Former Motherwell youth coach Bob Allan caged for 18 months for sex attacks on young boys


Well-Known Member
Not a long enough sentence .

At sentencing today he was also placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years.

A former youth coach at Motherwell has been caged for 18 months for sex attacks on young boys.
Bob Allan, an ex-youth development officer at the SPFL club, was found guilty of historical child abuse during the 1980s and 1990s.
At sentencing today he was also placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years.
During a two-day trial the 69-year-old pled not guilty to charges at Glasgow Sheriff Court which forced the victims to recount the horror of abuse.
It came after the Daily Record first published detailed allegations of child abuse carried out by Allan.

Allan sexually assaulted one youngster – aged between 13 and 16 – on an occasion between May 21, 1984 and May 20, 1986, at an address in Cambuslang, near Glasgow.

And on April 7, 1993, at the same address, he carried out another sex attack on a boy of 15.
Allan, who is believed to have started his role with Motherwell in the early 90s, was cleared of unrelated sex offence allegations in the US, which were reported in the Record at the time.

The pervert ran a company – Inter-Global Sports Travel – which organised football trips for youngsters. He was charged in 1997 with committing a lewd and lascivious act upon a child, after a 15-year-old called police in Florida claiming he had been indecently assaulted.
Allan was away with three boys, aged 14, 15 and 16, on a two-week coaching trip.
But just three days into the trip, the boys were sent home and Allan flew back after paying a bail bond of about £1700, and then went into hiding.
Justice, this country is a laughing stock, victims get a life sentence and the perpetrator a token slap on the wrist. They then wonder why people do not come forward to report such crimes, disgusting.
The judicial put in place to protect the public clearly needs completely rethought. Imagine as a parent witnessing your child’s life ruined for ever then watching that monster walk out a court room knowing in all probability he will serve less than a year.
As others have said, 18 months for inflicting a lifetimes misery on the innocent kids he abused. It’s ridiculous.
Sheriffs are restricted by the Governments rules on sentencing, they want as few behind bars as possible to save money.

Making the deterrent not really a deterrent at all.

Chances of actually being prosecuted are slim and if you do it's 9 months in the pokey then be careful for 10 years whilst on the register.

The sentence is a joke, but so is the 10 years on the register bit, there is no curing these animals.
I wonder why it is that paedophiles are treated more leniently by the Scottish courts than elsewhere. Although there are different justice systems throughout the UK, the basic laws and sentencing guidelines are the similar.
I can only surmise that it is due to the malign influence of the Roman Catholic church in Scotland, a church (and it's adherents) that appear to believe paedophilia is not the crime, getting caught is, and even that is a comparatively minor offence.
18 months for abusing children ??

Ffs A Rangers fan got 12 months yesterday for fighting with Wigan fans in the city centre
What the fu*k is wrong with our courts?

18 months for destroying a young child's life.

Sickening. Should be minimum 10 years in my opinion.
Be interested to see a picture of this guy, sure I worked with him years ago, if it is the same guy he was always hanging about the younger guys in the office.
Castration and jail that would maybe put these types off offending.

Even 5 mins with the family should be aloud also.
An 18 month sentence is f.uc.king scandalous.
It won't be too long before being a paedo is considered a "sexual orientation", requiring understanding and empathy. Eventually, anyone condemning the fuckers will be deemed guilty of a "hate crime" - you will be the criminal.
And as for modern sex education in schools? More like sex training. Early conditioning.
Justice, this country is a laughing stock, victims get a life sentence and the perpetrator a token slap on the wrist. They then wonder why people do not come forward to report such crimes, disgusting.
The judiciary in the UK is awash with individuals who condone this type of behaviour.....and that's puting it mildly.
Do you remember him, he took the team 2 years above ours at foxbar united I’m pretty sure
Yes. I remember the guy. He was the main guy at the whole club if I remember correctly. Once his team had got to a certain age he took over running the team I played for.

I wasn't going to post much on him but as you asked i will tell what I know of him and also a bit about the police.

When I played for his team, I had no personal reason to think he was in to boys. That said and looking back with hindsight, he had favourites and these lads tended to be guys whose parents never came to watch or pick them up after training etc. That doesn't prove anything and thankfully my dad regularly came to watch me play.

Sadly the dates he's been convicted of and jailed for coincides with my time at the club and I've no idea if it was an ex team mate / mates of mine were his victims and it repulses me to think that this could be the case. Thankfully the names haven't been released as far as I know as the victims deserve some anonymity.

I eventually chucked that club as I did a few other guys for football reasons. How he ended up at Motherwell baffles as I learned nothing good about the game from him (and the majority of boys club coaches, all they did was take training and pick the team. Sometimes he would move me from striker to right back if the left winger was fast, that's about as tactical as it got)

I never gave him or that club much thought over the years though prior to him we did win the league one year.

Then out the blue many years later he appeared in the news accused of abusing a boy in Florida. He got arrested and subsequently got away with it.

This arrest must have made boy or boys in the UK report him and about two or three years ago I received a call from the police enquiring if I knew him and if he had tried anything with me or did I know if he'd abused any team mates. I answered honestly and the police asked for names of boys that played but they had the names I remembered already. There wasn't much I could say apart from about his favourites.

The whole situation was completely horrible and makes me feel sick for his victims whoever they may be, whether I know them or not. It was encouraging that the police were tracking down players he had managed and obviously put a good case together against the creep. Then the court hand him a sentence that is nothing short of disgraceful.

You never know where these weirdos crop up but they seem to be numerous and devious and like this guy, hiding in plain sight with hidden agendas in running boys football teams and then when they are caught, the sentence is a joke.

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones but i feel horrible, sick for his victims and wish him nothing but misery for the rest of his days.
Remember, a trainee dentist earlier this year walked free after being found guilty of sexual abuse of kids.
Walked free, no jail, no fine, nothing.
He wasnt even added to the register.
I said at the time this was a precedent being set in preparation for leniant dealings in cases that the likes of mentally challengeds and separatists get nervous about.
Scottish justice is a sick joke at present.