to phoning other Tim's who must have been in an English type WhatsApp group for them.

Speechless on my part ,they even have players like Hart who was pro Queen and Country ,then players like Gary Hoopers brother was a serving soldier was he not.

Money talks but where are people's morals
Got pally with a Forest fan on an Adriatic cruise and he was telling most Forest favour us because we have the same flags as them etc
Probably true about most clubs down there but Catholics who support teams like City, Arsenal, United, both Mersey clubs etc will prefer ‘ them ‘.
The most bizarre place to be is in the army mess during an OF game. Soldiers singing their songs of hate. Talk about mixed up.
You’re seeing the world through our lens OP.

The average Englishman has no real idea what celtic stand for, other then they are catholic and we are Protestant.

The average football fan might know the difference and the causal element of the fan base certainly do, which is why they get a hiding down here.
Exactly it always got me how we were supposed to feel sorry for the Birmingham Six. These people were know IRA sympathisers. The people campaigning to have them released didn’t want the real bombers jailed they just wanted them freed. The British system, were to blame according to them, guilty of a miscarriage of justice but they wouldn’t have been jailed if their mate’s hadn’t blew up Birmingham pubs and the republican community had pointed the authorities in the direction of the real guilty parties.

The amount of leftist I see spouting the myth about Celtic being the good guys and we are all right wing bigots does my head in.
The same ones, or descendants of, on marches for BLM, free Palestine etc.
I think it's a case of how many English/British loathe themselves, so by extension have a soft spot for them and a dislike for us. It was really apparent during the death of the Queen. As a kid that grew up in the 90s it is quite baffling.
I slightly disagree with this. Us Scots Presbyterian’s left these shores many of them to Ulster where they retained their Scottish identity, many went on to North America as the Ulster Scots. I watched a good video recently about how the Jews were not a people connected by religion but more a place and a common heritage. I feel the Scots were the same however over time this has been diluted at home and more so abroad. Irish Catholics however have not had that dilution as the tended to stay in close knit communities when the went abroad and the Roman Catholic church fought tooth and nail to prevent integration in schooling and marriage and when there has been mixed marriages the children tend to be brought up RC. So I get why the retain that Irish identity which may be far removed from the reality of todays Irish just like the American Scots couldn’t be further removed from those who remain in Scotland. Like yourself I have Irish and Scottish heritage proud of both but I am not Nationalistic other than to say that my Presbyterian Scottish and Irish heritage is a big part of who I am today as is the case for many of even if we are not teligious.
One of the most balanced and sensible posts I've ever read on here, mate